Naruto's Eyes Emperor Izuna

Chapter 406 406 The poisonous schemes of the three major powers (Part 2)

According to Bai Jue's report, the three kingdoms of Wind, Earth, and Thunder have secretly reached an agreement.

Each of the three countries dispatched an elite team, preparing to travel around the sea to meet in the southeast of the Country of Fire and attack the Country of Whirlpool.

To be precise, they planned to open a hole in the southeastern part of the Fire Country by attacking the Whirlpool Country.

Although the Kingdom of Whirlpool has not fought a war for decades, it has always maintained friendly relations with the Kingdom of Fire.

In addition, the mother of the current Fire Nation daimyo Senju Tomokazu, Uzumaki Reina, is also a member of the Uzumaki clan, so the Fire Nation has always maintained a good relationship with the Uzumaki Nation.

Although not many ninjas from the Uzumaki clan were directly sent to participate in this battle in Konoha.

In fact, the reason why Konoha has been able to rely on supplies to drag down the enemy to death is that in addition to the very good foundation laid by Izuna and the other three heroes of the Warring States Period, the assistance of the Uzumaki Country is also indispensable.

And now the idea of ​​the three major ninja villages is to gather an elite team and join forces to destroy the Uzushio Village and stab Konoha in the back.

I am afraid that this is the main reason for the destruction of Uzushio Village in the original work.

And I am afraid that the Kingdom of Water has also had a hand in it.

Although the Uzumaki clan is not qualified to participate in Konoha's high-level political affairs, they were involved in the election for the next Hokage after Izuna's "death".

They actually supported Tsunade.

Madara's idea was simple.

He has no feelings for the Uzumaki clan at all. Back then, the Uzumakis had always been against Uchiha.

To this day, Madara doesn't have much affection for the current Uchiha, let alone Uzumaki.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Uzushio Village will be destroyed if it is destroyed. He can also take the opportunity to control Nagato as a puppet for the future resurrection of his reincarnation technique.

And Izuna has no feelings for the Uzumaki clan. The key is his wife Mito...

"Master Quan Nai, your decision is..."

Bai Jue asked aloud.

"According to Madara's wishes, let's do it."

After thinking for several minutes, Izuna finally agreed to Madara's plan.

Over at Mito, he already had a plan.

After receiving no reply from the Kingdom of Water for a long time, the Kingdom of Thunder, Kingdom of Earth, and Kingdom of Wind could no longer sit still.

Faced with the protracted war and the strategy that Konoha could not stick to, they must find a breakthrough.

Since the end of the Warring States Period, there has never been a whirlpool of war, and this is the breakthrough they found.

For a moment, Ai, the future fourth generation Raikage, is the leader.

The three kingdoms of Thunder, Wind, and Earth secretly united an elite force with a total of about two hundred people, including the eight-tailed Jinchuriki Brübi.

Three elite teams from various countries took the water route. According to normal ninja speed, it would only take more than ten days to take the official road. They walked for more than a month.

The slow pace was just to prevent Konoha from noticing their whereabouts.

You must know that Konoha has all kinds of talents.

The Senju clan, who are good at sensing, and the Hyuga clan, who have the Byakugan that can see up to 20 kilometers away, are both good at detection.

Even more terrifying is Uchiha Izuna's Flying Thunder God Technique.

It is even possible to move an army from one country to another in an instant.

Such a terrifying flying thunder god has kept Konoha in an invincible position in the war.

Fortunately, he is dead.

And while thousands of members of the Uzumaki clan were living their usual peaceful lives in Uzushio Village, a raiding force headed by Ai, the future fourth-generation Raikage, broke through Uzushio Village's already lax defense at lightning speed.

It has been forty years since the Warring States Period, and the Uzumaki clan has never participated in a war under the protection of Konoha.

This made their alertness much lower than it was during the Warring States Period.

And this laxity cost them a heavy price.

The Uzumaki clan is now staying in the village, and the strongest ninja level is only the level of jounin elite to peak jounin.

Where is the opponent of the fourth generation Ai who has reached the film level?

When the fourth generation Ai led this 200-man surprise attack in, it was just like Konoha was suddenly attacked by the Kyuubi in the original work, and it was already in chaos.

Countless tribesmen were brutally killed, and finally, with the help of human ninjas, hundreds of tribesmen fled towards the Land of Fire, and some fled in other directions and wandered to other countries.

After knowing this, a quarter of the Uzumaki blood flowed in her body, Senju Tsunade, who was on the battlefield of the Kingdom of Wind, became furious.

Immediately requested the people from the northern battlefield closest to Uzumaki Village, where Sarutobi Hiruzen, Shimura Danzo and others were located, to divide their forces to rescue the fleeing Uzumaki tribe.

And the furious Tsunade wrote unceremoniously in the letter that she must kill Ai, the son of the Third Raikage.

However, when Tsunade's angry letter was delivered to the northern battlefield, it was mercilessly intercepted by Shimura Danzo.


Never divide the troops!

According to Danzo, how could they divide their troops at will when they were facing off against Kumogakure?

In this way, wouldn't it fall into the enemy's trap?

And you, Tsunade, are not Hokage, so what qualifications do you have to issue an order to divide the troops?

When Tsunade received the news that there was no division of troops to rescue the whirlpool in the northern battlefield, she cursed the two old guys Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzo as bastards.

He decided to lead his hundreds of Senju clansmen, and join his father's Senju clansmen from Senju Ren, the leader of the twelve guardian ninja warriors, to go to the Kingdom of Whirlpool for rescue.

Jiraiya was shocked when he saw this and hurriedly stopped him.

Not to mention that the battlefield of the Kingdom of Wind where Tsunade is located is the farthest from Uzushio Village. It will take at least ten days to get there, which is too late.

By the time it arrives, maybe all the enemies will be gone.

More importantly, this plays into the enemy's hands.

Everyone can see that the Three Kingdoms including the Kingdom of Thunder want to use the raid on Uzushio Village to achieve the effect of allowing Konoha to divide its troops for rescue.

This way they can launch a massive attack and break through Konoha's defenses.

What's more, as Tsunade is the battlefield commander of the Kingdom of Wind, leaving without permission is no joke.

However, in the face of Jiraiya's attempt to stay, Tsunade did not answer and punched him directly in the face.

Without looking back, he took his troops and rushed to the Kingdom of Whirlpool.

At the same time, after the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki Uzumaki Rena heard about this, her health deteriorated rapidly.

Senju Tomokazu, the great name of the Fire Country, was very worried when he heard that his mother was seriously ill, so he ordered the Senju Ren who guarded the Twelve Ninjas to lead troops to reinforce Uzushio Village.

The Daimyo of the Land of Fire is not qualified to mobilize Konoha's army.

But don’t forget, Senju Tomokazu is not only the daimyo of the Fire Country, but also the leader of the Senju Clan.

He is qualified to mobilize the troops of the Thousand Hands Clan.

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