Naruto's Eyes Emperor Izuna

Chapter 430 430 All the responsibility lies with me

A rumor has once again circulated in the Konoha ninja circle, but it is not considered a rumor. It can basically be confirmed.

On the eastern battlefield, Konoha's main army led by Sarutobi Hiruzen was defeated in the face of Kirigakure's fierce attack.

And Kirigakure issued a truce condition to Konoha.

Not only must the Vulpix captured by Konoha be returned, but they must also pay sky-high war reparations.

This isn’t the end yet, we still have to cede ground!

This is simply a great shame and humiliation for the Fire Nation, the leader of all nations.

But for some reason, many people began to hold people accountable.

Faced with such a result, a person or a group always needs to take responsibility.

Just like in the original work, the Nine-Tails Rebellion was blamed on the Uchiha clan, and the Kingdom of Thunder tried to abduct Hinata Hinata, but was killed by Hinata Hinata, and was later beaten up.

This responsibility was changed to Hinata Hizashi's younger brother, Hinata Hizashi, to take the blame.

But now, Konoha was defeated, and the Fire Nation faced the humiliation of ceding territory and paying compensation.

More and more people are placing the blame on Hatake Saun.

If other ninjas were afraid of his powerful identity and strength, they would just talk behind his back.

Then the ninjas of the Shimura clan can be said to ridicule in person and show no mercy.

It was very rare that Sagumo Hatake took the time to go to the ninja school to pick up his son Kakashi from school.

I remember the last time I went to pick him up was half a year ago.

"Hey, isn't that Sagumo Hatake?"

"Haha, the sinner who caused our Country of Fire to cede territory and pay compensation has not been put in a prison cell yet."

"It's just because the Third Hokage has passed away, and the Fourth Hokage has not been elected so far, otherwise he should have been punished long ago."

On the way to the ninja school, Hatake Sakumo heard other people's cynicism.

Turning around, he saw that it was indeed two ninjas from the Shimura family.

When Sagumo Hatake, a strong man at the peak of the Kage level, looked over, these two ninjas who were not at the jounin level naturally felt their hearts beating hard.

But remembering the order from above, he plucked up the courage and mocked mercilessly:

"What? You dare to do it but don't dare to let others say it? When did Konoha issue a gag order?"

"This kind of person is actually still a candidate for the Fourth Hokage. If he is really elected, Konoha will be doomed, right?"

After the two of them finished speaking, they walked away.

Hatake Sagumo was trembling all over, clenching his fists tightly, his nails going through his gloves, seeping into his flesh, and blood flowing from them.

Ninja school is out.

The children still don't know the terrible situation on the front line, and many of them still keep their innocent smiles.


The masked little boy ran out quickly and threw himself into Hatake Sagumo's arms with great excitement.

Holding his father's hand, Kakashi was extremely excited. He didn't know how long it had been since his father came to pick him up.

But Kakashi could understand, he knew how busy his father was.

Along the way, Kakashi kept talking.

What kind of ninjutsu have I learned, what kind of new friends have I made, or maybe someone in the class named Uchiha Obito, Metkai or the like is really annoying.

I wish I could say all the accumulated words in one breath.

But Kakashi didn't notice the complexity hidden in his father's eyes.

As the captain of the Anbu and the temporary manager of Konoha, Hatake Sagumo naturally has to report to the daimyo Senju Tomokazu.

He naturally also knew how harsh and excessive the conditions proposed by Kirigakure were.

But there is no way, if you are not strong enough, you can only admit defeat.

When Uchiha Izuna was alive, other countries also felt the same powerlessness towards the Fire Nation.

Senju Tomokazu did not blame Hatake Sagumo.

The relationship between the two is quite good, and it can even be said that they are close friends. Back then, they were both under Uchiha Izuna.

They also yearn for peace very much.

But Sagumo Hatake could also see how distressed Senju Tomokazu was because of this incident.

Once signed, Senju Tomokazu will become the first person in the history of the Fire Nation to sign a territorial reparation treaty.

It is very likely that he will be impeached and removed from office!

Don't think that the daimyo is supreme.

This is not the emperor.

Like Naruto, you start to cause your village or country to suffer huge losses, which proves that you are not worthy of sitting in this position.

And Sagumo Hatake knows that the Senju clan, which has now completely declined, is completely supported by the daimyo Senju Tomokazu and the shadow-level powerhouse Tsunade.

And because Tsunade gave up her identity as a Konoha ninja, she also gave up the power in her hands.

In Konoha, the Fire Nation has less and less say.

The people supporting Senju are Senju Chi and this daimyo.

He cannot step down!

"I'm sorry, Lord Daimyo, it was my error in judgment that led to the current crisis."

In the Daiming Mansion, Hatake Sauno was full of guilt and knelt in front of Senju Tomokazu.

Senju Tomokazu waved his hands with a wry smile, "How can I blame you? Originally, Kirigakure was planning a war against the Land of Fire. Even if that didn't happen, they would have thought of other ways to attack, and we couldn't stop them."

If a country wants to launch a war against another country, something as trivial as a fall on the other country's soil can be used as a reason for war.

Qianju Zhihe understands this truth.

However, most other people in the village don't understand.

They just want to find someone to take the blame, or in other words, they want to find a point to vent their anger, a punching bag.

"Lord Daimyo, this time all the responsibility lies with me. Please withstand the pressure and let the Fire Country tide over the difficulties."

Hatake Saunun spoke in a deep voice, as if he had made up his mind.

Senju Tomokazu's face changed slightly, "Zuo Yun, what do you want to do?"

"The responsibility for this defeat lies solely on me!"

With only these words left, Hatake Saunun disappeared into Daming Mansion using the teleportation technique.

"Zuo Yun, don't do anything stupid!"

Senju Tomokazu shouted.

Without knowing any ninjutsu, it was impossible for him to catch up.

the next day

Konoha Village, Hatake's house.

Mrs. Hatake was making breakfast as usual, and said to Kakashi, who was wearing pajamas and had just come downstairs: "Kakashi, please ask your father to come for dinner. He should be in the study."


Kakashi nodded, but there was something strange inside.

what happened?

My father always sits at the dinner table before me.

Kakashi didn't think too much. He opened the study door and saw his father's hunched body with a piece of letter in front of the desk.

Kakashi didn't even read what was written on it, he just walked over and gently touched Hatake Saun's shoulder, "Dad, mom told us to eat..."


The next moment, Hatake Sakumo's body tilted.

Together with the seat, it fell hard to the ground.

There is a sharp knife stuck in the heart!

The next moment, Mrs. Hatake downstairs, as well as several families from the nearby Hatake clan, heard a heart-rending scream.

On the paper on the desk, it was clearly written——

"Responsibility Letter"

Five words!

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