Naruto's Eyes Emperor Izuna

Chapter 460 460 Achieve great things

"Brother! Can you teach me how to throw the shuriken today?"

Unconsciously, two years have passed since the entrance exam for the Ninja School.

On this day, Sasuke, who was already eight years old, ran up to Itachi who was tying his shoelaces and getting ready to go out.

Itachi froze for a moment and said without looking back: "Can't we just go to Father and teach him?"

Sasuke's little face bulged, and he said angrily: "But my brother is obviously better at shuriken... and besides, you promised me last time..."

A hint of helplessness flashed in Itachi's cold eyes, he turned around and waved to Sasuke.

Sasuke was delighted when he saw this, thinking that Itachi had agreed.

He ran over excitedly, but unexpectedly bumped into Itachi's stretched out fingers.


Sasuke said, covering his forehead.

"Forgive me, Sasuke, I'll teach you next time."

After saying this, Itachi disappeared without a trace.

"Ah! Brother!"

Sasuke was furious, but there was no resentment left in his heart.

About fifteen minutes later.

Uchiha Itachi, dressed as an ANBU member, knelt on one knee in the highest conference room in the Hokage Building.

Now, 13-year-old Uchiha Itachi is the captain of the ANBU.

With his strength, it might be possible to take over the position of captain of Sarutobi Shinnosuke one day.

But this possibility is slim.

Because now, Uchiha is already secretly planning an armed coup.

Uchiha Shisui with Kage level, and Uchiha Itachi with quasi-Kage level.

These two talented new stars put Uchiha into a state of expansion.

He thought that his family had returned to its peak when Uchiha Izuna was alive.

Therefore, the power that Sarutobi Hiruzen and the others had taken away should be regained.

However, this is a foolish idea.

Not to mention that neither Shisui nor Itachi are die-hard loyalists to the family.

Even if one day in the future, Uchiha launches a coup in Konoha, they will be on Uchiha's side.

With only one Kage level, one quasi-Kage level and hundreds of fighting ninjas from the Uchiha family, he wanted to fight against Konoha with tens of thousands of ninjas.

You are looking for death! ?

The reason why the Kaguya clan was able to defect successfully was because Kirigakure was supporting them.

However, as Itachi's father, Uchiha Fugaku is not stupid either.

He also understood that Uchiha's strength was indeed very different from that of Konoha as a whole.

Therefore, he also thought of two ways.

The first one is to learn from Kaguya back then and collude with other villages.

Cooperate inside and outside, attack Konoha, and then seize power.

And the person Uchiha Fugaku plans to cooperate with is Kirigakure.

Two years ago, I didn’t know why Konan, Inogaki Kisame, Oniden Mangetsu and others came to Konoha Village.

But it can also be guessed that there was a conflict between the two parties.

If he could see the result of severely damaging Konoha, Kirigakure would be happy to help.

And the second method is Kyuubi!

In other words, it is the current Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki, Uzumaki Naruto.

By releasing the Nine-Tails in Naruto's body, the consequences of severely damaging Konoha were obtained.

It's just that if you want to release the Nine Tails and forcefully break through the seal, you need extremely powerful eye skills.

Uchiha Fugaku cannot do this. Among the Uchiha clan, the only one who can do this is Uchiha Shisui, who opened the Mangekyo Sharingan some time ago.

How did Uchiha Shisui activate the Mangekyō Sharingan?

have no idea!

No matter how the family asked, Uchiha Shisui only replied that he awakened naturally, and he himself could not tell the reason.

After several inquiries to no avail, Uchiha Fugaku and others had no choice but to give up.

As for the "Nine-Tails Release" plan, Uchiha Shisui himself firmly opposed it.

The consequences of the Nine-Tails Rebellion eight years ago were still fresh in Shisui's memory when he was still young at that time.

The young fifth generation Hokage, Namikaze Minato, even sealed the Kyuubi at the cost of his life.

If Shisui wanted to release the Kyuubi again, he would not even die.

Under Shisui's fierce opposition, Uchiha Fugaku and others had no choice but to give up.

After all, Shisui is the strongest ninja in Uchiha now. If he doesn't agree, you can still coerce him?

More importantly, if there is real confrontation between Uchiha and Konoha in the future and an armed coup occurs, Uchiha Shisui can be said to be the most important fighting force.

Can't live without him!

Under such circumstances, Uchiha Fugaku had to give up the plan to release the Nine-Tails, and turned to the method of "unifying the outer villages".

But the reason why the Kaguya clan was successful in the first place was because of Ariizuna's secret planning.

This time, without Izuna's secret assistance, all the things Uchiha Fugaku did were seen by the senior officials.

The most important thing is his eldest son, Uchiha Itachi!

He informed Sarutobi Hiruzen and others of everything his father and Uchiha did secretly.

"You mean, your father wants to repeat what the Kaguya clan did and lead the Uchiha to defect to Konoha?"

Mito Kadoyan spoke in a deep voice.

In addition to him, Hiruzen Sarutobi, Danzo Shimura, and Koharu are also here.

These elderly people, who are now in their seventies, have already turned gray at the temples and have wrinkles on their faces.

"No, my father's idea is to use the oppression of other villages to let the village reuse Uchiha, so as to achieve the purpose of gaining power."

Itachi Uchiha, dressed as an ANBU, knelt on one knee and said in front of him.


Danzo, who was sitting next to Sarutobi Hiruzen, snorted coldly, "Uchiha Fugaku must have seen how serious the consequences of the Kaguya clan's rebellion were. Don't hesitate, Hiruzen. This time, we will strike first. Uchiha takes them all!"

"Don't discuss this in front of Itachi!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned and asked again: "Is there any response from Kirigakure?"

When Kaguya defected, Kirigakure played a big role in it.

Unexpectedly, as times have changed, similar things have happened to Uchiha.

Itachi was silent for a moment and replied: "I don't know yet, and my father doesn't fully trust me and didn't tell me about this."

"The investigation of this matter will be left to you, Itachi. Remember to put the overall situation first."

Sarutobi Hiruzen said solemnly.


Itachi replied in a low voice, and his figure quickly disappeared from everyone's sight.

Koharu turned to bed and looked sideways: "Danzo, how could you say that in front of Itachi? What would happen if he told Uchiha Fugaku about the content of our conversation?"

Danzo said coldly: "At this point, it is no longer important whether Uchiha Fugaku knows about it. It is inevitable to attack Uchiha. Hiruzen, your delaying strategy is simply unnecessary."

"Even after the death of Uchiha Izuna, Uchiha has made countless contributions to Konoha. Don't attack your compatriots casually, Danzo!"

"How hypocritical. Do you think there is room for conversation now? Kaguya's lesson is not enough."

Danzo sneered, "That's all, I don't need you to come forward when the time comes, my [Gen] will take all the responsibility."

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