Naruto's Eyes Emperor Izuna

Chapter 467 467 Whether it is one’s friends, tribesmen or descendants

Itachi didn't know which Uchiha clan's house he came out of.

The blood-stained ninja sword on his hand told what he had done there.

There were no more tears in his eyes, or in other words, they had already dried up.

The convenience store grandma who watched me grow up since childhood.

A female classmate who has a crush on me but has never responded to her.

She doesn't like herself well and is jealous of her male classmates.

A ninja-senpai who is looking forward to his future because of his talent.

But no matter whether it was good or bad for him in the past.

Every time Uchiha Itachi wields his ninja sword, it means that his sins are getting worse!

In any case, he is an executioner, and it has nothing to do with whether he is the mastermind behind the scenes or just the executioner.

Once he took this step, there was no room for him to look back.

After completing all this, there were two roads waiting for Itachi.

First, after meeting with Shisui, let him kill himself, the traitor, on behalf of the Uchiha clan.

Second, wait for Sasuke to grow up and create opportunities for Sasuke to kill his enemy, become a hero of Konoha, and protect Konoha.

Whenever Itachi killed an Uchiha household, ANBU or Root ninjas would immediately sneak into the house and recover the bodies.

Itachi, on the other hand, walked towards the center of the clan with heavy steps.

His next target is the core figure of the current Uchiha clan, that is, his own father!

On the mountainside of the back mountain of the Uchiha tribe.

This is the cemetery of the Uchiha clan.

Some ninjas who did not want to be buried with the Konoha ninja before their death were buried here.

Most of them were people who had experienced the Warring States Period and were of the same era as Izuna.

Uchiha Ise, Uchiha Sashu, Uchiha Flame...

These brothers Izuna and Madara were also buried here.

But in recent years, as the relationship between Uchiha and the village has become increasingly tense, the people of Uchiha have no intention of cleaning.

The weeds that grew up covered up the last name on the tombstone.

But even so, Quan Nai can clearly know it only by relying on his memory.

Which person lies in which tombstone?

"Zuo Xiu, Ise, Yan Huo, Elder Hai..."

Izuna read out the names of those who fought with him in the Warring States Period one by one.

"If you see this scene, you'll probably think I'm crazy, right?"

Quan Nai whispered: "But unfortunately, I am not crazy, on the contrary, I am very sober."

"All of this is for eternal peace. For this, we are willing to sacrifice everything. After the sacrifice, we will usher in new hope, just like the end of the Warring States Period and the arrival of the Ninja Village Era..."

"But this time, it will be more thorough. Our family will be the final sacrifice. To be honest, it is really ironic."

"Whether it is one's friends, clan members, or descendants..."

Under the night sky, a cold wind swept across.

Bai Zetsu, wearing an Akatsuki uniform, slowly emerged from the ground behind Izuna and said: "Izuna-sama, that boy Itachi is probably going to open his Sharingan."

Another meaning of this sentence is that Itachi wants to attack his biological parents!

"If it were me, I wouldn't be able to do it, right?"

Izuna smiled mockingly, if he wanted him to kill Mito...

"Also, the new member Deidara has also been successfully invited."

Bai Jue said again.

"Watch that brat Obito, he feels more and more out of touch with Madara's will."

Izuna sneered.

"Hehe, I think it's very romantic to change the world for the little girl."

Bai Jueguai laughed and dived back into the ground.

In front of your home.

Itachi stayed at the door of the house for a long time.

After fighting all the way until now, his heart should have been paralyzed long ago.

But when the target of the attack shifted to his own parents, how could Itachi attack so easily?

Wait, there's going to be a big battle between father and son, right?

With this thought in his mind, Itachi finally opened the door with trembling hands.

However, when I walked through the entrance hall, walked through the corridor, and walked into my parents' room.

However, Itachi discovered that his parents, who he thought were asleep, were sitting in the middle of the room.

As if waiting for his own arrival!

"Really? You chose their side."

Uchiha Fugaku's tone did not contain the anger and resentment that it should have, but instead had a sense of relief.


Itachi's hands were shaking even more violently. Not to mention his hands, it could be said that his whole body was trembling.

"I know,"

Uchiha Fugaku raised his eyes and said: "I have roughly guessed the causes and consequences of Shisui's defection. He is a responsible man and will never choose such a cowardly approach as running away. The higher-ups must have done something to him. What?"

"But, even so, he did not retaliate against Konoha, but chose to leave silently. He should have seen through that the conflict between Uchiha and Konoha can no longer be alleviated."


Itachi seemed to want to say something, but saw Uchiha Fugaku shaking his head, "I have always wanted to train you and Sasuke to become the two legendary Uchiha brothers like Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Izuna.

But this is not a personal problem. When the Senju clan suffered heavy losses, we were still blinded by the feud and thought that the power of Konoha was about to return to the hands of the Uchiha. But we were stupid and seemed to have forgotten the truth of death. "

"But even so, I want you to know that you are still our pride."

Uchiha Fugaku said solemnly.

The mother, Uchiha Mikoto, just smiled gently and silently supported her husband and son.

"Dad, mom..."

At this time, Itachi was already sobbing.

"Don't cry! Itachi, I just want to ask you one last thing... Sasuke, just please!"

Uchiha Fugaku said earnestly.


Itachi endured the sharp pain in his heart and managed to answer one word.

"You are really a very gentle child."

After getting a satisfactory answer, the two parents said at the same time.

What awaited him next was his biological son, slowly raising the butcher knife.

Two minutes later.

In the eyes of Uchiha Itachi, who was full of tears, the three magatama rotated rapidly.

Finally, a new magatama form formed in the shape of a pair of three darts and large pinwheels.

Uchiha Itachi, Mangekyō Sharingan, open! ! !

The entrance to the Uchiha clan.

Uchiha Sasuke, who was deliberately left behind by his teacher to teach shuriken throwing techniques, only then ran back to his clan while panting.

For some reason, a strong sense of foreboding welled up in his heart.

what happened?

This feeling...what happened?

Sasuke ran towards his home as fast as he could.

He didn't even notice the blood stains on the Uchiha houses on both sides and the strong smell of blood that filled the air!

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