Naruto's Eyes Emperor Izuna

Chapter 471 Chapter 471 The First Hinata

"Sasuke, you guy still always has a bad face!"

Not long after Sasuke joined the classroom, he saw a familiar silly smile approaching him.

After casting an extremely cold look at Naruto, Sasuke walked to his seat.

Naruto, who took the initiative to say hello, was completely stunned.

The look in Sasuke's eyes just now gave him an incredible feeling.

how to say?

Normally, the way Sasuke looked at him was just impatient or unhappy.

But this time, it was completely cold, exuding instinctive rejection.

That feeling made Naruto feel cold in his bones.

With his apparent identity as an ordinary orphan, it was naturally impossible for him to know the bad news that happened to Uchiha.

A whole day's work.

Whether it's Naruto as his happy enemy, or Sakura Ino and other girls who are often obsessed with Sasuke.

For a whole day, I was intimidated by the aura of keeping strangers away from Sasuke, and I didn't dare to get close.

After the school bell rang, Sasuke still left alone.

Sakura Ino and others fully interpreted the dog-licking style. Although they did not dare to say hello, they still followed quietly.

Sasuke does not live in the Uchiha clan now, but in a residence arranged for him by Hiruzen Sarutobi.

The explanation is: I hope Sasuke can forget his grudges.

After all, Sasuke is only an eight-year-old child. He doesn't think much about what is behind this, and he doesn't have the ability to think about it.

All he wants to do now is to keep getting stronger and stronger, so strong that he can defeat Itachi!

Naruto stared blankly at Sasuke who left and Sakura and others who followed him quietly. Naruto, whose chakra was still disturbed by the nine tails in his body, after being stunned for a while, decided to use him as his number after a long absence. I don’t have much living expenses to eat a meal at Ichiraku Ramen.

But all he could think about was Sasuke.

What happened to that stinky guy?

And in the window of the classroom where no one noticed.

Hinata Hinata, who is now eight years old, quietly put away her things.

Two years ago, she entered the ninja school with the same results as Uchiha Sasuke, tied for first place.

And in two years, he has maintained the first place in the school year.

That's right, number one.

Even Uchiha Sasuke was no match for her.

But because his personality is too soft, he doesn't like to be in the limelight, and he is not good at communicating with others, he has always had a low sense of presence in the class.

There are many young boys who have some special feelings for Hinata, but as they grow older, they know what the "Hinata" family is.

In addition, as a woman, Hinata is stronger than him, which also creates Hinata's sense of nobility as a goddess that "can be viewed from a distance but not played with".

At a young age, he has already learned the Sixty-Four Bagua Palms and mastered the use of Byakugan quite proficiently.

Apparently Hinata didn't show any talent until she was six years old.

Not only her father Hinata Hinata but also her cousin Hyuga Neji who is one year older than her and is also in the ninja school are extremely shocked.

They all didn't understand how Hinata could improve so much during a period two years ago.

But Hinata Hizu didn't think much about it.

Just think of Hinata as a late bloomer.

What's more, as his eldest daughter is so outstanding, why should he be dissatisfied?

However, the relationship between Hinata and Hinata Hinata is not so much that of father and daughter, but rather that they are forcibly tied together by blood ties, as former descendants of the Hyuga family.

Hinata felt that even though she showed improvement in strength, her father was only strengthening her training.

The way to accompany yourself is basically through cultivation.

Things that ordinary fathers and daughters would do, such as visiting temple fairs and buying clothes, had never been done by Hinata with her father since she could remember.

After packing her things, Hinata didn't go home immediately.

Instead, he came to the lakeside training ground.

She likes to come here to train. This is the training ground where she and "Ms. Izuna" spend time together.

I remember Mr. Izuna once said that he liked to watch nature. When he was young, he rarely had such opportunities. As he grew older, he liked it more and more.

After two years, Hinata's short hair has grown into a shoulder-length bob, making her look even cuter.

This was also what Quan Nai said when he was taking a break from practicing.

He said that if Hinata was his daughter, he would definitely make her more beautiful and have long hair.

At that time, Izuna said this in a joking manner.

But Hinata silently remembered it in her heart.

Standing by the lakeside, Hinata silently showed the starting position of Hinata's Soft Fist.

Breathing out gently, he concentrated the chakra on his fingertips and spun his steps, trying to release the chakra and spin it out.

Hinata's spinning speed became faster and faster, and when the chakra pouring out from her fingertips gradually formed a ball, unexpectedly at the last moment, her steps were disrupted and she was dispersed by the surging chakra.

Hinata staggered two steps and almost fell down. She said to herself in frustration: "It still failed..."

If any other members of the Hyuga family saw this scene, they would be stunned with horror.

Because what Hinata just practiced was the secret technique of the Hyuga family - Kaiten!

He started cultivating Huitian at the age of eight!

Even in the Warring States Period, it was extremely rare, let alone the Ninja Village Era.

Hinata looked up and found that the sunset, which had already set halfway when school was over, was now completely submerged under the horizon.

It's already evening.

I have been practicing for a long time without realizing it.

Because her strength has improved, even if Hinata is practicing alone outside, her father will not talk about her.

Hinata comes here almost every day just to see that person again.

Just like a daughter looking forward to her father's return from an expedition.

Unconsciously, two years have passed.

Hinata breathed a sigh of relief and ran quickly towards the Hyuga tribe in the village.

She heard something about what happened to the Uchiha clan.

But she didn't know much. Anyway, during the recent period, except for her classmate Uchiha Sasuke, she had not seen anyone from the Uchiha family.


Hinata had just returned home not long ago. She was only three years old this year. Her younger sister Hinata Hanabi, who had just learned to speak, came over with a sweet voice and said.

Hanabi is also very cute. At this age, it's natural to not know what the future will be like, but her pink face and milky voice can easily inspire women's maternal instincts.

Just like Mito who always liked to tease Tsunade just after she was born.

Hinata smiled, picked up her sister, and coaxed: "Hanabi, are you good at home today?"

"Hanabi is very well-behaved. She even started practicing chakra with Tokuma."

Hanabi's milky voice came out of her mouth.

The second son of a large family, he began to learn how to concentrate chakra not long after he almost learned to speak.

During the Warring States Period, it was even more exaggerated.

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