Naruto's Eyes Emperor Izuna

Chapter 60 60 The magic is successful


With the black flame attached to his body, it was naturally impossible for Keiji to continue to maintain his ninjutsu. He fell to the ground in fear, covering his hands with chakra, trying to wipe away the black flame.

However, the result was that the flames spread throughout his body faster, and he finally lost his mind in extreme pain.

The moment Amaterasu succeeded, Izuna stopped caring about Keiji's situation and quickly ran to the home of the old man named "Hihiko".

According to previous observations, this old man is considered a teacher in the village.

In such a small village, there shouldn't be a secret room dedicated to storing ninjutsu like Uchiha or Senju.

Then the possibility of putting it in his home is the highest.

The door was not locked, and I am afraid they did not expect that an intruder would suddenly appear today after not having contact with the outside world for decades.

The decoration in the house is extremely simple, with wooden tables, wicker chairs, tea sets...but there is no bookshelf full of ninjutsu scrolls that Izuna hopes to see most.

"As a ninja, it's impossible not to have one."

Izuna whispered.

As long as you are a ninja, you will definitely record your clan's ninjutsu in detail, in order to prevent users from unfortunate accidents and to continue to pass on the techniques.

Izuna put her hands on the wall and opened the Sharingan while groping for it.


Suddenly, Quan Nai touched a strange pit behind a mural.

The mural was very ordinary, a forgery by a famous painter. After Quan Nai pulled it open, he found that there was a small hole behind it that could barely be touched with the palm of his hand.

Quan Na did not rush to put his hand in, but created a new shadow clone and let the shadow clone do the work.

Quan Na's shadow clone put his hand into it. When it reached the end, he raised his eyebrows and said to the main body: "There is a ring inside."

"Try to pull it."

Izuna said.

The shadow clone nodded, clasped the ring with his fingers, and began to pull it out.

The next second, the shadow clone's expression changed, and with a sound of "Bang!" it disappeared and turned into white smoke.

The memory of the shadow clone was transmitted to Quan Nai's mind. After pulling the ring inside, a weapon such as a kunai or a dagger was thrust out from above the inside of the wall, piercing the palm of the shadow clone and disappearing. .

"Fortunately, I used a shadow clone."

Izuna created another shadow clone. At this time, he really envied the Hyuga family's supercilious eyes. In their eyes, there was no way to escape any trap.

After using five shadow clones in a row, Izuna cracked this mechanism.

The pull ring inside is not for pulling, but for turning. Most people will naturally use the pull ring when they encounter the pull ring.

If someone had thought about the magic scroll here before him, his end would have been to have his arm pinned, and he would either have to cut off his arm and run away, or wait for people like Ri Yan to come back and kill him.

A thin crack appeared in the middle of the wall with murals in front of him, and it opened to both sides. What caught Quan Nai's eyes was a two-meter-high bookshelf covering the entire wall.


Quan Na quickly took one of them and opened it.

It recorded a list of people from this clan who went berserk or died violently due to their natural ability to absorb natural energy from more ancient times. This was not something Izuna needed.

No matter how suspicious Hihiko and others would be when they came back afterwards, Izuna just took one and pulled it away to look at it. If it wasn't what she wanted, she threw it behind her.

In the back mountain ten miles away from the village, more than 20 ninjas headed by Hihiko surrounded Keiji, who was transformed by Izuna Kage's clone.

"Why, how could it be possible? Didn't Keiji just ask us to catch the intruder? Why is he here?"

Everyone looked at a loss. Just now, Keiji said that there was an intruder and asked them to come over to help catch the person. But after catching up, they found that the intruder and the person who notified them were actually the same person.

After hearing this, Riyan was shocked. After thinking for two seconds, Riyan raised his head and shouted: "No, you have been fooled! Return to the village immediately!"

As soon as his voice changed, he looked at the impostor in the middle again, "Catch him!"

Everyone was just about to take action, but saw the other party form a "mo" seal with one hand, then turn into white smoke and disappear.

They have all seen this effect before, it is a clone technique! can there be a clone technique that can move freely and even release ninjutsu?

"Don't worry so much, go back to the village quickly!"

It was too late for Riyan to think more at this time. He only knew that something had happened in the village.

As for this unprecedented clone technique, he was not too surprised.

Ninjutsu was invented in the first place, so it is not surprising that new ninjutsu were developed during the period when his clan was living in seclusion.

After pulling out most of the scrolls in the bookshelf and throwing them behind, Izuna finally found the scrolls he needed.

The first one is, of course, about the specific cultivation methods of immortality, but it is a bit wrong to just call it immortality.

Because people of this tribe are naturally capable of absorbing natural energy, their ninjutsu contains senjutsu chakra.

They cannot be completely equated with real senjutsu users like Senju Hashirama and Uzumaki Naruto.

The other is a clan that is born with a physique that can absorb natural energy, leading to rampage and even violent death. Each generation of rulers or masters in the clan who can master the Chakra of the Senjutsu write their own opinions on the Chakra of the Senjutsu. , as well as recording methods to prevent Senjutsu Chakra from becoming rampant.

Just when Izuna had just put the two scrolls into his ninja bag, Hihiko's cold voice came from behind, "The last time an intruder entered here was thirty years ago, but he was caught in a trap. Finally, he cut off his arm and ran away. Unexpectedly, someone more powerful came this time. He not only cracked the mechanism, but also killed three of us..."

Not only Riyan, dozens of people from the entire street have gathered around the hut, surrounding them.

Izuna turned her back to Hihiko and others at the door, so that they could not see her face.


Izuna said with a smile, turning her back to Hihiko and the others.


Before Riyan and the people behind him understood what the other party meant, they saw that the other party had disappeared out of thin air.

"Instant, instant body technique? No, not instant body technique! But, but..."

A Jonin next to Hihiko thought it was a teleportation technique, but immediately denied it.

In the final analysis, the teleportation technique is just a kind of fast movement, not instant movement.

The only exit door is blocked by his own clan. No matter how strong a ninja is, there is no way he can escape with the teleportation technique!

With a sullen face, Riyan quickly walked into the room and quickly sorted through the scrolls that were lost on the floor and the remaining scrolls on the bookshelf, while the others quickly searched the entire island for intruders.

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