Naruto’s God Tree’s Fruit in Other World

Chapter 1005: Luxury training room

Pyramid tip.

There is only one practice room here, and it has been sealed for a long time, because no one has walked in here since the completion of the construction!

And now, here finally ushered in his first host, Lin Chuan!

The huge stone gate was slowly pushed away by Lin Chuan's spiritual power, and the sound of the roar caused the whole pyramid to tremble, as if cheering and worshiping.

After coming here, the pressure has become extremely horrible. Even Lin Chuan cannot completely resist it, especially the coercion from the monks has already reached the level of refining the virtual period. This is what the monks in the fit period can The most powerful force left here, after all, is just the breath engraved here, and they cannot perfectly simulate their own coercion.

But even so, every step that Lin Chuan took, it seemed like he was carrying a mountain of heavy weights, and the force of that weight was not only on his body, but also on his soul!

The Capricorn Bible actually promotes Lin Chuan's soul so much that his spiritual strength is far beyond the level of cultivation, but now it is the later stage of deification, and even the state of great consummation, and the coercion here has reached the period of refining deficiency This is also a huge test for Lin Chuan!

However, from another aspect, there is room for improvement under pressure. Lin Chuan believes that as long as he continues to cultivate here, even if his cultivation will not break through in the near future, he will definitely take the lead in practicing imagination. To the extent of this, his strength will definitely have a large leap by then, but Lin Chuan is still not clear about the specific changes.

"The concentration of Reiki is not as strong as when I was in Ninja, but it is not much worse. Just the exercise of this coercion on the body and soul can resist too much lack of Reiki!"

Lin Chuan is smiling, even though his body and soul are struggling and fighting in varying degrees, he is still smiling!

The process of growth may be painful, but that result is full of expectations!

Tangerine lay on Lin Chuan's shoulders, and looked a bit listlessly around him, then completely lost interest in it, closed his eyes and went to sleep.

Spiritual pressure, the monk's coercion, seemed to have no effect on it at all, it was still elegant and lazy, and there was no change from before.

Lin Chuan has long known the extraordinaryness of this orange cat, but the orange cat did not show that he did not delve into it. Both of them knew something, but they did not say it, as if there was an unspeakable tacit understanding. !!

Lin Chuan's pace was very slow. When he walked through the long corridor and came to the core area of ​​the training room, he was stunned by the sight in front of him!

Gorgeous and complex spiritual gatherings, the king-level magic futons that can improve perception, the obscure scriptures engraved in the air, all show that the Nakagawa continent's shots are extraordinary!

The situation here is obviously not even clear to Shangdie Che, because no one has been here, Lin Chuan believes that such a luxurious practice treatment is probably the only one in the entire pyramid!

"Unexpectedly, what you have prepared for future generations and grandchildren is the first person I enjoy!" Lin Chuan whispered to himself.

Moving the pace, Lin Chuan walked hard toward the magic futon that glowed with white light. However, just when Lin Chuan came into contact with the magic circle, five golden figures suddenly appeared around him. They waved around, everyone could not see clearly, but the terrible breath made people immersive.

At the moment when these five people appeared, two brilliant shots were shot in each of their eyes, and they came straight to Linchuan's body!


The moment these ten golden rays fell on Lin Chuan, they turned into countless mists, and instantly entered Lin Chuan's body.

"not good!!!"

Lin Chuan's face suddenly changed. He felt that his body was seen through in an instant. The mist seemed to be looking for something, and kept flowing around Lin Chuan's body. However, as time passed, they did not seem to find it. What I want to find.

"This is ... looking for the breath of Nakagawa ... Damn ... I forgot this ..." Lin Chuan's face was ugly.

He did not expect this step, these monks in the fit period are still so cautious, they will check whether the people who enter here have the identity of Nakagawa mainland.

At this moment, the mist turned into Linchuan did not find the breath of Zhongchuan continent, and immediately caused a chain reaction. The five unidentified spiritual bodies immediately began to riot, and the body was actually visible to the naked eye. Speed ​​swells.

"This is to ... self-explode ... I'll go to your mother ..." Lin Chuan cursed, his face changed so much that he had no time to think about the other, and immediately launched his mighty power!

This is the spirit that the five monks in the fit period stay here. Even if there is no strength in the fit period, the strength of the refining period is more than enough. The five monks in the refining period blew themselves at the same time, let alone the pyramid. The government should be turned into nothing!

In fact, if you think about it, you can understand that UU reading books www. If people without the atmosphere of Nakagawa can enter this practice room, it also means that the entire Wuxianfu has been completely occupied. In this case, the pyramid cannot be cheaper for outsiders, so destroying the entire Xianfu together is The last choice was made.

It's just that they are countless, and did not expect that there will be a Yuan Ying monk who is proficient in space ability can come here directly without passing through the entrance of Xianfu.

Unfortunately, everything was too late. The appearance of Lin Chuan touched the self-detonation process of Wuxianfu, leaving everyone in Xianfu in a state of utter danger.

At this moment, Lin Chuan can no longer take care of the others, and can only do his best to burst out my pupils and make his body nihilistic!

On the side, the orange cat lying lazily on the ground raised his head at the moment, a pair of vertical pupils exuding a touch of golden mang, and quietly stretched out a cat's claw, toward the five expanding spirit bodies in the air. Take it.

However, its paw reached halfway, but it suddenly stopped, then slowly retracted, and the golden vertical pupil looked at Lin Chuan, and finally fell down again and closed his eyes.

At this time, Lin Chuan was also stunned, because the devastating atmosphere just disappeared.

"How come back ..."

Lin Chuan came back from shock, and suddenly found that the mist that had entered his body even hovered in his mental power for a moment, and then returned to the five spirits. It was their return that made them ready to explode. Five fit monks stopped the riots.

"So it is !!!! Although my flesh has lost the breath of Nakagawa mainland after reincarnation, my soul still has it!"

At this moment, Lin Chuan was finally relieved!

Fortunately, no self-destruction!

(End of this chapter)

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