Naruto’s God Tree’s Fruit in Other World

Chapter 1055: The terrible fire is gone (thanks to the giant panda xl ten thousand book coins ...

As the voice fell, the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye in Lin Chuan's eyes suddenly appeared, and the focus of his eyes fell on the void around the ancient tree of Wudao.


The black sky shines and the black flames burst out silently, and the effort in the blink of an eye surrounded the area around the ancient tree of Wu Dao, so that the monks who rushed in evaded and did not dare to move too far forward!

"Qinglong, what do you mean? Wudao ancient tree is a thing of the floating temple, don't you want to swallow it alone, and don't take our monks in the floating spirit realm too seriously!" As a defensive circle, the entire tree of Wudao was wrapped, and everyone immediately looked at Lin Chuan who performed pupil technique.

"Huh, I realized that the ancient trees are real. What qualifications do you have to scream here? Get off!" Lin Chuan's cold voice sounded, which contained a real killer.

At this moment I realized that the ancient trees had not fully grown up, Lin Chuan didn't know what would happen next, and could only wait to form a defensive circle with Tianzhao Heiyan, just in case, really strong For people like Soul Soul Sect and Gongzi Skeleton, there are ways to break through his skylight melanoma, but using skylight to block these miscellaneous fishes is a good choice.

Lin Chuan's idea is very simple. Since he cannot get it for the time being, he should also prevent others from getting it.

"Huh! Who knows who discovered this ancient Tao tree, you rarely pretend to be here. The person who should get rid of you is almost the same. You weren't one of us in the Puppet Realm, and you should roll back to your Nanming mainland as soon as possible! "Another monk jumped out and cursed.

"That is, when no one in our floating spirit realm can't do it, anyone who comes to an indigenous continent wants to plunder our cultivation resources. I let you know what it means to be heaven and earth!"

"As the saying goes, the strong dragon does not suppress the ground snake, your blue dragon is very strong, but it is best to converge when we come to our floating spirit domain, otherwise you may not see the sun in the mainland of Nanming!"


The casual repairs who spoke at the scene yelled at Lin Chuan. It is true that the preciousness of the ancient trees has exceeded the common sense of the public. If they don't fight for this time, then this fairy, they will not need to repair it!

Besides, who can stand here, which is not Tianjiao, the gate of the floating spirit realm. Before Lin Chuan grabbed the Tianzhu Stone Pillar with his strength, they could still open one eye and close one eye, but the ancient tree of Wudao can never give up. of.

Lin Chuan's eyes froze slightly, his right hand suddenly lifted, and one-handed knots were printed. Ninjutsu was almost instantaneous.

"Xianfa, Huoyan, and Haohu went out!"

The purple-gold immortal chakra spreads in the meridians of Linchuan, turns into a billowing flame, and bursts out from his mouth. The fiery breath erupts and opens instantly, and countless flames fill the entire hall. Tian Zhao's silence was silent, but the extinguishing of the mighty fire was so prestigious that he almost swept the monks who had spoken almost in the blink of an eye.

Most of these people are in the period of the Yuanying period, and they are on the same level as Lin Chuan, but the gap between their strengths has reached a level of a large order.

At this moment, although a group of monks were shocked that Lin Chuan really dared to attack everyone, but it was not unprepared. As long as they provoked Lin Chuan, they were already setting up defenses. At this moment, they were facing sudden emergence. The fire was fierce, and everyone either dodged at a fast speed or resisted by defensive means.

Generally speaking, such instant spells are not too strong, because powerful and deep spells basically take time to mobilize huge spiritual power, and the tricks they cast will be more complicated. Lin Chuan ’s spell was instantaneous. Hair, then there is no need for everyone to take it too seriously.

However, what happened next was beyond everyone's expectations, including Lin Chuan himself!

The fiery golden red flame wrapped the entire hall in an instant, almost all the monks who rushed in swept into it, but this is not the end. The flame's range continued to explode after breaking away from Lin Chuan's control. In the blink of an eye Within a few kilometers of the circle, the kung fu has turned into a sea of ​​fire, and the terrible power has long exceeded everyone's imagination. At this moment, the stern roar rang through the eighth floor of the floating temple.

Ni Xuanzhi's mouth was drawn fiercely, and he looked at Lin Chuan with a stagnation in his face.

She has seen Lin Chuan cast this spell before, but compared to this moment, the power seems to be not the same spell at all, and this is an instantaneous spell, but the power is already comparable to the stunt of the bottom of the box of most fire monks It's just dazzling.

"Natural property Chakra ..."

At this point, Lin Chuan had already returned to his thoughts and looked at the ground in shock.

Unconsciously, Chakra, a natural attribute, has poured wildly from the ground. All his previous attention was focused on the ancient tree of Wudao, ignoring this matter, but when his ninjutsu came out, this richness The natural attribute of Chakra's increase in his ninjutsu appeared immediately, as if the entire area was filled with flammable and explosive gas, and was instantly ignited by his fire, which directly magnified his jutsu power. Times ~ ~ Lin Chuan's eyes flowed, and he quickly discovered the change of the skylight melanitis. This silent black flame was also burning fiercely, the tongue of fire was several times higher than usual, crazy Spreading around the ancient trees of Wudao, it almost turned into a black sky. However, such a horrible flame consumes little of Chakra and spiritual power of Linchuan, apparently using Chakra, a natural attribute, as fuel.

The fiery golden red flames burned three or four times longer than usual. When the flames burned out, more than half of the previous thirty monks lost their lives under the fire of Lin Chuan and died. More than a dozen people are also embarrassed, and some have been burned seriously, and the only ones who are still intact are the ones who paid the price of the magic weapon to save their lives.

"You ... you are a demon ... you are not a human ..."

At this moment, everyone looked at Lin Chuan's eyes full of panic, and it was almost impossible to describe their inner fear at the moment.

Just an instant move, it burned a dozen Yuanying monks, and even gave them no chance to escape. Such a strength, if not for their own eyes, experience for themselves, how dare they not It is believed that this handwriting was from a successful monk in the Yuan Dynasty.

"It seems that Brother Qinglong also deliberately concealed his strength before. It really made me wait and see, but you treat my monks in the Phantom Realm like this a little too much!"

As the crowd backed in horror, a group of people went from far to near, and went straight to Linchuan without fear. The person headed by them was the young master of the Heavenly Sect, the lord's skeleton!

Thanks for the panda xl-10000 book coin reward! Thank you Linqin for the reward of 100 books!

(End of this chapter)

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