Naruto’s God Tree’s Fruit in Other World

Chapter 1071: Ni Xuanzhi's Test

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However, Ni Huanzhi didn't insist too much, just asked a few questions and then believed in Lin Chuan and handed out the body.

After receiving the corpse, Lin Chuan did not extract his soul and return to the body, but let a part of the soul power enter the body, and extracted the fruit of the sacred tree in Dan Tian's body Dantian, and included it into the Among the fields.

For Lin Chuan, he could do a lot of things at this time. He would not give up this physical body easily. Even if it was not used in the end, he could bring it back to the Nanming continent and do payne for the funeral. After all, The body of the strong man during the deification period is still difficult to find.

However, at this moment, Ni Huanzhi's look suddenly changed, and then the purple Qiong Jianjue was immediately cast. A huge purple iris appeared immediately, and then chopped down towards Linchuan, giving Linchuan no time to react at all.

Facing this sudden attack, Lin Chuan took a moment's notice, but soon came to understand! At the next moment, his black eyes suddenly turned into blood, and seven black hook jade emerged, spinning rapidly.

After doing all these things, I have no next move, but let Ni Xuanzhi's Jianguang fall down.

Shenwei's incorporealization was launched, and Jian Guang passed through his body without causing any harm.

At this moment, Ni Huanzhi finally showed a smile, confirming that the person in front of him was Qinglong, not the puppet that devoured Qinglong's soul.

This sword was used by Ni Huanzhi when he first met Lin Chuan, and the avoidance method used by Lin Chuan was also the incorporealization used at the time!

Although this kind of thing is not a secret after being devoured by the soul, if it was a dragon who swallowed the Qinglong, then in such a short period of time, it would be impossible to master the space pupil magic power that Qinglong would use, and Ni Huanzhi would not give Lin Chuan thinks about time and launches an attack directly in order to verify who is swallowing who.

"You are really careful!" Lin Chuanqing said, but also gave a high evaluation of Ni Huanzhi's caution.

"If you don't do this, I really can't believe who you are!" Ni Xuanzhi laughed, confirming the identity of the person in front of her, and finally her hanging heart let go.

"What are you going to do next?" Ni Xuanzhi asked after looking at Lin Chuan's body.

"Find a way to swallow the charm and puppet!" Lin Chuan said without hesitation.

"You ... Do you want to swallow them both? Is this ... too dangerous ..." Ni Xuanzhi showed a surprised expression.

After all, I wanted to swallow Lin Chuan's soul, but it was back bitten, but now it is definitely not that simple to take the initiative to devour the other two soul sons. If the soul of the soul refining soul son swallows so well, then This is not the soul refining sect.

"Rest assured, I found a way to devour the souls of other soul sons in your memory. This is their destiny of soul refiner soul sons. I just realized it for them!" Lin Chuan simply refined the soul after speaking. The secret of the trick explained a bit.

After discovering the secret before, Lin Chuan also found a way to devour other souls, which is why he dared to do so.

"The soul-refining sect ... is really cruel, not only to outsiders, but also to their own ..." After listening to 魑 charm 魍 魉 future to enhance the soul-refining tactics by engulfing each other, Ni Huan said heavily.

Lin Chuan did not comment, but did not express any comment on this, but took off the [Xiao] ring and transmitted a voice to Xianguandie Che.

"How is your situation over there?"

After a while, a slightly excited voice sounded.

"Master, did you succeed?"


"Our Nakagawa side is dominated by defense for the time being, while the Soul Refining Sect is fighting Gongzi Skeleton. From the current situation, Gongzi Skeleton seems to occupy a certain upper point. The power of this fairy ware in the town boundary is Too big! "Said Shangguan Dieche.

"Gongzi Skeleton hides his strength. If he explodes completely, Charm and Aya will die long ago!" Lin Chuan said.

When the two iconic things of the town boundary plate and Diyin Jue appeared on Gongzi Skeleton at the same time, he had confirmed that Gongzi Skeleton was the Prince's Skeleton of Xianfu at the beginning!

It's just that the two people are still different, the most likely situation is the avatar!

Because he was in Xianfu at the beginning, Prince Ziku knew a lot of secrets of Lin Chuan, the most deadly of which was the beauty under the moon. Now, it seems that Gong Zi skeleton has no reflection on Lin Chuan. What happened during the war, so Lin Chuan concluded that the prince's skeleton should be a clone of the prince's skeleton, and this kind of clone could not communicate with the soul and exchange information at any time like Sanqing Sanqing, otherwise the secret would have been leaked long ago.

"Gongzi Skeleton is still hidden! This ... Then, shall we join forces to get rid of Gongzi skeleton first?" Shangguan Dieche was shocked.

The current male skeleton is invincible in the sea of ​​refining souls, so many people in the refining soul siege can't help it. If it still hides Xiu Wei, who else is his opponent ~ ~ and Lin Chuan also wanted to devour the charm and sorrow of the soul. If he did so, the soul refining sect would inevitably be defeated. At that time, they would be the only ones who faced the skeleton of the prince. Judging from the current situation, even with Lin Chuan may not be able to defeat the male skeleton.

"Rest assured, the Soul Refining Sect still has a second hand and is not weaker than the skeleton of the male possessing the immortal. What we have to do now is to hide our strengths and let the two parties fight each other first and then hurt!"

After a brief exchange of countermeasures with Shangguan Dieche, Lin Chuan turned to Ni Huanzhi and said, "Go to Zhongchuan now and join them for the time being. I'm going to meet the soul refiners!"

"I see, you pay attention to safety!" Ni Huanzhi nodded.

Lin Chuan turned away, because of the existence of the town boundary disk, he has now exercised a lot of cautious ability to prevent space, in order to prevent the abnormality found by the male skeleton.

After about a moment of incense, Lin Chuan returned to the edge of the battle between the Soul Soul Sect and the Gongzi Skeleton, exhaling the previously condensed breath.

"Well, how are you recovering? We can't stand it anymore, the skeleton of this male is really terrible!" Swirling spirit came, with a dignity in his rush.

"Swallowed Qinglong's soul, I've recovered almost, I'll come over right away!" Lin Chuan also passed on the situation on his own in the same way, using the peculiar breath of the soul. Strange.

"Okay, as soon as possible!" He said.

Here, after Lin Chuan finished the conversation, he immediately followed the method in his memory. The next moment, his eyebrows suddenly burst, and the thirty-six soul-locking chains suddenly flew out, heading directly to the distant soul-refining mist. Away from the sea!

(End of this chapter)

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