The hands of Mu Yuyi were printed on the chest, and the immortal chakra of the yin and yang attributes flowed out. The body immediately exudes a sense of emptiness, which is different from the fluctuation of spiritual power. This actually makes Mu Yuyi a kind of integration with heaven and earth. It felt that a faint white and black light spot appeared on his body, as if the dust under the light was floating slightly.

As Mu Yuyi's hands continued to work together, this imaginary atmosphere began to deepen. If there were any silk threads around, these silk threads were densely intertwined, disorderly, and constantly changing. Extending in the direction, many disappeared into the horizon, but many also fell towards the surroundings.

The sweat on the forehead of Mu Yuyi gradually leaked out. Obviously, the application of yin and yang is not an easy task for him now. He has been practicing this spell for too short a time, and the entire yin and yang system is very different from other spells in the practice world. It's a big difference, and there are really few places he can learn from.

The time of Banzhuxiang passed, Mu Yuyi finally found some clues from the chaotic silk thread, one of which was connected not far, and there was only a small brown stone there.

Mu Yuyi's heart moved a little, these silk threads pulled by Yin Yang were related to Mu Yu Yi, there must be some kind of relationship between each other, and based on Mu Yu Yi's accomplishments on Yin Yang, he can see The causes and effects that come out must be deeply connected, and he can't see anything that is too simple.

For example, Yu Yuyi once rested on a stone, then there is a causal relationship between them, but this cause and effect relationship is too simple, the ability of Yu Yuyi is not clear, but if this stone is Yu Yuyi for a long time Where the retreat is, the situation is different.

And the cause and effect seen from the yin and yang technique are actually divided into the past and the future. Like the founder of the yin and yang sect, Qing Ming, he can see the cause and effect of his future. This is an extremely terrible ability, and now the wooden feather can only look at it. The cause and effect in the past, that is, the cause and effect that has already occurred.

"There must be something wrong with this stone!" Mu Yuyi's hands gradually lowered, and the eyes of the reincarnated eyes fell on that stone.

The brown stone was lying in the grass on the ground, and it looked like there was no special place. No matter how the reincarnation eyes of the wood feather clothes looked, there was no difference in the stones. Stone is in touch with himself, so after looking closely, he still finds something weird.

This battlefield space is where the five courtyards are compared. It will only be opened once in decades. If a stone is always in this place, the ground will leave traces and blend with the surroundings, but this stone is different, like Just put it on the ground, these subtle things will not pay attention to when exploring a large area, but when you look carefully at the wooden feathers, you can find the difference.

However, due to the 360-degree vision of the reincarnation eye, Mu Yuyi did not look directly at the stone, but faced it away, which made the action of Mu Yuyi very confusing.

Moaning for a moment, Mu Yuyi snorted, and said, "Since I can't find you, I will completely destroy this area, and I don't believe you can keep hiding!"

At the next moment, Mu Yuyi directly began to cast magic tricks, a large amount of cold air broke out from his body, and the surrounding hilly area was frozen at a fast speed.


The crystal clear ice completely changed the surrounding environment in a short time, and with the continuous invasion of winter cold, numerous rocks and mountains appeared cracks, which is the ultimate destructive force brought by the ice cold.

Uh ...

Pieces of rock were directly exploded by freezing, and the ice burst wherever Yu Yuyi passed formed a avenue directly following the Yu Yuyi's continuous spread.

That is, under the cover of the winter, Mu Yuyi quietly took out the beauty of the moon from the storage ring, the immortal chakra injected into it, and the sword body immediately became transparent, but there was no breath.

And in order to relax the vigilance of the stone that may be Lu Boyu, Mu Yuyi did not approach there, but gradually moved away, but before that, Yu Yuyi was quietly imprinted with thunder magic in an explosion of ice crystals. Style, let that piece of ice crystal fall near the stone.

Even after everything was ready, Mu Yuyi's eyes were frozen, and suddenly he knew what to do.

"Flying Thundercraft!"


The figure of Mu Yuyi disappeared directly from the air, and when she reappeared, she had already come to the side of the stone. The beauty under the moon cut through the space, and even the golden silk formed by the town boundary was cut off by the sword next to the moon Chopped on that fast brown stone.

"Ahhhhh ..."

A loud scream erupted from the stone, and a large number of black tentacles spread out instantly. They wanted to block the attack under the moon, but they were all cut off when they came in contact with the moon.


The gloomy sword light fell on the brown stone. After a slight meal, the stone transformed by Lu Boyo burst into pieces, and the terror of the waves broke out. UU reading directly put the shape of the wooden feather clothing. Take off.

Everything around was torn. Although Lu Boyo has lost his body, he still has a terrible strength when he knows that he is dead or not. If it wasn't for Mu Yuyi, he instantly relied on the pupil of the rebirth eye. Force to leave through space, this time is enough to make Yu Yuyi seriously injured.

"Cause and effect ... you have learned yin and yang ... you shouldn't have let you enter Tianxuan Tower ... really shouldn't ..."

Lu Boyo's voice came at the last moment, but it was already so weak that it slowly dissipated between heaven and earth.


Mu Yuyi spurted blood and his face was a bit pale. Although Lu Boyo died, this battle was never easy. He had previously obtained such a great advantage by relying on a sneak attack, but he was still injured at the last moment. How terrible Lu Boyo's strength is.

"These five people, once they let them show their full strength, I have no chance at all!" Mu Yuyi wiped the blood on his lips and said lightly.

Suppressed by the two great immortals, the heavy injuries could not be cured, and the robbed bodies could not exert their true power. Even so, Lu Boyu still made the wooden feathers feel cold. Such people are really afraid to imagine the ancient What a battle is.

Also when Mu Yuyi was desperately killing Lu Boyo on this side, news came from the other side of the battlefield. Dean Ji Lingfeng of Cangling Academy met with Mo Yunfeng, the director of Taibai Academy, and buried Lin at the last moment. Om waited for all of them to come back.

That few chapters yesterday!

(End of this chapter)

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