"Prince Yan wants to see something, let me show you around!" Said the middle-aged monk with a smile.

This person is the director of this treasure hall, named Mu Ming, and a member of the royal family, but his status is not as high as that of Prince Yan, but his cultivation has reached the late stage of deification, so he does not have to face Prince Yan. That inferior feeling.

"It's okay, I just wander around, you don't need to bother!" Mu Yuyi said with a wave of his hand.

He has seen the remnants of the formation through the rebirth eye, so Mu Ming does not need to lead him, and he does not want this person to follow him.

"Then you are free!" Mu Ming said immediately, smiling and turned to go elsewhere.

The royal treasure hall is very large, and the things in it are top-notch in the entire Nanming continent. The price is also very expensive. Even if the members of the royal family come here to buy things, they must weigh their own worth, otherwise they cannot afford it It's awkward for the price.

Mu Yuyi looked around. There were not many people coming here, so it seemed very quiet. Occasionally, some talking voices were also whispered. Mu Yuyi didn't stay too much, and walked towards the matrix remnants without leaving any traces. .

It was an independent counter. The matrix remnants were displayed in the center of the counter, wrapped in a layer of transparent crystal, with a faint silver light flowing on it, looking mysterious and powerful.

"This crystal seems to be a formation!" Mu Yuyi's reincarnation glanced over the crystal and found the complex spiritual circuit flowing in it.

Immediately after that, Yu Yuyi looked at the surrounding defense forces. There were two monks in the Hanging Garden who completed the deification period, five monks in the late period of deification, and more than 20 people in the early and middle period of deification. Yuan Ying The period is even more numerous. There are these people guarding in the sky garden, and those who dare to operate here are basically looking for death.

"How? Prince Yan is interested in this array of remnants? I haven't heard that Prince Yan has practiced arrays before!" Mu Ming saw Mu Yuyi standing around the counter of the array of remnants, and came over again, not sure Why, he always feels that Prince Yan is a bit wrong today, but no matter how he perceives it, he can't find any abnormalities and can only give up, but he pays special attention to every action of Prince Yan.

"I really want to study the formation method recently. I don't know if I can borrow the remnants of this formation method?" Mu Yuyi asked softly.

There is a rough description of this roll of remnants on the counter. It is marked on this counter that it is not for sale. It is almost a treasure of a town store when placed here.

"Of course it is okay to borrow as Prince Yan, but it can only be seen here, it can't be taken away, and forgiveness!" Mu Ming said.

Although the matrix remnants are precious and unusual, there are very few people who can understand this scroll. It is like a treasure trove. Even if it is near, it has not been able to open, that is, when the matrix remnants were first obtained, the royal family The Zhenfa Wizards in China learned a little from it, and arranged the current National Guardian Array, but since then, this Fragment of the Zhenfa has been like a heavenly script. No one can understand it, so it was placed in the treasure. The pavilion is a display of the glorious treasures of the country of wood.

The members of the royal family would like to borrow the remnants of the formation method when they came to the treasure hall. They wanted to see if they had the talent to practice, but no one has been able to interpret it since ancient times. I want to give it a try. I can understand that it is the pride of the country that has become a country of wood. It doesn't matter if you don't understand it, there is no loss anyway.

Therefore, Mu Ming was not surprised at the loan requirements of Mu Yuyi. He took out a weird crystal and started to work out tricks. The complicated handprints fell on the crystal, and the formation was soon opened.

The matrix remnants came out of suspension and landed in front of Mu Yuyi.

"Is Prince Yan going to take a look here, or is he going to read in the borrowing room?" Mu Ming asked.

"I'll take a look first, I don't necessarily understand it!" Mu Yuyi smiled, raised his hand and picked up the matrix remnants.

This book is very thin, not as thick as you think, and there is no written record on it. Some are just strange and tangled silver lines. At first glance, these lines are irregular and intricately spread. It makes people feel dazzled.

Looking at the matrix remnants, Mu Yuyi's pupils shrunk slightly. Although he could not understand the matrix method, he found that some of them were very familiar. It was the ancient teleportation array he studied in these ten days. One part, that is to say, the curve of this matrix remnant transformation has a very strong correlation with the ancient teleportation array at the core of the Hidden Corridor. If this remnant can be obtained, then the basaltic control of the ancient teleportation array will have great help.

Mu Ming looked at Prince Yan's scrolls and did not bother him. He was very clear that this array of scrolls was by no means understandable by ordinary people. As far as Prince Yan's qualifications were concerned, it was basically missed.

After determining the role of the matrix remnant, Chakra in Muyu's clothing quietly circulated. On the eyelids of Muming, his thunderbolt was engraved on the matrix remnant, without attracting any attention ~ www.wuxiaspot .com ~ Hey, I still do n’t understand, this thing is too deep! "After half a ring, Mu Yuyi sighed, shook her head, and handed over the formations to Mu Ming, smiling wryly,

"Prince Yan doesn't have to be depressed. No one can read the remnants of this formation in the hands of Mu Zhiguo for so long. It can be seen that the difficulty is very high, and it is normal to not understand." Mu Ming took the remnants of the formation and smiled again. Sealed up.

Mu Yuyi nodded and said nothing more, turned to the other counter.

In the next time, Mu Yuyi checked everything he was interested in, and Mu Ming followed Mu Yuyi and explained it carefully, but Mu Yuyi didn't buy anything, basically he borrowed it or After playing it, I put it back. Most of these things are very precious. Even in the treasure hall exclusive to the royal family, it is also the top treasure.

What Mu Ming doesn't know is that after being borrowed by Prince Yan, these things can no longer be regarded as the things of the country of wood, because each of them has been branded with the thunder magic spell, and this means that as long as the wood Yu Yi wants, he can take away these treasures silently at any time.

"Well, please trouble me this time, Brother Mu Ming will stay away!" Mu Yuyi walked out of the treasure hall slowly, smiling at the sent Mu Ming.

"If there is any need, Prince Yan can send someone directly, there is no need to run over in person!" Mu Ming laughed.

"Sure! I won't come here next time!" Mu Yuyi said with a smile, a sly light flashed in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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