Floating spirit domain.

Puppet stands on the huge altar on the endless earth, a little coercion emanates from it, as if an ancient legend, standing in the long river of time, eternal.

Here is the core of the whole floating spirit realm, and it is also a holy place in the minds of all floating spirit realms. This is the altar of the elders and the retreat of Linchuan.

"It's been almost a year since Qinglong entered the space of Jiutian Xuanyu. Is there any accident?"

In the dark space, five monks in black robes frowned in front of a huge light gate.

"Linghuo, would you like to go in and see?" One of them said.

Elder Ning Linghuo's black pupil gazed at the portal in front of him and groaned for a moment before returning, "He said he wants to retreat, don't disturb us, I can't go in!"

"But he has been in it for almost a year. If he hasn't come out for such a long time, he may have died in it. You should be very clear about how terrible the immortality is. Don't say he was just a The little monk in the early days of deification, even if you and I, the powerful ones during the refining period, will not be able to support it for a long time! "Said Elder Lingtu frowning.

Although the other three did not speak, they probably agreed with the elders of Lingtu because they all knew how terrible the space of Jiutian Xuanyu was, and they could not support it for a while, let alone other people, otherwise In a dangerous environment, Jiutian Xuanyu, an associated fairy of the floating spirit domain, has long been taken away.

"I believe him!" Ni Huanzhi said stubbornly.

"You ... shouldn't you ... hey ... forget it, you ..." A few elders heard Ni Xuanzhi say this, and he seemed to understand something, but in the end it was helpless. He shook his head and turned to leave.

Tan Ni Huan looked at the portal, her eyes reflected the pure white light on the portal, bright and dreamy.

She doesn't know why she believes in Qinglong so much, but she knows very well that she wouldn't be so determined if she changed anyone else, but Qinglong, she just believed so, and didn't make use of it.

"No matter how long, I wait for you to return!" Ni Huanzhi said softly, then turned and left.

白色 The portal that radiates white light in the dark has remained unchanged forever, and still stands there, and behind this portal is the place where Qinglong retreats.

Endless immortality is raging in it. The space coordinates here are completely chaotic. All space spells have no effect here. They cannot move or cross the void. They can only walk forward one step at a time, and once they retreat, immediately You will leave this space, and all your previous efforts will be wasted.

Lin Chuan, under such circumstances, endured the immense suffering of non-humans, step by step towards the core area, every time he went forward, the muscles, bones and blood of his whole body would be impacted by the powerful fairy. Improving one's physical strength in the constant injury and recovery.

The only advantage is that Lin Chuan can use the kaleidoscope to write the infidelity of the chakras, avoiding the impact of immortality in a short time, and thus have a certain respite. In addition, he can rely on the three major verses. The floating slaughter of one is true!

This original scripture of the body provides a constant source of motivation for the continuous evolution of Lin Chuan's body. Without this scripture, Lin Chuan may not be able to reach Jiutian Xuanyu for decades. Where it is, but with the Floating Shinjin, Lin Chuan ’s body has evolved very quickly, and it took others a few years to reach the level. Under the impact of immortality and the exercise of the floating Shinjin, it can take a few days. Finished, and as long as his physical strength is sufficient, he can continue to step out and move towards the place where Jiutian Xuanyu is.

At this moment, Lin Chuan can no longer be seen at the entrance, and he has relied on his own efforts to advance to the depths of the space.

In the dark space, a teenager with a naked upper body sits cross-legged, and there are endless fairy storms around him pulling fiercely, and the terrible coercion is enough to tear up all the monks who enter here in an instant, Yet the figure sitting cross-legged stood still, as if unaffected.

人 This person is not someone else, it is Linchuan who entered the retreat here.

If the space where the entire Jiutian Xuanyu is located is divided into three areas: outer, middle and inner, now Lin Chuan has come to the inner layer. At this place, the coercion of immortality has become very terrible, even if it is refining. When Ni Xianzhi comes here, he will also be seriously injured instantly. If he stays for a little longer, he will die directly, and there is no room for resistance.

Visible to the naked eye, Lin Chuan's white light was diffused out of his body. His body was constantly cracking, but no blood was flowing out. He could only see countless white runes flashing, making those cracks recover quickly, but apparently This is a tug-of-war. Whenever Lin Chuan's body has just recovered, the terrible immortal coercion will once again pull out numerous wounds on his body, and the Futujin Sutra will emerge at this moment to help Lin. Chuan exercised his body and recovered his injury.

At this point in time, just in terms of the physical strength of Lin Chuan, he has surpassed most of the monks in the refining period, which is the power of the Floating Tujing Classic ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It is impossible to use ordinary people's common sense To measure, above all beings.


Zhe Linchuan's eyes opened suddenly, nine black hook jade emerged, **** eyes twinkled with faint dim light, strange and terrible.

Over the years of continuous cultivation and taking a lot of herbs carried from the floating spirit temple, Lin Chuan ’s writing round eye has evolved to the level of Jiu Gou jade, but this is only the writing of the round eye. It is still very different in essence, but it has also given Lin Chuan a strength

Great improvement, in terms of pupil strength, he has now reached an extremely powerful level.

At least for now, the third double kaleidoscope writing eye is not far away, and Lin Chuan has also felt that when his own double writing eye has evolved to the extreme, he will open the fourth double kaleidoscope writing eye. At that time, it is very likely that he will wake up with his own kaleidoscope ability, which makes him very much looking forward to that moment.

"With the help of the Capricorn Bible and the Floating True Mantra, my soul strength and physical strength have reached the level of successive stages, and finally getting closer to Jiutian Xuanyu!" Lin Chuan whispered to himself.

The pupil of the writing-wheel eye bursts out, Lin Chuan's gaze is looking towards the deepest part of the space, where there is a pure white jade pendant, which is engraved with gorgeous mountain and river Heze carvings, with nine faces, which is the floating spirit. Domain's Associated Immortal Nine Heavens Xuan Jade!

Thank you for the reward of 588 coins in the middle two sick man!

(End of this chapter)

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