Although Lin Chuan did not deliberately promote cultivation in the realm of xiūliàn, cultivation has continued to accumulate over such a long period of time. By now, it is almost natural to reach the realm of the late deification, and the wood at this time Yu Yi and Mu Yu Cun are still in the mid-realm.

And now Linchuan, the aura in his body has been replaced by immortality, and the power of immortal chakra has also been greatly improved. However, Linchuan has not applied many immortals now. Once the immortality is consumed, he will The former state can only be achieved by re-absorbing the immortal energy, and the immortality is almost absent from the outside world, unless he has enough superb immortals to be able to withstand his consumption.

The vortex formed by the immortal stirred the whole space. Lin Chuan's breakthrough lasted about an hour or so. When the surrounding vortex gradually dissipated, Lin Chuan felt the surging powerful force in his body, which made his body strong. Improving a lot in an instant.

Feeling the general strength of the body, Lin Chuan stood up and walked straight ahead.

One step, two steps, three steps ...

This time, although Lin Chuan felt that the immortal pressure was constantly crushing his body, but he did not have the tear-like pain before, and the white light flowing on his body blocked most of the pressure, until When he walked more than a hundred steps, he felt that the same kind of oppression had reappeared.

Gritting his teeth against the pressure of immortality, Lin Chuan stepped on step by step, until two hundred steps, his body appeared injured again, a large number of **** wounds pulled from his skin, flesh and blood began to collapse, and bones appeared A cobweb-like crack.

Here, Lin Chuan once again found the limit that he can now bear. He stopped and looked at the suspended nine-day Xuanyu in the distance. He was not far from that place.

"From a distance perspective, one month is enough!" Lin Chuan gritted his teeth, then sat cross-legged, and started xiūliàn again.

However, this time, he performed a technique of gasification and Sanqing in addition to xiūliàn, and passed all his xiūliàn experiences and breakthrough insights to the wood feather clothing and wood feather village far in the Nanming continent. Sharing can make the three of them truly achieve the Trinity, and quickly improve their cultivation and strength.

Nanming continent.

Ninja, elder tower.

Muyu Village woke up from xiūliàn, the lilac ripples of reincarnation flashed a little, and a lot of memories began to instill. This is from Lin Chuan's spiritual sharing, which can save a lot of xiūliàn time between each other.

"Lin Chuan has broken through to the late stage of the transformation, and the speed is really fast!" Mu Yucun whispered to himself.

When Lin Chuan entered the space where Jiutian Xuanyu was located, it was only at the beginning of the deification period that it was only half a year. Lin Chuan, who has eight kinds of spiritual roots, had even risen to two ranks. I know, I'm afraid it's going to be a sensation in the world of cultivation.

Now, several months have passed since the country in which Mu Yuyi made a big noise. During this time, the entire continent has fallen into a strange quietness. The chaos caused by the disaster of the space of the five colleges is in the country of wood. After that happened, it miraculously calmed down. It seemed that everyone was aware of the wind and rain. The tranquility before the storm came, making everyone's hearts faintly disturbed, and the only thing that could be treated calmly. All this is [Xiao], because it is they who are brewing the largest storm in the entire Nanming continent.

"Everyone has made a breakthrough during this time, even if facing the entire continent, they should be able to cope!" Mu Yucun whispered to himself.

Kuo Chen's injury has now recovered, and Xiu Wei has also been improved to the late stage of deification, while others, because of the previous battles in Dabi space, and the auxiliary xiūliàn of Jun Yuanzhu since this time, Xiu Chen has also been greatly improved. Among them, Qin Lang, Ink Cicada, Meng Jingxian, and all four of them have reached the middle of the transformation, and Ling Hong's cultivation has also come to the late transformation.

At this point, the gods in [Xiao] reached five people in the middle of the transformation, including zero, Zhu, Xuan, North, and jade, and four people in the later transformation, including blue, white, and empty. Nan, although the overall repair is not high, the real strength is already extremely powerful.

Suddenly, space squirmed, and the figure of Mu Yuyi appeared directly in the xiūliàn room.

"What happened to the ancient teleportation array of the Wuyin Corridor?" Asked Mu Yucun's look unchanged as he saw the appearance of Mu Yuyi.

"Not sure yet, although a large part of the matrix operation has been deciphered, but so far, he has not been able to fully understand the core part of the matrix method, and wants to bring Linchuan back from the floating spirit realm. I'm afraid it's harder than imagined! "Mu Yuyi frowned.

"How long will it take?" Asked the funeral.

"About a month or so!" Mu Yuyi said lightly.

"It's about the same time as Lin Chuan got Jiutian Xuanyu, it's not too slow, and Lin Chuan won't return immediately after getting Jiutian Xuanyu ~ ~ Fu Ling Yu still has a lot of things to do Processing is expected to be delayed for ten days and a half months, and you don't need to be particularly anxious over there. "

"I'm going to take advantage of this time to solve the matter of the five colleges!" Mu Yuyi said with a serious look.

"Ready to shoot? Do you need any help? The elders at the Big Five Colleges can't handle it!" Zero Funer said with a smile.

"It shouldn't require you to take a shot. If they don't take it, then hit them until they take it!" Mu Yuyi said lightly.

"It's up to you to take care of this matter. Although there is a need, just open the mouth. In addition, in more than three months, it will be the full moon festival in Nanming mainland, which is similar to the Mid-Autumn Festival in our previous life!" Said Zun Funeral.

"Oh? What are you going to do?" Mu Yuyi asked with interest.

"I am going to announce the entire Nanming continent. [Xiao] will declare war on the kingdom of fire on the full moon festival. At that time, our entire [Xiao] will come to the emperor's capital of the country of fire and fight against the royal family of the country of fire!" Said.

"Declaration of war? I see!" Mu Yuyi's eyes flashed slightly, and he understood the meaning of zero burial.

A specific time, a specific place, a specific battle. Once this news is released, whether it is to participate in the war or to watch the crowd, all will go to the Empire of Fire on this day, and all the eyes of the entire continent will gather. it's here.

The reason for the zero funeral is to release the news in advance in order to prepare the country of fire. At that time, [Xiao] can wipe out all the hostile forces, and those who watch the battle wait until the end of the battle, and some people dare to resist [Xiao] Do you rule Nanming?

Since it is to be done, the simplest and rude way is to subject the entire continent to surrender. Therefore, what else can be more convincing than witnessing [Xiao] the destruction of one of the five great powers?

(End of this chapter) 10

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