Naruto’s God Tree’s Fruit in Other World

Chapter 1269: Situation on the mainland

This time, the reason why Mu Yuyi was able to beat Zuo Qi with a thunderbolt is mainly because Zuo Qi did not expect the space ability of Mu Yuyi. Unexpectedly, he was forced to be forced directly by Mu Yuyi, even without the chance to cast. To each other.

In addition, after a contact with Sanqing Fen, Lin Qing, the shangqing's acquaintance, shared his cultivation experience during this period. Although there are many things that need to be digested, for the cultivation of the Floating Sutra, Mu Yuyi has obtained the essence, which has made his physical body take a qualitative leap in a short period of time, and directly strengthened the physical power of Sanqing avatar from another direction. This is Mu Yuyi only by gossip sixty-four The reason why Zhang Qi can defeat Zuo Qi is that if Mu Yuyi used the gossip one hundred and twenty-eight palms this time, it would be enough to kill Zuo Qi directly.

A group of elders at Tianxuan College had nothing to say at this moment. Although they were unwilling, they had to admit the strength of Mu Yuyi, that terrible space ability, plus the strange twinkling and spells. At this stage, there is no Man is the opponent of Mu Yuyi. Unless someone can break through the deification period and reach the refining period, there will not be any good results for Shang Yuyu.

After finishing the things here, Mu Yuyi handed over most of the things to Luo Yuxi and Ruan Shizhi to handle, and he began to control the other four academies non-stop.

Relatively speaking, Tianxuan College is the school where Mu Yuyi is located. Even if some people object, but as long as Mu Yuyi has enough strength, it is easier to get the position of Dean, but the other four colleges are different. Yu Yi was not originally from their academy. Suddenly he fell from the sky to become their dean, and no one would accept it.

However, the problem is that the inheritance of the directors of the four major colleges are in the hands of Mu Yuyi. Even if they are not willing to admit it, they have to discuss the solution with Mu Yuyi, because without the inheritance of the trust, they cannot control the cultivation of the college. The holy place, and the five major courtyards are so famous in the Nanming mainland, and many monks are attracted to it, the biggest reason is the five major holy places.

Time went by day by day, Mu Yuyi began to sweep through the other four academies, Daoyi College, Cangling College, Taibai College, and Lingtai College with their powerful strength. These colleges were defeated one by one by Mu Yuyi, suppressing all opposition with strong force. Voice, it took more than a month to successfully bring all the five colleges under control.

I dare not oppose, because Mu Yuyi has long controlled the inheritance of the five major colleges, and as long as there are these relics, Mu Yuyi can control the cultivation sacred places of all colleges. No matter for that reason, these people can only accept Mu Yuyi The fact of becoming the co-president of the five houses.

Coupled with the fact that Mu Yuyi had long been planted among the disciples in the five courtyards, the whole process was relatively smooth.

During the period when Mu Yuyi unified the five colleges, the entire Nanming continent also experienced a dark tide, because it was less than a month before the full moon festival, and all monks in the entire continent turned their sights to the country of fire. Thousands of monks came to the Imperial City of Woods.

Among them, some of the monks came to see the liveliness, and some of them came to participate in the war. Many of them participated in the war because the country of fire developed extremely favorable conditions and reached an employment relationship with these monks. In addition, it is similar to Qian Guya and other enemies with Nizong and [Xiao]. This is their last chance. Success will completely eradicate [Xiao], and failure means they will not stop. Xiao's ability can be described as a battle between life and death.

As time approaches the full moon festival, various heavy news has also begun to appear. Among them, the news of the Royal Land of the Kingdom of the Land joining the war has attracted the attention of the entire Nanming continent because they are the first of the five major nations to express their willingness Assist the nation of the Fireland and send about half of the entire royal family to help the Fireland resist the invasion of Xiao.

Once the news was released, the confidence of all monks supporting the country of fire was greatly strengthened. Many monks who were still waiting to see it before, also chose to join the camp of the country of fire at this time, preparing for the day of the full moon Fight together [Xiao].

With the release of the news of the native country, everyone's eyes also turned to the other three countries, and they are waiting for these countries to make corresponding decisions.

Many people's eyes first turned to the kingdom of water, because in a sense, the relationship between the kingdom of water and [Xiao] has not been very good, especially the prince Zixia, who is very strong in the middle school, and has strong strength. When he was in Xianfu, he suffered a big loss in [Xiao] 's hands. This time, the entire continent united to deal with the [Xiao] organization, and they had no reason not to participate.

However, it is surprising that the country of water has not given any news, and the invitation to the emperor Zhou Hui of the country of fire is also an ambiguous reply, which is confusing.

However, this did not affect the enthusiasm of the mainland people. In the following days, ~ ~, a lot of powerful forces joined the camp of the kingdom of fire, the most of which came from the ancestral kingdom of the land They seemed to be iron-hearted to help the country of fire through this difficulty, and soon, the secret behind this alliance was exposed. The reason for the kingdom of the earth to do so was entirely because of the emperor of the country of fire Zhou Hui has decided to marry the princess of the kingdom of the land to become the queen. It is because of this marriage relationship that the country of the kingdom fully supports Zhou Hui.

After a few more days, Jin Zhiguo also responded. They also agreed to the invitation of the Kingdom of Fire and definitely deal with the [Xiao] organization together, but relatively speaking, they did not send as many people as the royal family. One third of the power, but even so, it has brought the strength of the Fireland to an unimaginable level.

However, at this time, the royal family of the country of water and the country of wood also released news at the same time, indicating that they would not participate in the war, but they would send royal staff to watch the war. As for the final result, they would not bother.

For the people who watch the battle, the side of the water country is Prince Zixia who has played with [Xiao] several times, and the country of the wood country has chosen the first Prince Xuan of the royal family. The two will lead a small number of people to the fire. The emperors watched the battle.

By this time, the situation of the entire continent regarding this war had become increasingly clear.

No one is on the side of Xiao, but in contrast, most of the forces choose to join the strength of the country of fire.

Many people pushed against the wall. At this time, no one would stand on the side of Xiao, destined to perish.

(End of this chapter)

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