噺 ⑧ 一 中文 网 ωωω.χ⒏òм 哽 噺 繓 赽 捌 ㈠ 小说 哽 噺 繓 赽 捌 ㈠

The day passed quickly, and the lords of the major forces in the floating spirit realm headed towards the floating spirit hall. Since the entire floating spiritual realm is not large and is the smallest piece of each continent, the time of one day is enough for the major gates. Sovereign arrived.

On this day, the floating spirit hall is unprecedentedly bustling. The major suzerains that are rarely seen in ordinary times come together. Many of them have disappeared on the mainland for many years. But for this matter, they went out of customs and rushed to the floating spirit. Temple to discuss.

It is just that the subject of this discussion was determined long before they came to the floating temple, that is, opposing Qinglong to become the owner of the floating temple, and they can accept it if they change anyone else, but they cannot.

Among those who opposed the most fiercely were the people of Jiuxing Peak, Tianji Sect, and Chunyang Sect. These sect gates had a life-and-death resentment with Lin Chuan at Qingxian Restaurant a year ago.

The Emperor of the Heavenly Sect was seriously injured by Lin Chuan with a spiral shuriken, and then burned with the sky. Although he did not die because he was repaired to be powerful, the severe injury directly caused the decline of the strength of the Heavenly Sect, making the Heavenly Emperor ’s floating spirit The status of the first major gate in the domain has not been preserved, so the monarch of Tianji Sect can be said to have hated Lin Chuan. If Qinglong becomes the master of the floating spirit temple this time, he may not have a good life.

The Sovereign Monarch of Chunyang was directly killed by Lin Chuan ’s unexpected use of the technology of the Thunder God. Although he is now a new lord, one can imagine how they feel about Lin Chuan. As for Jiuxing Peak, although their The Sovereign was not killed or seriously injured, but the grudges had already settled at that time, and it was impossible to resolve them. Therefore, this time the discussion in the floating temple was full of gunpowder. I'm afraid they had already killed them as soon as they learned the news of Qinglong.

Not far from the altar of the elders, a large group of buildings stands among the mountains. Almost all the buildings here are made of black rocks, echoing the altars of the elders. This is the floating spirit famous throughout the continent. Temple.

At this moment, in the main hall of the floating temple, there are no less than a thousand people gathered here. The lowest one is the Yuanying period, while the tallest one is a great consummation monk similar to the Lord Jiuxingfeng. There are more than a dozen people, and many hidden powers are also inside.

The floating spirit domain is not smaller than the Nanming mainland. It has a much smaller area and a smaller population. Therefore, although most of the strongest monks arrived at the Fuling Temple, they are still a lot worse than the Nanming mainland, but even so, facing In this black and crowded suzerain, no one dares to say that he is not afraid, and Lin Chuan is about to face such a scene.

In time and space, Lin Chuan sat cross-legged on Chakra Mountain, and Da Tang was snoring leisurely beside him. In front of him was a green tree that was more than 100 meters high. Although there was no sunlight and no water here, Wudaogu The growth of the tree has not been affected in any way. It has reached its current level in just one year. A faint sense of enlightenment permeated from the tree. Sitting cross-legged under the tree, Lin Chuan ’s speed of enlightenment on the Tiandi Avenue has increased significantly a lot of.

Chakra, an endless natural attribute, was released from the rocky mountain peaks and absorbed by the ancient Wudao tree. At the same time, the purple golden immortal chakra on Linchuan was released to provide the ancient trees to absorb Wudao. Growth has accelerated a lot.

Unlike before, the color of the Immortal Chakra has changed slightly compared to the Immortal Chakra. The purple is less, the gold is more, and the golden red particles are blinking, which looks quite bright. Among them, The energy contained is more than ten times greater than before, and the level of arrogance is no longer comparable to that of ordinary monks.

"Da Jue, it's almost time, go out with me and walk around. You're boring in the space at this time, aren't you?" Lin Chuan turned and said to Da Jue, ready to take him out.

Da Jue opened her eyes, and a pair of vertical pupils stared at Lin Chuan, showing a look of contempt, a look that had seen through everything, but still stood slowly, and leapt to Lin Chuan's arms.

"Come on!" Lin Chuan chuckled, holding the big orange, and the spiral ripples spun out from the kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes, and then the figure of the two disappeared directly on Chakra Mountain.

In the main hall of the floating temple, there are dozens of elders maintaining the scene at this moment. The elders of the five spirits have not left the altar of the elders to come here, so the scene is a little out of control, especially if Lin Chuan has not appeared late, Many suzerains are emotionally excited to want a statement from the floating temple.

"Why isn't that Qinglong out yet? Let us come here to discuss the matter with a little tone. I'll see how he removes us from the floating spirit realm!"

"He is a monk from another continent. He wants to be the master of our floating spirit realm. It is really delusional!"

"Hmm, he didn't kill him last time, this time he just shot together!"

The disturbing voices continued to echo in the hall, but the monks headed by them remained weird and quiet. The new Pure Sun Sovereign was an old man who completed the deification period. It is said to be the previous generation of Sovereigns. After Lin Chuan's killing ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, he returned to preside over the mountain again.

The lord of Jiuxingfeng is still the old man with white hair, and the lord of Tianji, although looking very miserable at the time, was mostly broken, but after all, he was a strong and powerful man during the deification period. He has recovered through some means. At this moment, he can no longer see the original injury. As for the dark injury, only he knows it.

The faces of the three of them could not see any emotions, but a few people who were closer to them felt a bit of a depressing atmosphere. Obviously to them, this time, things were not easy to solve, as was the case with Qinglong a year ago. Their strength, what they will look like in a year, they ca n’t imagine, and more importantly, the floating temple chose to let Qinglong become the master of the temple. What ’s the secret?

But no matter what, they and Lin Chuan are rivals. This time, they must not give up.


A sudden wave of space appeared, a spiral ripple slowly spread out, and a white-haired boy wearing a red cloud coat with a black background spun up and appeared directly above the hall.

"Meet the Lord of the Temple!"

When Lin Chuan appeared, all the elders belonging to the floating temple bowed down and saluted respectfully.

Everyone's eyes gathered on Lin Chuan at this moment. The iconic Xiao Robe, holding an orange fat cat in his arms, a pair of indifferent eyes looked down at the crowd like gods. Nine of them were slowly rotating. Now, a pure white jade pendant with nine faces hovered beside him, exuding a bright light.

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