The misty corridor, countless silver rays permeated from the corridor labyrinth, and drastic spatial fluctuations swept the entire core area like a doomsday catastrophe.

In the depths of the maze, a huge space crack was torn above the ancient teleportation array, and it was from this place that terror waves spread.

"Did you succeed?" Instructor Wu asked a little nervously.

"Aha, there should be no problem, you can rest assured!" Bai Jue said softly.


The voice had just fallen, and the entire labyrinthine corridor was shocked. A transparent wave suddenly swept past, the silver light began to converge, and four figures appeared above the ancient teleportation array.

"Brother Linchuan!" When the trainer saw the figure sitting cross-legged on the ground, his glasses were wet instantly, and he shouted directly.

In the distance, Mu Yuyi also converged on the Qi Sanqi technique, looked over here, with a smile on his face, because he knew that the teleportation was finally a success.

After the light completely converged, the figures of Lin Chuan and Nakagawa Sanjie finally appeared in front of several people.


The step trainer seemed to turn into a whirlwind, and immediately came to Lin Chuan's side, and couldn't help but embrace the figure.

"I'm back!" Lin Chuan felt the warmth in his arms, his arms tightened, and said slowly in the ear of the walker.

Nakagawa Sanjie looked at this scene blankly, and it seemed that he had not come to the Nanming continent yet.

The little green snake squirmed out of the ancient teleportation array, and looked at Lin Chuan, who was holding the martial artist in doubt, then turned into a green light, and fell on the martial artist's wrist, turning into a The bracelet, this teleportation consumed too much energy of the little green snake, he had to sleep for a long time to recover.

After more than ten breaths, Bu Lian Shi finally broke free from Lin Chuan's arms, his face was a little red, but also with a bright smile, making people feel refreshed.

"Welcome home!"

Lin Chuan stood up and felt the familiar atmosphere of this continent. For a time, he was also full of heart.

After almost a decade, he finally returned to the land of the Nanming mainland. Fortunately, there is nothing wrong with people, and all the people he cherishes are still there.

"Come on, let's go straight back to Ninja Sect!" Mu Yuyi said with a smile.

Immediately, a crack in the space opened, leading directly to the Nizong Elder Tower.

Taiqing's avatar is already waiting in the hall. They are a trinity, and everything that happened before is also known here, Mu Yucun, but he did not notify the others of Xiao, because of the long time span of the entire teleportation process. He In order not to disturb other people's cultivation, they have not told them the specific time of Qinglong's return.

When Lin Chuan and others stood steadily in the Nizong elders' tower, the familiar breath erupted and immediately shocked the people who were practicing.

"Brother Qinglong !!! You are finally back!"

The first person who rushed over was Meng Jingxian. This boy was hidden in the darkness. The moment he appeared, it scared Nakagawa Sanjie.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Lang rushed over and laughed in the embrace of Lin Chuan, how many words have been contained in this laughter, needless to say.

Kong Chen, Nan Dou, and even the jade girl ink ink cicada who does not often stay in Nizong also appeared in the hall at this moment. At this moment, [Xiao] the existing members of the organization finally came together, all of them. This is the first time in ten years, and it is also a scene that everyone has been looking forward to in these years.

Celebration and laughter are indispensable. The crowd temporarily abandoned all problems and worries, and was so immersed in the joy of gathering. Although Nakagawa Sanjie was a little bit embarrassed by the situation in front of him, he was also infected by the emotions of everyone and participated Everyone's celebration.

And Lin Chuan was not unexpectedly asked by everyone about what happened in the floating spirit realm. Everyone was like listening to a story, listening to Lin Chuan's story about another land and customs of different continents. Many of these things, Nakagawa Sanjie was also able to Insert a few words to interpret the thrilling story that originally occurred in the floating spirit realm.

This night, Lin Chuan drank a lot of alcohol. Most people didn't use cultivation to offset the drunkenness of spirits, but let themselves immerse themselves in the joy of this gathering and get drunk.

Ordinary disciples of Nizong do not know what happened to the elders tower on this day, but the arrogant laughter that occasionally emanated from the elders tower left everyone unclear.

After late at night, many people slept directly in the hall, lying on the ground in a horizontal and vertical direction, while Lin Chuan and Lian Lian disappeared into the field of vision of everyone, not knowing where to go. The corners of the mouths of the two men and the village of Mu Yucun showed a faint smile of evil charm, as if foreshadowing something indescribable.

In an unknown room of the Elders Tower, Lin Chuan and the step-trainer hugged tightly together. Tonight, they should belong to only two of them.

At this moment, the step trainer finally revealed her hidden face.

A long time ago, just when Lin Chuan and the step drill were familiar, he used white eyes to detect the camouflage on the face of the step drill, but he did not say anything and did not ask, because this is a secret belonging to the step drill, such as Like him, he also has his own secrets, and even two people who are familiar with each other must leave some space for each other.

But now, the trainer seems to feel that the time is finally ripe ~ ~ She can show her true face in front of Lin Chuan.

The former walker had a beautiful appearance. Although it was not amazing, it was definitely an unforgettable one. But now, when she took off all the camouflage, Lin Chuan knew that in this world, it turned out to be this way. The beautiful woman, the beautiful and thrilling beauty, is irresistible. The agar-like skin exudes a faint gleam, bright eyes and bright teeth, so she stares at Linchuan, which is close at hand.

"Step by step ..." Lin Chuan's eyes were completely blurred at this moment, the sound of breathing became clear and audible, and his face became red, not knowing whether it was because of hard liquor or something else.

"Brother Linchuan ..." Ling Bu also responded to Lin Chuan's voice, frowning and smiling.

In the next moment, the lips and teeth of the two people fit together, and they no longer separated from each other. The entire secret room seemed to collapse suddenly, becoming an eternal forbidden area, which belonged to only the two of them.

In the early morning, when the first rays of sunlight fell from the sky and shone in the Ninja Sect, the crowd finally began to wake up ignorantly.

Meng Jingxian woke up and looked around, "Well, where's the Qinglong and Baihu, continue drinking?"

His voice alarmed everyone, so that those who were still awake came to life, but obviously, everyone was a little embarrassed and not fully awake from the celebration last night.

"What about Qinglong and White Tiger?" Suzaku asked in confusion, his eyes turned to Mu Yuyi.

Mu Yuyi smiled and said to herself, "In the early morning afterwards, you know!"

(End of this chapter)

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