As everyone ’s blood dripped on the nine-day mysterious jade, seven of them had a light red light, and at the same time, everyone also felt the changes in their bodies, and the aura in their bodies began to move towards the fairy. Change, and the external aura is constantly pouring into their meridians, filling the gap left by the aura's compression.

When all this was completed, Lin Chuan didn't bother everyone, and let everyone go back to the training room to practice to become familiar with Chakra and Xianqi.

He himself returned to the training room with the burial wooden feather coat.

"One gasification and three clearing techniques!"

The three of them sat cross-legged with their horns bent, and each performed a Qi Sanqi technique at the same time. This was the first time that the three avatars would merge into one after a lapse of about ten years.

With the casting of the spell, the three figures began to become illusory, and each turned into a ray of clear air. After the time of a fragrant incense, there were no more three people in the practice room, and they completely became three. Clear air, then these three clear air entangled with each other, slowly fused together, fell from the air, turned into a figure, it is Lin Chuan.

However, at this moment Lin Chuan Xiuwei is no longer in the late period of deification, but has come to the great consummation period, and Xiuwei has directly crossed a stage.

A faint purple-golden light diffused out, and golden-red particles surrounded him, at this moment Lin Chuan looked like a **** and a treasured state.

His eyes slowly opened. The first appeared was the blood-colored Nine-Hook Jade Writer's Eye, then the sky-blue reincarnation eye, and then the lavender reincarnation eye. The three major pupils were manifested on his body. It shows the terrible strength of Sanqing after being merged into one.

"A strong sense of power!" Lin Chuan clenched his palms, and there was an unreal feeling in him, even he was a little surprised. At that time, the little child who had been dug out his eyes and discarded in the wild Nanming continent had already After such a long time, I set foot on today's cultivation and status.

Those powerful and untouchable forces that seemed to him in the past are now no longer opponents, Song family, Xuelingzong, and now he is ready to shoot against the five great nations, all of which seemed dreamy at first, But in less than two decades, he already has the ability to change the entire continent. I am afraid no one can imagine it.

At this moment, Lin Chuan finally felt that it wasn't long before he could avenge himself. Zhongchuan mainland seemed to be beckoning to him. That place would be where he really rises and where his name would be.

After returning to God, Lin Chuan began to integrate the memories of the three, unify the cultivation experience of the three, and redistribute the soul power and physical power.

Also when [Xiao] organized to step up its strength and prepare for the war, the entire Nanming continent began to truly flourish, because the major forces were constantly involved. This was originally [Xiao] 's battle with the kingdom of fire. Has risen to the level of the entire continent.

After careful calculation, among the five major nations, except the State of Water and the State of Wood, they remained neutral on the sidelines, and the other three major nations all participated in the war. In addition, most of the patriarchal forces in each country were also involved. Overall, this yet-to-be-fought battle has integrated three-fifths of the entire continent's forces, all of which are on the side of the Fireland.

As far as we know, there are almost no one standing on the side of Xiao.

There are many icing on the cake, but there is almost no charcoal in the snow. Besides, [Xiao] such a desperate way of declaring war is simply provoking the entire continent, even if some people are hated by the royal family of the country of fire and want to stand on the side of [Xiao] But they dare not speak at all, because such a battle has almost no chance, and they do not want to take themselves in.

However, there has also been news that has attracted the attention of many people since this time, that is, the five most famous colleges in Nanming mainland have been unified! And the people who unified the five academies are the Luohe Shenzi Muyuyi, the first major Zonghe Zong of the two countries.

When I heard this news, many people couldn't believe it, but they thought that the breath of the Five Great Emperors and the like came to the mainland, and then the news that all the deans of the five major academies were wiped out caused everyone to suspect Mu Yuyi and Wu Jue. In the relationship between Emperor Xian and others, it has even been said that Mu Yuyi is a disciple of the five imperial emperors. Although these messages are mostly catching the wind, there are quite a lot of believers, otherwise it is difficult to explain that the five colleges were disciples. Unified facts.

As for the five academies themselves, they just confirmed to the outside world the fact that they were unified by Mu Yuyi. As for the other cases, they didn't say a word, which seemed extremely mysterious.

However, although this matter is relatively big, after all, the five major academies are hidden from the world, and many people are not familiar with it. Therefore, more people have focused their eyes on the emperor capital of the fire. The choice was ignored.

However, what they don't know is the unification of the relationship between Mu Yuyi and [Xiao] of the five major colleges. Otherwise, the news would be enough to attract the attention of the entire Nanming continent ~ The Chinese heritage is also extremely scary. Although Mu Yuyi has just unified the five courtyards and the foundations in it are not stable, the strength that can be integrated is enough to compare with the high-end monks in any of the five major countries.

And this is also a card of Lin Chuan.

Country of Fire, Tibetan Dragon Range, Lin Family.

An icy blue light passed from the distant sky, and immediately came to the Lin family's defensive formation, making the monks guarding the formation next to the enemy like the enemy, but when they saw the beautiful fluttering clothes When he looked, he was still, and the leader quickly responded.

"I've seen Miss Hao!" Everyone respectfully worshipped and quickly opened the array.

The visitor is not someone else. It is the daughter of Lin's head Lin Duo, the core disciple of Cangling Academy, and Lin Hao, known as the goddess of ice.

The ice-blue light flickered, Lin Hao didn't stop here, she walked directly into Lin's house, and soon disappeared into the sky.

There are hundreds of Lingshan mountains in the core area of ​​the Lin family. Among them, the aura is the highest in the entire Tibetan Dragon Range. It is the holy place for the entire Lin family to practice. Lin Hao's figure rushes through the sky, but slightly before one of the peaks. He paused and glanced over there.

The buildings on Xiaoling Peak have not changed in any way, they are still aura and lush trees, but those who live here will never return.

Looking back, Lin Hao went straight to Qian Lingfeng, the deepest place, where the Lin family's owner, her father Lin Duo's residence.

(End of this chapter)

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