"Someone from the Big Five Academy also came?"

Seeing this scene, the people of the major forces were slightly surprised, and looked at the figures coming from the sky swiftly.

Generally speaking, the five major colleges are basically hidden from the world, and they will hardly participate in the disputes on the mainland. In this war, many people thought that the five major colleges would not care about it, but at the last moment, the five major colleges did not expect it. The academy came together in unison, and it was a complete negotiation.

"I heard that the five major colleges have been unified by a disciple recently. I still don't believe it, but it seems to be doing something right now!" Someone said in surprise after seeing this scene.

"Really, otherwise how could the top five colleges appear here!"

"There are really a lot of people here. About a half of the elders in each academy are here, and there are many powerful disciples!" Someone said, looking at the person.

The arrival of the five academies caused a little turmoil in the entire scene. After all, all the five academies added up to be a force to be reckoned with, absolutely comparable to a country, and the royal family of the country of fire had to pay attention to the situation here. However, after seeing the five major colleges stopping outside the imperial capital, they only relaxed a little, but they sent someone to ask for a while, and the five major colleges responded by bringing their disciples to watch the war, and others didn't say much.

The emperor of the country of fire, Zhou Hui, originally came from Taibai Academy. He wanted to find some elders and disciples who knew him at Taibai Academy, but found that no one familiar with him seemed to come, which made him more aware. There was a hint of doubt, but at this time he couldn't go any further and could only let it go temporarily.

On the other hand, many patriarchs of great powers headed for the five colleges, because they had practiced in these five colleges, and they were considered disciples of the five colleges.

Among them, Prince Zixia went straight to Lingtai College, and Prince Xuan went to Taoyi College. Both of them had practiced in these two colleges for decades. They can have the practice and status now. The practice of the academy is indispensable. Besides, they also saw the old elders and their colleagues in the academy, and it is necessary to go up and say hello to the old.

"Brother Wang hasn't seen you for a long time. I didn't expect that you really became the elder of our Taoyi Academy. Being able to see you again really made me feel like I was back at the Academy!" Prince Xuan laughed and said to the Road An elder of a college said that the two had been repaired together and considered to be the same.

"Prince Xuan, you have now become the first person in the royal family of the country of woods. It is really amazing. At the beginning, your strength was not as good as mine. Now you are so much more than me!" Elder Wang surnamed with a smile, half-joking. Said.

"Haha, you still remember that thing so clearly, really ..."

After a few words of embarrassment from each other, Prince Xuan took the opportunity to introduce the topic to this battle. "How does Brother Wang think this battle will develop?"

"This is hard to say, [Xiao] Since you dare to declare war, there should be some hole cards!" Elder Wang said with a smile.

"Oh? Does Brother Wang know anything?" Prince Xuan wondered.

"I really don't know this, but let's just watch it change. I'm afraid that most of the people who are watching the scene are prepared to act in an opportunistic way, are you right?" Elder Wang's face showed an unpredictable smile. , Staring at Prince Xuan.

"That's right, right. I heard that the five colleges were unified by a disciple named Mu Yuyi. I don't know what the situation is? Isn't that Mu Yuyi from Tianxuan College, how can he unify the other four colleges?" Seeing that he couldn't get something out of Elder Wang's mouth, Prince Xuan changed the topic and began to ask about Mu Yuyi.

"The Dean Mu is powerful and has inherited keepsakes from the five colleges. It is also reasonable to unify the five colleges!" Said Elder Wang.

"Did he not come this time?" Prince Xuan glanced around and did not see Mu Yuyi.

"The Dean of the School, Shenlong, never sees the end, I don't know where he went!" Elder Wang shook his head.


The two chatted without a word. Although they are also talking about the old, they are also mixed with a test of their respective bottom line and purpose. This is the case of Prince Xuan, and the same is true of Prince Zixia. The other masters are also similar. .

The sky began to dim gradually, and the night of the full moon began to slowly come down. A bright and cold moonlight was emitted above the sky hanging from a bright moon.

The mood of the people began to become tense. Most of the full moon festival has passed, but [Xiao] the organization has not yet appeared, even without any news from them, which made everyone confused and speculated. Xiao] Is the organization not planning to show up?

After all, when they declared war, they faced the royal family of the country of fire. However, the development of this matter is no longer a matter of one country, but more than half of the Nanming continent is involved. Such confrontation has obviously lost the most. The meaning of the beginning, Xiao, it is also possible for the organization to repent because of fear.

The anxious mood spread in the hearts of everyone, and the scene began to gradually get out of control. If [Xiao] really did not appear this time, it would be equivalent to releasing the pigeons of the entire continent. This is an offense to the entire continent. After all, there are still a lot of big things. The door chose to watch the war, and they had no resentment with [Xiao] ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But once this kind of humiliation happened, they might just go to the side of the country of fire.

The emperor's capital of the kingdom of fire is waiting seriously at this moment. The monks standing on the side of the kingdom of fire are waiting in the city, and the emperor Zhou Hui of the country of fire is sitting in the royal palace at the moment, and the leader of the kingdom of earth and the kingdom of gold. The characters drank, and slowly savoured the last peace before the war.

They are not in a hurry. Whether [Xiao] comes or not, this time they are all set.

Declaring war without appearing, [Xiao] almost killed himself.

Everyone thought that [Xiao] was afraid of the organization. When it appeared, nine figures suddenly appeared in the moonlight. Nine black dots were dotted on the moon like a silver plate, showing a circle. , Slowly start to land from the air.


A grand and repressive voice appeared, and instantly resounded through the entire Emperor's Capital of Fire. The strange groaning and singing began to reverberate in hundreds of kilometers, and the terrible oppressive force slowly diffused from the sky, acting in the hearts of everyone. .

The future of the Bible serves as the background for the organization of [Xiao] on the eve of the war. At this moment, he again visits the Nanming continent, and this time, the monks who witnessed this historic moment are not just a few, but the entire continent.

The entire emperor of fire is quiet around, all immersed in the sounds of the future of the Bible. With the continuous echo of music, the images of the nine people in the sky are slowly descending like gods.

Thanks to Xiao Jingyi for 500 books, 207374. -399 books, Gu Fang rewards 100 books!

(End of this chapter)

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