When Lin Chuan appeared again, he had come to the periphery of the tree-bound descending area. The pupil of the kaleidoscope writing the round eye burst. He looked at the two breaths in the distance, and his powerful insight quickly caught him. personal.

These are the two old men, who look almost identical. He looks like a child, and is not gorgeous, but rather simple, but the body exudes a terrible atmosphere. A light white halo surrounds the two people's bodies, like plating. A layer of halo.

Lin Chuan didn't know these two people, so he immediately transmitted the scene he saw to the jade girl.

"According to your description, these two old men should be a pair of twin brothers in the Southern Ming Dynasty who have been hidden for a long time. They are named Erlian Qilian, living in the Qilian Mountains, the spiritual vein of the kingdom of gold. In order to have reached the great consummation period of the deification period, the background is very deep. The cooperation between the two is extremely good. They are good at various metallic attacks. They have refined the metallicity to an extremely pure level. The circle of white light is a scene that appears only after the metal has been cultivated to an extremely high depth! "The Jade Girl immediately said.

Originally, she wanted to let her subordinates go to the Dayin Building to inquire about some more specific information about these two people, but her subordinates could not be contacted. This moved the ink cicada's heart and felt that her identity had been exposed. Now, Dayin Lou has started to do something to her people.

"Relax, wait for this to end and Yu Wenyuan will give it to me!" Lin Chuan said after learning of the situation, and then turned his attention to the second elder Qilian.

Lin Chuan ’s goal is very clear, that is, do not let these powerful monks during the refining period affect the battle of ordinary monks below. Once a character of this level joins in, the consequences will be devastating, and [晓] be able to There are not many people who fight against monks in the refining period, so Lin Chuan didn't dare to start first, and had to wait for the opponent to move first.

This is their disadvantage, but there is nothing they can do. Who makes too many monks in the kingdom of fire? The whole emperor of fire is full of countless monks. Although most of them are not good, they can still To kill an elephant, for so many people to fight, Xiao must be cautious.

Uh ...

There was a strange noise suddenly in the air. Linchuan's kaleidoscope writing ring eye condensed instantly, and the source of the sound was captured under the pupil burst. There were dozens of white silk threads with countless metallic spiritual powers condensed on it. The powerful cutting ability directly cut through the air, and even the space fluctuated slightly, entwining towards the Ninzong disciples below.

Uh ...

A disciple of the Yuanying period did not find the existence of the silk thread at all, and flew up to hunt down a monk who wanted to kill a country of fire. However, he found that his body seemed to be wrong. When he looked down, he found that his body had been split into a strange body. After seven or eight yuan, the scattered scattered, the screams broke out, but quickly came to an abrupt halt. This scene made the Ninja monks who were fighting around were creepy and retreat, while the monks of the country of fire were morale. Soared and started hunting.

Alas ... the strange silk thread turned from the air, tangling towards a figure in the distance who was killing wildly.

Although Gao Ze did not find these silk threads, he felt the dangers around him because of his strong sense ability in fairy mode. A large amount of earth-colored spiritual power diffused out and wanted to defend, but the space during the refining period was not something his spells could resist. Even with the blessing of the immortal Chakra, it is impossible to resist such an attack.

Alas, the defense formed by the rock was cut without any accident, and Gao Ze's face changed instantly. At this moment, a skeletal hand burning with blue flames grasped Gao Ze and completely protected him. Among them, the scary silk thread was pulled from the cyan bone, and several white scratches about a foot deep appeared on it.

"Huh?" The old man casting a spell in the distance flashed a little, and noticed Lin Chuan, which suddenly appeared not far behind Gao Ze, and the blue flame burst out from him. Bone rescued Gao Ze at the moment of death.

"Thank you ..." Gao Ze hurriedly told Lin Chuan, the cold sweat on his forehead came out. If it wasn't for Lin Chuan's rescue in time, he has now been cut into a pile of minced meat.

"Retreat to the area where the tree boundary was born, and tell others, don't come out for the time being!" Lin Chuan said softly, Xu Zuo Nenghu's skeletal arm stretched out and put Gao Ze wrapped in his fist behind him.

"Yes, the Qinglong God makes it!" Gao Ze promised, and left with a lingering feeling.

"Huh! Can you save one, can you save everyone?" The old man casting the cast disdainfully said, the white silk thread was closed instantly, and he did not intend to entangle with Lin Chuan, but directly headed for another Ninja The disciples killed the past.


Lin Chuan ’s suzuka was able to zoom in instantly, and the pupils of the kaleidoscope's writing-eyes broke out completely. The blue suzuka was able to grow at a very fast speed, and in the blink of an eye, it evolved to a full body level. All those weird metallic wires in the sky were torn.

"He could even cast such a spell!" The second elder Qilian saw that his body was completely stunned ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ his face changed.

Before the Qinglong attacked the Palace of the Fire Country, when the strength was fully opened, the double rule was used to match the amount of ruler, which directly broke the formation of the protection of the palace, and then the Qinglong immediately retreated, which made everyone think that the consumption of the Qinglong was extremely large. , Can no longer maintain Susano Nerhu, but did not expect that the two of them just shot, Qinglong once again cast Susano Nerhu, although it is not a double Susao, but it is also very powerful.

If the blue dragon in the normal state poses little threat to them, then in the state of Suzuneng, the blue dragon has the ability to kill them, which makes them have to defend.

"Don't fight him close, open up the distance, and use up his spells. His sums will definitely cost a lot. If he survives this time, he will not be our opponent!" One of them The old man said immediately.

"That's what it is!" The other old man nodded.

At the same time, their bodies started to recede, and a large number of white silk threads appeared beside them. As his fingers kept dancing, they tangled towards Lin Chuan's huge suzuneng.

The lethality of the golden attribute is already very large, not to mention that the two of them have cultivated the metal to an extremely high level, and even Susano could not completely defend it. As long as it is consumed properly, the blue dragon of the deification period cannot be them. Two refining opponents.

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(End of this chapter)

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