As the daylight slowly rises, the dark sky begins to gradually brighten, and the golden light is covered with earth in a blink of an eye. The moon falls to the west and the full moon festival ends, and with this full moon festival disappears together. There is also the Fireland, one of the five largest nations in the Nanming continent.

Everyone was silent at this moment, some confused and some at a loss.

The change was so sudden that all monks had never thought of it. At the beginning, almost everyone on the side supported the country of fire. However, after only one night, those monks in the imperial capital were killed by the organization of Xiao, even if they could Those who have survived have completely lost their freedom and become slaves to Xiao.

Everyone looked at the capital, they could not see the situation in the capital, but it was clear that the people of the Kingdom of Gold and the Kingdom of the Land should have died almost. Although they did not come out to help, they sent high-level The monks also almost occupied the general area, and the annihilation of the army this time is probably a great blow to these two great powers.

The sound of hustle and bustle began to sound among the people, as if it was a vent of the previous silence, and the fierce arguments of the people became louder and louder, making the whole scene change from one extreme to another.

Among the imperial capitals, the people of Nizong and the five major academies are still clearing the scene, and the demon people have started to exit one after another. With the help of the town boundary plate, the four demon masters have broken the blockade of the Daoxianfengxian array Let the demons start to leave one after another.

At this time, the nine figures hanging in the sky began to disappear, all absorbed by the dragon's might. After everyone else disappeared, Lin Chuan glanced at the imperial capital that had become a ruin, and then turned into an imperial capital. The vortex completely disappeared into the sight of everyone.

However, their disappearance did not last long, because soon, everyone felt the coercion of the town boundary and the familiar spiraling space fluctuations.

Lin Chuan appeared before the others, followed by the other gods who were released by him one by one, and nine people reappeared on the earth.

The crowd at the onlookers all showed a panic look at this moment, and they rushed to avoid. The crowds that had been crowded immediately receded like a tide. Soon, there were only three parties in the sky. One side was naturally Xiao, and the other two Fang naturally represents Prince Xuan and Prince Zixia, who represent the other two parties' greatest strength on the mainland.

Neither of them retreated, because they knew that at this time [Xiao] appeared to come to them, and they were irrevocable.

Prince Xuan pursed his lips and felt that his mouth was a little dry, but he had to speak, "Congratulations to Xiao, the organization, successfully destroyed the kingdom of fire!"

"Congratulations, you won!" Prince Zixia said in a complex look.

"The fire country is to blame, and it will happen sooner or later!" Lin Chuan said softly.

Prince Xuan and Prince Zixia looked the same. Finally, Prince Xuan spoke and asked what they were most concerned about, "[Xiao] What are you going to do next?"

How to do it?

This is not only [Xiao] what to do, but also to help everyone ask, how do they change it.

[Xiao], it is no longer the once insignificant role on the mainland. Every move it now takes will guide the direction of the Nanming continent. [Xiao] With a cough, the entire Nanming continent must shake.

"The kingdom of fire has been destroyed, the system of the five major powers has also collapsed, and Nanming mainland needs a new system!" Lin Chuan said indifferently.

Prince Xuan and Prince Zixia's brows frowned at the same time. Qinglong said that the Nanming mainland needs a new system, not the country of fire, which needs a new system. The meaning is obvious, and they will not be satisfied with the country of fire. , But to attack the entire continent.

The kingdom of fire has disappeared, and only the other four kingdoms can be joined together. Among them, the kingdom of gold and the kingdom of soil have been maimed, and [Xiao] In addition to Nizong, there are five holy places in the five academies. Can these forces add up, even if the four powers join forces, can they stop the pace of Xiao?

Recalling everything just seen, whether it is the overall strength or the individual strength, [Xiao] 's horror has made everyone feel immersive in what is called despair. This despair is not only for the present, but also for the future.

You know, [Xiao] has not yet grown to the strongest state. Judging from the fact that they are holding so many fairy wares and practicing at such a fast speed, in a few years, they will overtake the entire continent and reach that. At that time, I am afraid that even today ’s war will not occur. The God of Xiao makes it possible for one person to destroy a country. This is by no means an exaggeration, but a fact.

Prince Xuan and Prince Zixia suddenly felt a bit bitter, because they found that no matter what choice they made, there was no way to stop [Xiao].

"Then you are ready ... to destroy the other four kingdoms?" Prince Zixia finally gathered the courage and asked this most direct question.

If [Xiao] 's answer is yes, are they ready to resist or surrender?

Rebellion, no way to live, surrender, no face, for a country, face is sometimes more important than anything.

"[Xiao] It is necessary to unify the Nanming continent, but I also do not want to overthrow you. As for the kingdom of gold and the kingdom of soil, it is easy to change a group of people to take power!"

Lin Chuan's words made Prince Xuan and Prince Zixia a little surprised.

How to unify the Nanming continent without destroying the other four countries?

The monks on the sidelines are also full of curiosity at this moment ~ ~ They want to know, [Xiao] How to unify the Nanming continent and how to govern this continent is a matter that is closely related to their interests, no one Be able to stay away.

"[Xiao] It is imperative to unify the Nanming continent. No one can stop it. Otherwise, the country of fire today is the end, but the war will eventually lead to the destruction of life. This is not our intention. [Xiao] is dawn, It is dawn, and our heart is to bring new light to the entire continent, not endless darkness. "

"So we will choose to establish the Dawning House and the Dawning Assembly. Your four great powers can be retained, but the original powers must be broken up. All rights must be concentrated in the Dawning Assembly. We will set up corresponding Seats, the mainland is under the common jurisdiction of the parliament! "

"Your original four great nations can get corresponding seats in the parliament. Similarly, the five major academies, demons, ordinary monks, Zongmen, and we [Xiao] themselves, will all get seats in it, and all decisions will be voted on. Way to make decisions, that is, let all monks in the Nanming mainland rule the Nanming mainland! "

"Of course, as creators, we [Xiao] will have a veto in the Daybreak Council!"

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