"As soon as possible, you can get the inheritance of the Five Immortal Emperors. My Yin Yang Yang can last for half an hour. In this half an hour, your strength will be greatly strengthened!" Xiao Heng's indifferent voice echoed in Linchuan's Ear.

"People from Qiantai Qianru and Yuanzong ..." Lin Chuan hesitated.

Xiao Heng and Shi Jin are very powerful, but neither of them is the type that is good at fighting. Xiao Heng is a yin and yang division. He has a strong ability in divination and deduction. The most powerful auxiliary ability of Shi and Jin's strength on the elixir is also only seen by Lin Chuansheng, but these two abilities are not so much used in battle.

"How much of your spiritual power is left?" Xiao Heng did not directly respond to Lin Chuan's question, but asked Lin Chuan's spiritual power.

"It's not much, at most it will support the time of Ayaka!" Lin Chuan said.

Although Zusuo Nenghu was motivated by pupillary power, it still consumes immortal chakras, and Qiantai Qianru is a bit right. Although Baoji can rebound and attack, it is very spiritual. This is Lin Chuan's Ba Zhuan Yuan Ying. Otherwise, I am afraid that the other person will be exhausted.

"Using nine days of black jade, we also need to replenish the aura, the fairy is even better!" Xiaoheng said softly.

"Good!" Lin Chuan glanced at the war situation in the distance. Although Qiantai Qianru was suppressed by Yinfu, but at this moment, the fire method has been condensed, and the two days of ice and fire are about to emerge. In this case, some must be used. Trump card.

"Yin Yang Gossip!"

At this moment, Xiao Heng made a left-hand stroke, and the two colors of yin and yang flowed out of his palm, and quickly expanded into a pattern of yin and yang gossip, which was stopped in the air, and Lin Chuan blocked all the attacking gold. Stars.

Then Xiao Heng started to draw amulets again with his right hand. This is a Yangfu. Obviously, he painted for Shi. Because of Lin Chuan, Xiaoheng ranked Shijin's Yangfu a little behind.


Lin Chuan took a sigh of relief, the pupil of the kaleidoscope writing round eyes converged, Su Zuo Neng disappeared slowly, and the light disappeared.

"They can't sustain it!"

Seeing this scene, Zhang Lei's face was immediately a joy, although Xiaoheng blocked all the star attacks, but Qinglong consumed too much in the attack just now, it is difficult to impact the Five Elements field, their purpose has been achieved.

Qiantai Qianru was also relieved. The spiritual reserves in Qinglong's body were greatly beyond her expectation. If she continued to do so, she might fall down first.


At this time, her fire was finally formed. With the winter snow and ice, countless fire rain slammed from the sky. After colliding with the power of winter, it immediately exploded, no less powerful than Zhang Lei Star Field. The power is small, and even the coverage is much larger.

"His Excellency, you have no spiritual power. If you now withdraw from the Five Elements Realm, then I can stop shooting at you. We have no resentment and no need to fight for you. I do n’t think so, do you?" The voice sounded at this moment.

From the beginning, she just wanted to stop Lin Chuan's inheritance of the Five Immortals. She never wanted to kill Lin Chuan, so she spoke at the most critical moment because she felt that the battle was no longer necessary. Go on.

"Ha ha ha, isn't there any spiritual power? That's uncertain!" Lin Chuan's voice dropped, his hands folded on his chest, and then slowly pulled away.

A peculiar white jade with nine faces appeared in Lin Chuan's palm. In a short time, a weird oppressive force pervaded the entire cave house of the Five Emperors, and even the field of the Five Elements began to fluctuate violently. A lot of pure white mist emanated from this jade pendant, poured into the acupoints of Linchuan's body, merged directly into the meridians, and went straight to Dantian.

The originally dried Ba Zhuan Yuan Ying seems to have gotten a lot of tonic, and began to devour these pure white mists frantically. In just a few breaths, Lin Tian's Dantian recovered from the dry state to the full state.

"You ... you ..." Qiantai Qianru looked at Yu Pei in Lin Chuan's palm in disbelief and was speechless in shock.

"This breath ... is an immortal ..." Zhang Lei, the man in black, also changed his face instantly, staring in wonder at the nine-day mysterious jade in Lin Chuan's palm.

For a time, the entire Wuzedong Palace was silent, and everyone's eyes were focused on Lin Chuan, more accurately, the jade in his palm.

Lin Chuan's fingers moved slightly, and two mists immediately flew from the nine days of Xuanyu, entangled in Xiao Heng and Shi Jin's body, supplementing the spiritual power they had previously consumed.

Because it is in the ancient fissures, Lin Chuan did not give Xiao Heng and Shi Jin the ability to use the nine-day black jade, and they plan to use them when they return to Zhongchuan. After all, in the ancient fissures, they cannot absorb the aura to transform. It is fairy gas, but this does not prevent the two from using it. With their talent, fairy gas is definitely not a rare thing for them.

"Shouldn't it be the Nine Heavens Xuanyu, the companion fairy of the floating spirit realm?" Bu Yi said dullly.

As an elder of the Qingxian Chamber of Commerce, Bu Yi's knowledge was still very wide, and he quickly recognized what jade was in Linchuan's hands.

"Damn! How could Jiutian Xuanyu appear in this person's hands!" Zhang Lei cursed in the heart ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ At the same time, a greedy color appeared in his eyes, if he could get this kind of fairy-like Magic weapon, there will be no rivals after the fit period.

However, it is more difficult to **** nine days of Xuanyu from Lin Chuan.

With this piece of magic in hand, the three of Lin Chuan will not worry about the depletion of their spiritual power, and all their spells can be released with immortal power, which greatly increases their power. In this way, even if he and Qiantai Qianru are at full strength Together, it is impossible to break through the blockade of these people and **** Jiutian Xuanyu.

Qiantai Qianru's face was cloudy and uncertain. She was thinking about the situation in front of her quickly. Obviously, although her ice and fire double sky was powerful, the other side had nine days of black jade in hand, and it was no problem to hard-wire her attack. Moreover, it is almost impossible for her to stop Lin Chuan's inheritance of the Five Immortal Emperors. In this case, the situation is already very bad for her.

Just then, another monk stepped into the core area, and the moment he entered here, the soul surge broke out instantly, and the 72 soul-locking chains shot like a dragon, and went straight to Linchuan to kill Come over.

Xiao Heng's yin and yang gossip can only defend spells, not soul attacks. The seventy-two soul-locking chains came to Lin Chuan almost without hindrance.

"Come on!" The cold voice came from the hands of the man, overflowing with murder.

Suddenly, Qiantai Qianru, who was performing the ice and fire double sky, turned her right hand into ice blue, and shot it on the black monk who was performing the soullock chain. The soul monk turned into an ice sculpture.

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