Everyone looked at the thing around Mu Yuyi's neck with a horrified look. How could this thing make people feel a creepy feeling?

"Is this the dark-beard bite in the Five-King Emperor Xiandong Mansion?" Bu Lianshi asked convulsively.

Lin Chuan has already told them about Wuzedongfu. Everyone saw the dark red scarf immediately reminiscent of that horrible thing.

"Yes, it's the Dark Beard's Eater!" Lin Chuan nodded, he knew that Mu Yuyi had taken over the goods, so he was not surprised.

"Oh ~ !!! So disgusting ..." Beidou shuddered all over his body. He had no interest in this furry tentacle. Like Shi Jin, he chose to quickly stay away from Mu Yuyi.

In fact, this thing has been guarded in that canyon for a long time, even longer than Wu Jue Di Xian, because Wu Jue Xian went to that place because of the holy medicine, and the Dark Whiskers had been with the holy medicine for a long time there. .

Although this thing is a plant, it also has the ability of some animals, which is a more amazing thing.

Linchuan's Sanqing avatar has the breath of holy medicine, so it is easy to conquer the goods. Mu Yuyi took almost no effort to successfully bring it out of the abyss canyon, and also recognized the Lord.

"What does this thing do? It seems to be very powerful ..." Suzaku asked curiously. From the previous description of Lin Chuan, the combat power of this thing should not be weak.

"In the middle of the fit, but as an associated plant, its fighting ability is not strong!" Mu Yuyi explained.

After all, it ’s not a monster or something. It ’s just a plant that accompanies the holy medicine. Although it ’s high, it does n’t have much fighting ability. Otherwise, it can stay in the valley. Dongfu, this is why Qiantai Qianru and others can break through its guard and enter Dongfu.

The repair is very strong, but the fighting ability is very weak, probably this is the goods.

However, the breath of the fit period is still okay to take out people, but you can't let outsiders see the body of this goods, otherwise it is such a scarf, there is no majesty.

"Come, flannel, say hi to everyone!" Mu Yuyi said happily.

The dark red scarf immediately raised several tentacles and waved at everyone.

Lin Chuan was a little speechless. He only knew that Mu Yuyi had conquered the Dark Whiskers, but he did not expect that the name of the companion plant was actually flannel, but let alone, it was really appropriate.

The corners of the crowd twitched and greeted Flannel, very helpless.

"Did you find anything about the holy medicine?" Lin Chuan asked.

"Don't mention it, it was taken away by the old man from Wuze. It really irritates me!" Shi Jin said depressed.

Although he knew that the probability of finding the holy medicine in this place was very low, he still hoped a bit, but unfortunately the final result was still unsuccessful.

"What is the holy medicine?" Lin Chuan asked.

"A kind of holy medicine born in Jiuyou, ranked fifth in the holy medicine, its name is Manzhushahua, and the outside world generally calls it the other shore flower!" Xiaoheng said softly.

Everyone's face changed slightly, apparently they knew the existence of the other shore flower.

This holy medicine is a heterogeneous drug in all holy medicines, because it is poisonous and highly toxic. If the monks of the Mahayana period are contaminated by a little bit, it is impossible to save the gods. Its toxicity is also among the top five in all poisons.

"It doesn't matter if you don't find it, anyway, the other side flowers have little effect on us, unless you take this holy medicine to poison the people!" Beidou shrugged.

"Who said? The other side of the flower is poisonous, but the holy medicine is the holy medicine. In the hands of those vulgar people, you can only refine the poison pill, but in my case, it is no different from other holy medicine!" Shi Jin was a little emotional. Said.

Obviously, speaking of elixir, Shi Jin has the most say here.

"At that time, the ancient world of the fairyland opened, and we went to look for it. According to the Dark Whiskers, although the other shore flower was dug out by the Five Great Emperors, it should still be somewhere in the ancient world of ancient times, don't completely disappear, saying Maybe you can find it! "Mu Yuyi said lightly.

"Huh!" Lin Chuan nodded, and didn't bother about it anymore.

After a few chats, the rest went to rest, and the small manor quieted again.

During this trip to Dongfu, his gains were very great. Not only did he break through the cultivation, but he also got the inheritance of the Five Great Emperors. He is very lucky.

Xu Ling Dan Lin Chuan didn't find it, but got some clues from Wu Jue Di Xian. According to these clues, he has a good chance to find Xu Ling Dan in the ancient world of Xian.

In addition, Lin Chuan, the Five Elements Palm of the Five Great Emperors' Secrets, has also arrived.

However, to Lin Chuan's surprise, this palm is actually not called the Five Elements Palm, but is called the Nine Palms. It corresponds to the Nine Turns and the Dan Code. The more spiritual power, the greater the power of mastery.

The reason why it was misinformed as the Five Elements Palm is entirely because Wu Jue Di Xian only has five attributes. Therefore, the outside world thought that this palm method only has the Five Elements attributes, but it is not the case.

Lin Chuan tried it. With his extraordinary understanding, it would take several years to integrate all the eight existing attributes into the palm, but the power of this palm also made Lin Chuan very satisfied. He I even feel that once the nine attributes come together, the power of nine must be beyond the holy level to reach the level of immortality.

After all, when Wu Jue Xian created this method, he reached the limit of the number in the most ideal state. He never thought that anyone could have the nine roots.

time flies.

Because of the collection of immortal ancient jade, the crowd did not go out these days, but began their own cultivation, and wanted to be promoted to the virtual period when the ancient immortal world was actually opened.

At the same time ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Lin Chuan's three avatars are also engaged in different division of labor and cooperation.

Mu Yuyi is responsible for practicing Nine Palms, zero funeral is responsible for solid cultivation, and Lin Chuan is the reason for breaking through in the Five Emperors Xiandong Mansion before summing up, and wants everyone in [Xiao] organization to break through the cracks in Xiangu. After all, the benefits of this are obvious, but Lin Chuan has not found the key to the problem after a few days.

Just the day before the ancient crack in Xiangu was about to open, someone knocked on the door of Linchuan's room.

"Come in!" Lin Chuan opened his eyes and said.

The door opened quickly, and Qin Lang, who had attacked Xiaopao, walked in from outside, his face was not very good, and his eyes were fixed on Lin Chuan, and he looked a little restless.

"Is something wrong?" Lin Chuan asked.

"After I go back this time, I need to go to Thunderfield ..." Qin Lang said solemnly.

"Lei Yu!" Lin Chuan's eyes narrowed slightly. If he remembered correctly, the Qin family where Qin Lang was located was in Lei Yu.

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