Lin Chuan said that the weeping ghosts were so shocking that Bu Lian Shi and Qin Lang heard the expressions.

"You ... you have to tamper with the heavens ..." Qin Lang was stuttered. He was just a dead body reborn, and he gave him such a high goal as soon as he came up, which made him stressful, even unknowing. Measures.

"A dream is still there, in case it is realized ..." Lin Chuan said with a smile, seemingly relaxed and happy, but he actually had deeper thoughts in his heart.

Qin Lang has just emerged from the dirty soil, after all, he is no longer a living person. This body cannot be cultivated. Although he can use the nucleus of Zu Lei to increase the strength of Cinghuo Yanglei, but Cinghuo Yanglei is not so good. .

Therefore, Lin Chuan must give Qin Lang a long-term goal so that he can fight for it instead of giving up when he is not advanced.

As a caster, Lin Chuan could indeed control Qin Lang's actions, but he could not do that. If Qin Lang was tired of this state of reincarnation, what would he do?

It is almost impossible for Zixiao Shenlei to achieve this, but it is still possible to draw a cake for Qin Lang to make him feel hopeful to stay in this world.

"Do you have any other clues to the Zixiao Shenlei there?" Asked the trainer.

Zixiao Shenlei is the ultimate power in the hands of Heaven. Except for the Zixiao Shenlei that appears when monks cross the robbery, other times this kind of heaven punishment thunder rarely appears in the realm of cultivation, and even if it appears, such as Thunder Most of the things are also fleeting. They won't be saved for a long time. It is easy to find a suitable Thunder.

"There are not many in the realm of cultivation, but there are many in the ancient world. I have read a lot of information about the ancient world. Many of them have seen the existence of the Zixiao God Thunder in the ancient world. We If you look for it, there is no problem finding one or two! "Lin Chuan explained.

"Although it is difficult, there is still hope!" Bu Liao Nodded and looked at Qin Lang, "What do you think?"

"I have no opinion!" Qin Lang said, taking a deep breath.

He could feel the thoughts of Lin Chuan and Bu Lian Shi. At this moment, he felt that the luckiest thing in his life was to meet these two friends.

In time and space.

Qin Lang met Qin Fei and Jin Yao again.

Lin Chuan didn't tell the two that Qin Lang was dead, but just let them know that Qin Lang was seriously injured and entered a weird state of false death. Anyway, for people who do not understand the rebirth of Qin Lang, Qin Lang's current state is not worse than when he was alive How many.

Bu Lian Shi used the power of absolute perception to find the hidden restraint on Jin Yao. It turned out to be in a jewelry, and the person who gave her this jewelry was Qin Ming.

"It seems ... he never really believed in me ..." Jin Yao said with a mockery, then shook his head and crushed the jewelry in his hand.

Lin Chuan did not intervene in the matter between the three of them, but left more time for the three to handle it for themselves, after so many years, they did have a lot to say before.

Qingxian Restaurant.

Lin Chuan and Practitioner did not leave Leicheng immediately. The most dangerous place was the safest place. They wanted to see what the Qin family could investigate, and at the moment, they were not particularly important. Things to do.

Qin Lang is enjoying a rare leisure time in time and space. He is going to get acquainted with the body of the dirty soil, and then go to the top of the tower to remove the crystal nucleus.

A few days passed quickly, and the marriage of the Qin family of the Lei Yu Qin family was announced. At the same time, a lot of gossip began to flood the mainland. Many people were watching the Qin family's jokes, and the Qin family was also It is very uncomfortable because they have investigated for so long and found nothing.

"They focused their investigation on Baili Chenle, which was really fun!" Lin Chuan laughed.

Baili Chenle, driven by curiosity, has unconsciously become the three of them, which is also funny.

"It is said that the Qin family is also looking for the missing Jin Yao, but she is now in your time and space, even the Mahayana monk, can't find any clues!" Bu Lian Shi said softly, this is also because they did not send Qin Fei He Jinyao released the reason.

"Estimated ..." Lin Chuan's voice had not yet fallen, and a knock came from the door.

"Huh?" Lin Chuan said for a moment. They didn't know anyone here.

"It's the two people who are with Baili Chenle!" The absolute perception of the step trainer was immediately released, and the identity of the person was immediately felt.

"The two of them ..." Lin Chuan's brow frowned slightly, then he got up and opened the door.

"What's the matter between the two?" Looking at Luo Wu and Bai Qing in front of him, Lin Chuan opened his eyes and asked, to be honest, there was really no friendship between them.

"I just want to ask you some things. I wonder if it is convenient?" Said Luo Wu, a thin young man.

Lin Chuan's brow frowned slightly, and it was inconvenient to say it instinctively, but at this moment, he suddenly asked a familiar fragrance, which smelled when he first met the three of them. Yes, and Lin Chuan also confirmed to trainer Qin Lang that they did not smell it.

"This smell doesn't look like Baili Chenle ..." Lin Chuan looked at the two in front of him, and then let go of the body blocking the door. "Come in and talk ..."

"Thank you very much!" Luo Wu said ~ ~ and then entered the room with Bai Qing.

"What do the two want to inquire about?" Lin Chuan took the lead and asked.

"Bai Chenchen should have heard of it recently, right?" Luo Wu said.

Lin Chuan and Bu Lian Shi nodded.

"I don't believe he will go to the Qin family to grab a marriage. He is very curious. He must have discovered something interesting and wanted to investigate ..." Luo Wu said.

"This thing seems to have nothing to do with us!" Lin Chuan interrupted Luo Wu's words.

"It doesn't matter, but before Baili Chenle had an accident, it seemed that the three of you were the most interested, so I wanted to come over and ask a friend, something happened to him, and I want to know if the original ... Oh, by the way, it seems that one of your friends is not here. Is there something going out, or ... "Luo Wu asked with a hint, his eyes kept looking at Lin Chuan and Pedestrian Master. Find some doubts on people.

"My friend went out. In addition, Baili Chenle's accident has nothing to do with us. If you want to investigate, you should go to Qin's house for investigation!" Lin Chuan said coldly.



Luo Wu's voice just dropped, and a flashing body appeared directly in front of Lin Chuan.

At the same time, the scent was instantly richer, and Lin Chuan finally remembered what it was like.


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(End of this chapter)

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