Naruto’s God Tree’s Fruit in Other World

Chapter 1455: Practice Note (Thanks to the ghost merchants for 10,000 book rewards)

The jade urn in the old man's hand also emits a strange black light at this moment, with runes looming out of the faint, echoing the runes emanating from Lin Chuan, making the sound of the road in the whole valley more solemn and solemn.

The master ’s face changed so much that Lin Chuan knew about the Capricorn Bible. At this moment, because of this jade, the Capricorn Bible on Lin Chuan appeared directly. If it was discovered, I ’m afraid the whole Nakagawa would unfold. Besieged against them.

But soon the trainer was relieved, because she found that the chanting sounds only existed in this valley, and the outside could not feel any anomalies here.

"You ... you are ..." The elder Zhang Shang's face was shaking at this moment, and he looked at Lin Chuan and the jade in his hand in disbelief.

He did not expect that Lin Chuan could release such a black rune.

He didn't even expect that the jade hand in his hand even released a black rune.

At this moment, he had an indescribable mood, because even he didn't know that the jade in his hand still had this effect.

He knew that the jade jade was a treasure, but he didn't know what it was useful for. He only knew that putting it on his body could nourish the soul, but no matter what he saw, there was nothing magical about the jade jade, except that it could not be destroyed.

He said that there is someone who can see him, but he doesn't even know who it is.

I didn't expect it to be!

The old man was very excited, he really didn't expect this scene to happen.

"you you you……"

Three consecutive words for you, but the old man still didn't say anything, he looked at Lin Chuan with so much excitement and incredulity, and then ... died ...

The chanting of the scripture did not last long, and soon stopped. The jade urn flew directly from the old man and landed in front of Lin Chuan.

"Is this the original Scripture of the Capricorn Bible?" Bu Lianshi said in shock, looking at the jade in front of him.

"No ... it's not the Capricorn Bible, but it's related to the Capricorn Bible ..." Lin Chuan caught it softly, and raised his hand to put it away.

Jade is very light, like a layer of tulle, and the runes on it are obscure. Ordinary people look a little vague and not real, but they become clear in Lin Chuan's eyes.

After temporarily putting away the jade, Lin Chuan's gaze fell on the old man not far away.

"It's really exciting ..." Lin Chuan said helplessly.

Originally based on the cultivation of the old man, he was able to support it for a few months, but he did not expect that what had just happened was too amazing, so he went straight away with excitement.


Lin Chuan flashed, came to the old man, reached out with his right hand, and touched the old man's brows.

An old jade cormorant related to the Capricorn Bible appeared in the hands of this old man, and he did not think it would be accidental.

But after checking for a while, Lin Chuan did not find anything useful in the old man.

At this moment, a voice came from outside the valley, and many people appeared.

"It should be that the old man's life card is broken, and the Zhang family came over to check it!" Bu Lian Shi said.

"Let's go and see!" Lin Chuan temporarily took Yu Yu into the space, and flew towards the entrance of the valley together with the step trainer.

Many people came outside, headed by Zhang Qing. Six monks in the refining period stood in the forefront, and behind them were some monks in the deification period, each with a sad look on his face.

"He died, you can go and see for yourself!" Lin Chuan said simply.

He wasn't killed anyway, he had a clear conscience.

The people of the Zhang family did not confess to Lin Chuanxing. They obviously knew that his family had not had much time, and they had just told the elders that some things had happened, so they did not blame this on Lin Chuan.

After half an hour, Zhang Qing simply dealt with the funeral of the elder Tai Shang and came to Linchuan.

"I promised your grandfather that I would guard your Zhang family during this time. If there are enemies coming, you can come here to find me!" Lin Chuan decided to stay temporarily in Yougu.

Now that he has taken the old man's jade jade, he is also ready to do something, not to mention that from the current situation, this jade jade is not simple.

"Well, despite the two people's needs, as long as our Zhang family can do it, we will not shirk!" Zhang Qing said respectfully.

"Nothing more, you go down!" Lin Chuan waved.

Zhang Qing bowed and left, and this valley was still protected as a forbidden area for the entire Zhang family. At the same time, he also began to handle the funeral of Tai Shang Elder with great fanfare.

They used to be afraid of the only monk in the family in the late refining period, but now, with Lin Chuan's guardianship, they are no longer afraid.

In addition, Lin Chuan will not stay here all the time because they must let the enemies know that their family's pillars have passed away. Fortunately, they can be sent by Luo Chuanwang in the near future. In great danger.

After a few days, Bu Lian Shi broke into the ancient cracks of Xiangu, and Lin Chuan stayed in the Zhang family again, studying the Zhang Yuzhen carefully.

His previous judgment was correct. This is indeed not the Capricorn Bible, but something similar to the practice of handwriting, some of which cannot be understood in the realm of Lin Chuan's soul, as if there is a layer of tulle on it, but At the beginning of this note, there is something that Lin Chuan cares about.

Capricorn handwriting!

Lin Chuan ~ ~ was the first two words.

In other words, this thing belongs to the Capricorn family, and this is also the first time that Linchuan has seen a real Capricorn relic in so long.

"Capricorn ..."

If he remembers correctly, Lin Chuan's mother is from the Capricorn continent, that is, she is a Capricorn.

Lin Chuan also awakened the Capricorn Bible in the beauty mound because of her current bloodline.

However, Lin Chuan didn't know much about this race, and there was almost nothing that could be found. Only one or two peeped from the mouth of some people, but it was also surrounded by clouds and fog, and it was not real.

Lin Chuan originally wanted to regenerate the old man's dirty soil and ask what it was, but found out that the old man could not be reborn, and his soul didn't know where to go.

However, these problems are not significant, because he has already figured out the source of this jade pudding. The front side is recorded with the practice notes, while the back is a map clearly marked with the three ancient characters.

"Is it a coincidence? The immortal world is about to open, but I got a chance to get a relic of the Capricorns pointing to the immortal world ..." Lin Chuan whispered to himself.

He is not without doubt, after all, this thing is too amazing.

But he was able to confirm that the practice notes recorded in this jade pendant were real. He only studied it for a few days, and the progress in the Capricorn Bible has made rapid progress. It can be seen that it is indeed from the Capricorn family, otherwise Perhaps someone knows the Capricorn Bible so well.

Thank you for the reward of 10,000 books!

(End of this chapter)

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