There was no time to consider other things. Lin Chuan looked at Yu Qingzong, who was still struggling to kill the skeletons in the rear, and turned away with the hand of a step trainer, leaving only Zhang Qi, who was full of dog food. Back view!

The people with golden phalanxes seemed to have their own aura of asylum. All the skeletons saw them detouring, which made them no longer blocked on their way to the temple.


Seeing the figure holding the girl's hand and turning smartly, Zhang Qi almost spit out the old blood.

This is the provocation of Chiguo.

But he couldn't do anything about it. These sea-like skeletons blocked his pursuit, and the bones formed by the young man's spell were extremely difficult to remove, seriously affecting their speed of progress, and it was almost impossible to chase after them. You can only find a way to hurry as soon as possible, and don't lag behind those people too much.

After receiving the golden phalanges, Lin Chuan and others did not go straight to the temple, but joined together first.

"What's the use of these five phalanges?" Beidou asked curiously.

He has also seen it just now, this thing is similar to magic weapon, but he cannot use it, otherwise if it can emit the golden light like before, it is definitely a big killer.

"Put all the phalanges together first!" Linchuan Qingdao said.

The first time Yu Muyi saw the phalanx, it was in the hand of the white jade skeleton in the temple. There were only one, but now there are five, and the color is much lighter than the original, indicating that this should be a phalange. Split into.

Immediately, everyone handed over the phalanges in their respective hands to Lin Chuan. The golden light diffused out. Five pale golden phalanges slowly merged into a golden phalanx, emitting a dazzling brilliance, just like gold casting.

The powerful breath spreads out from the golden phalanges, and the huge energy contained in it makes everyone feel palpitations. If it can be motivated, the power that erupts is likely to reach the level of the fit period.

However, Lin Chuan tried and found that he still couldn't control the phalanges.

Looking up at the temple, Lin Chuan knew it was because the owner of the golden phalanx was still there.

"Go in, I feel that the danger is not as great as before, and those of Yu Qingzong are approaching!" Xiaoheng said after glanced at the monks who were still struggling to kill the skeleton behind him.

These large gates are not only large in number, powerful in spells, but also extremely powerful in their endurance. It has been so long. They have not experienced a state of spiritual exhaustion, which shows how rich the resources in their hands are.


Lin Chuan held the golden phalanges in his hand and led the crowd straight to the sand stone temple.

The forest of white skulls automatically diverted in front of them, and retreated toward both sides, and everyone hurried through the desert. Within half a column of incense, they had arrived before the sand stone temple.

Linchuan's kaleidoscope writing wheel eye emerged, and at the same time, Mu Yuyi's turning eyes were staring in this direction. After they were sure that there was no problem, Lin Chuan led the people into the temple.

The hot desert heat wave disappeared in an instant, replaced by a coldness that penetrated the bone marrow, and the air became much colder.

The hall made of yellow sandstone is very dim, with an ancient vicissitudes. Everyone was tense from the moment they stepped into the temple, ready to deal with sudden dangers, such as the white jade skull.

However, the expected attack did not occur, and the entire temple seemed extremely quiet.

But the body in that place was telling everyone how horrible it was when they entered here during the day.

Everyone has a blood hole in his eyebrow, which is instantly killed and has no time to react.

Lin Chuan could not help but clenched his golden fingers, which is probably the key to their break this time.

"Damn ants! You stole my phalanx and dare to step into my temple!" Suddenly, a husky and sharp voice sounded from the depths of the hall, and a creepy sense of crisis suddenly appeared in the hearts of everyone .

"Be careful!" Lin Chuan's eyes narrowed slightly, and the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye caught a white light and shadow that shot from the depths of the hall, which was the white jade skull.

It's time to finally come.

Everyone immediately entered into a combat state, and even if the white jade skull had lost the golden phalanges, they could not easily handle it.

Just when the crowd was just preparing to take action, Lin Chuan suddenly shed five-colored light in his body, and it was directly injected into the golden phalanges of the palm without any sign.


The entire temple shook instantly, and the originally dim hall suddenly became bright. A large number of five-color runes appeared on the surrounding walls. Each rune represented a spiritual attribute. After these runes appeared, they left Suppressed toward the white jade skull, turned into a brand, and attached to the skull's original white jade skeleton.

In a short time, the momentum of the white jade skull fell sharply, and the coercion that could still maintain the fit period was immediately dropped to the great consummation period, and the bones emitting bright moonlight-like light flashed with five-colored runes, becoming garish. Very dazzling.

"Gangwon-do, you've imprisoned your husband here for so many years, isn't it for your heirs to find Ethereal !!!! Today I will kill your heirs and break the inheritance you have been waiting for for years! !!! "

After the bones of the white jade skull were printed with five-color runes, the breath fell sharply, shouting like crazy.

He is fierce!

Ruthless Gangwon-do.

Not only did he kill him, but he made his bones into a cricket-like existence and stored it here to guard this temple that imprisoned him.

His existence has only one purpose, which is to ensure that the virtual spirit pill left by Gangwon-do can fall into the hands of his heirs and not be taken away by others.

The five-color runes here are also originally arranged by Gangwon-do ~ ~ in order to suppress the strength of the white jade skeleton when the real heir arrives, so that his heirs can truly control this temple.

However, everything seems to be inconsistent with what the white jade skull said!

Just then, Hei Jue and Xiao Heng both discovered the problem.

"The formation method here has been changed. This is not the first formation method of Wu Jue Di Xian!" He Jue said hoarsely.

"The formation method has been changed!" Xiao Heng's voice sounded at the same time.

At this moment, the strength of the white jade skull that was originally suppressed by the five-color runes began to rise rapidly, and the array of the temple not only no longer suppressed his strength, but began to help him improve his strength, just a few breaths In just a short time, the strength of Baiyu Skull has increased to the level of mid-fitting, and it is still rising.

A bad hunch appeared in Lin Chuan's heart.

(End of this chapter)

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