This person knows Lin Chuan, even Bu Lian Shi and Qin Lang, because his changed face at this moment is the Baili Chenle who once helped them in the Qin family.

But at that time, Baili Chenle did not know the identity of the three of Lin Chuan. Even at this moment, Lin Chuan was not sure whether the other party knew that the three of them were the three who had been doing things in the Qin family because of their looks. At the time they were all camouflaged to a certain degree.

"We are meeting again!" Baili Chenle said with a slight smile, and waved at Lin Chuan.

As the words fell, Lin Chuan could finally confirm that this person knew their identity. As for when, Lin Chuan could not judge, but if he had already known their identity at the time of the Qin family, that person The approach to them was terrible.

"I didn't expect to see you here!" Lin Chuan said calmly.

"I will meet you by fate, not to mention you still owe me a favor, I am not the kind of saint with great thanks, and I expect you to repay me!" Baili Chenle laughed.

"What do you want?" Lin Chuan pursed his lips and asked.

"Of course I work with you to deal with the monk in the fit period, and get what the Five Immortals have left!" Baili Chenle said, "Anyway, I want to grab something from the monk in the fit period. It is too difficult. Big! "

Lin Chuan did not comment.

The identity of Baili Chenle is a mystery until now, and Lin Chuan has never seen the other person's true body until now, which makes it difficult for him to trust this person, even if the other person has helped himself.

"Some things, I can only talk to your true body!" Lin Chuan said after a moment of groaning.

"I can take you to see my true body, because the battle is expected to start soon!" Baili Chenle said lightly, "We are thinking about joining together to deal with that monk, and that monk is also thinking about what Break us one by one, so we have to hurry up, otherwise we may not even have the chance to join forces! "

"Yes, we can leave now!" Lin Chuan nodded.

Although he didn't go to other key-holders, he was still anxious. Before he saw that the remaining two light spots were close, it is likely that the monk in the fit period was hunting down the key-holder. If you are losing people here, I am afraid that you can only introduce other forces to check and balance the monk in the fit period, but that is not good for Lin Chuan.

This matter, the less people involved, the better.

After a brief communication, Lin Chuan [Xiao] organized the people into time and space, and rushed to the place where the monk in the fit period was working with Baili Chenle.

They are not ordinary geniuses, they are extremely fast, and they have various secret methods that can at least ensure that most of the people in the five-colored sand sea are thrown away.

Soon, those monks who wanted to continue to track down found that they had lost their targets and were able to track down their positions by special methods. After all, there were very few people.

Out of the five-colored sandy sea, the two immediately rose into the air and hurried away at a very fast speed.

"What else is there over you?" Lin Chuan asked.

When he saw Baili Chenle at the Qin family, he had two people around him, one Luo Wu and one Bai Qing, but one of them was a demon and the other was Yuanzong. Now he is also with Baili Chenle Possibility of action.

"Several friends, you will know when you see it, rest assured, if I want to count you, I have already shot, why wait until now!" Baili Chenle said indifferently.

Seeing the other side didn't want to say, Lin Chuan didn't ask much.

After flying for about an hour, Baili Chenle spent a lot of spiritual power, opened a space channel, took Linchuan directly through a large area, arrived at the edge of the Fifth Immortal Ancient World, and then went forward. It is the fourth-largest immortal world, and when it gets there, the danger will rise greatly enough to threaten the survival of Linchuan.

"Only the five keys can be put together to find the things left by Wu Jue Di Xian. Now we will reconcile with the power holding the wooden key, and then make plans!" Baili Chenle explained, taking Lin Together, Chuan directly crossed the barrier of space leading to the fourth largest immortal world.

"Who do you know who owns the key to wood?" Lin Chuan frowned.

"I didn't know, but someone just told me!" Baili Chenle said, "You should have heard of this person, Yuanzong's departure!"

"The key to the wooden property is in the hands?" Lin Chuan's heart moved slightly.

"Yes, but this key just fell into Li's hands. It is said that it was in the hands of a second-class cultivation force and was snatched by him!" Baili Chenle said lightly.

"That's it!" Lin Chuan nodded, which also explained why Mu Li had to leave that letter when he already had a key, apparently he was going to make a double insurance. With that key, he can continue to participate in this matter with the help of Lin Chuan's hands.

"Your intelligence system is very powerful!" Lin Chuan said softly.

Being able to investigate Mu Li's actions, the people behind Baili Chenle must not be simple.

"There must always be something that can handle it!" Baili Chenle did not deny it ~ ~ The sky gradually darkened, and Baili Chenle finally reached his destination.

Lin Chuan has sensed several very powerful breaths in the distant valleys, one of which is even familiar.

A breeze passed, and a young boy's thin body appeared in front of them.

"Is it you?" Lin Chuan's pupils shrank a little, and he glanced at Baili Chenle again. He did not expect that the two were still related.

"Introduction, my friend, Liu Chuanfeng!" Baili Chenle said, pointing at the sick boy, "Ah, yes, you should have seen it before!"

Lin Chuan frowned, not only had he ever seen it, he almost hit him, and the name, Liu Chuanfeng, I also Sakuragi Flower Road!

The morbid youngster Liu Chuanfeng looked at Lin Chuan, nodded slightly, and said hello.

Soon, seven more figures flew out of the valley. There were men and women. Most of them were successful in the late refining and refining periods, and they were very powerful.

Compared with one, Lin Chuan is a bit cold. Although there are a large number of people, but Shi Jin's refining period is complete, he is still an alchemist. Particularly good at fighting.

"Let's go, we don't have much time!" Liu Chuanfeng frowned, and said impatiently.

"There is news from Yuanzong, they are being hunted down by the fit monk, it won't last long!" Said a girl with a veil.

"OK, go now!" Baili Chenle said.

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