"That should no longer be called a magic weapon ... but a fairy ..." Nan Dou swallowed and said.

A fiery look appeared on everyone's faces. Even though this fairy wo n’t fall into their hands, in Lin Chuan ’s hands, the various gods of [Xiao] enjoyed a lot of convenience. .

Don't look at these immortals playing a small role in battle, but the four major immortals controlled by Lin Chuan are all invisible, and they are very powerful.

Everyone can be promoted to the refining period in such a short period of time. Mixed Yuanzhu is an indispensable part of the cultivation practice, and with the improvement of everyone's cultivation, this piece of magic was given on the Avenue of Enlightenment. The help is becoming increasingly apparent.

As everyone knows, in order to reach the refining period, cultivation can no longer be achieved by simply absorbing spiritual power. It requires more understanding of Tiandi Avenue, resonance with heaven, and the field ability after the integration period is the best. A manifestation of that is not the spell of the monk during the fit period, but the way in which he naturally reveals his most powerful ability after he merges with heaven.

Mixed Yuanzhu seems to be of little use, but the entire cultivation industry can hardly find a second one to achieve this effect in auxiliary cultivation.

The immortal use ability given by Jiutian Xuanyu to everyone and the ability for everyone to absorb the immortality stored in the immortal in the case of lack of reiki are all this time. In the later period of the virtual period and even the great monks, there is no such thing as nine days of black jade. Even if the talents of everyone are high, they cannot fight across so many levels.

The role of the town boundary disk in space is also very powerful. This thing, only when the space is banned, you can feel its benefits. With the spatial capabilities of Linchuan's three major pupils, the magical effects can be countless. Once he lost this piece of fairy ware, Lin Chuan would probably be useless when facing high-level monks.

As for measuring the ruler, to help Lin Chuan to find treasure, it is also very good to take out half an attacking magic weapon at a critical moment, and its ability has yet to be developed. Once Lin Chuan's strength is strong, you can go to Zhongchuan mainland with the measuring ruler. Jedi Quest, there is still much potential to be realized.

Each of the four magic weapons has an irreplaceable powerful effect. Although it is not directly reflected in the specific battle, it is the most powerful foundation of the organization [xiao]. After they entered Nakagawa, they were able to interact with those A long and short capital.

If you can find another piece of fairy in the ancient world of immortality, the strength of the whole [Xiao] will be increased again, and the strength will be even more terrible.

"I just don't know what the five imperial emperors left here. What we lack now is actually an attacking fairy. The measuring ruler is not specifically used to attack!" The teacher said softly.

The crowd nodded in conviction. The four immortals in Lin Chuan's hands were not strictly used for fighting. This is even more true of Shi Jin's Dan furnace. You've seen the alchemist shouting and holding Dan. Out of the furnace and hit people, only the cherries of the falling cherry blossoms are considered to be offensive, but this magic weapon is very special. It is not easy to say whether the fairy is, but the power is really abnormal. The only problem is that the launch conditions are too difficult. Every time Chen exerts his best, he is seriously injured in a coma for less than half a month. Unless he has a tendency to be abused, this kind of thing is less frequent.

"According to the information recorded by Dayin Lou, the magic weapon used by Wu Jue Di Xian before he became immortal is indeed an attacking magic weapon called Wu Ling Yu Fan, but no one knows the specific effect. After all, Wu Ling Yu Fan was only a magic weapon. Only when the five imperial immortals become immortals will they be promoted to immortals, and what changes will happen at that time is unknown! "Shui Chan said softly.

Lin Chuan nodded and said, "Anyway, this operation is very dangerous, but the gains should also be great. If it is successful, we will be worth it this time!"

Everyone was extremely excited about the possible appearance of the fairy, and they discussed the possible capabilities of the Wuling Lupins.

About half an hour later, Lin Chuan felt the call of Baili Chenle to himself.

"Let's go, it should all be here!"

Lin Chuan Qingdao, he was ready to approach that person up close.

Kaleidoscope writing wheel eye emerged and Shenwei started. This time, Lin Chuan released all the people in [Xiao] organization. After all, he was going to see that person. The scene must not fall.

Immortal world.

A spinning space node appears in the midst of the sky, and then zooms in rapidly. One after another, wearing red windcoats with black backgrounds, spins out from it. It takes only two or three breaths. .

Not far away, Baili Chenle and others stood side by side respectfully. There were just two more people in the field, both wearing white flame trench coats, one man and one woman, and the woman was a snowman who had seen Linchuan once. Qian Ru, and the man is a handsome young man with a smile on his corner of his mouth, which makes people feel like a spring breeze.

This is not the first time everyone has met, but this is the first time such a close contact, and it is not strange, but is very familiar, because he and Lin Chuan are very similar ~ www. wuxiaspot.com ~ There is only a slight difference between the eyebrows and the hair is flowing black.

However, Lin Chuan's appearance has changed a lot at this moment. His technique of change was learned from the hybrid hairy bird. It is very powerful. At least so far, no one can see through it. It must be safe, because he has a kind of pupil technique called Pupil's Pupil, in which the mystery is difficult for outsiders to know.

"Jiu Yang's name!" Lin An laughed at Lin Chuan, sunny and gentle.

"Jiu Yang's name!" Lin Chuan also smiled, calm and peaceful.

The two brothers met for the first time after decades, without any violent mood swings, and some were only calm greetings.

"As you can see, our action this time is not in the name of the Lin family, but in the name of" Breaking Dawn ", so only we are involved!" Lin An explained, directly saying the main body of this action .

Although Lin Family and Daybreak are both led by Lin An, the gap between them is very wide.

"As far as I know, it is the same from there. It will not be shot in the name of Yuanzong, but in an organization created by himself. Its name is [Dawn], or [Li] for short!" Lin An said with a light smile. "In other words, our three-party alliance this time is your [Dawn], my [Breaking Dawn], and the [Dawn] away!"

"I think you can form a group called Morning Alliance, it's more appropriate!" Shi Jin said with a smile.

Everyone just felt that a group of crows was flying overhead, but ... the name really seemed to match ...

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