The town boundary was taken out again, and the immortal Chakra poured into it, and the surrounding space immediately spread a cobweb-like golden pattern. Everything was quiet at this moment. The crowd stared at Lin Chuan tightly and finished the battle. Preparation.


Lin Chuan raised his hand, and a huge space crack appeared in an instant. The silver light was diffused and controlled by the power of the town boundary disk. The passage was established in an instant.

The next moment, everyone flashed, and rushed towards the cracks in the space that appeared.

Among them, Lin An had the fastest speed and entered the passage before everyone, because his task was to forge the first attack of the fit monk.

The speed of the others was not slow. After Lin An entered it, it was followed by the four envoys and [Breaking Dawn], and then [Dawn] led by Payne Heavenly Road. After all these people entered, Mu Libel His men also entered the passage.

call out!

The last time Lin Chuan stepped into the space passage, the crack disappeared, and everything returned to normal.

the other side.

This is a huge grassland. It looks very lonely under the night sky. Hundreds of people are scattered around, and a middle-aged man in a purple robe sits cross-legged in the middle. He has a bright eyebrow and a yellow eyebrow. The purple and white lines are intertwined, looking solemn and mysterious.

Although he sat there without any movement, the pulsating momentum on his body was terrible, even more terrible than the hundreds of people sitting cross-legged.

In addition, both in the sky and grass, there are many insect-like animals dormant. If you look closely, you can see the yellow and purple two-color lines on these insects. Some are few, some are simple, and some are complicated.

And not far away, there are still a few very huge shadow discs, which are more than ten meters in length, and the texture on them is even more complicated, making people feel dizzy at first glance.

These ... are detonating clay!

Also in this quiet atmosphere, a large number of golden lines suddenly appeared in the dim night sky, and the spatial fluctuations became fierce in an instant.


At this moment, everyone opened their eyes and looked into the sky.

The space here was originally banned, but at this moment, it was suddenly torn apart by human beings. The golden lines condensed the irresistible laws of space, and it was above the power that blocked here.

"It really is a fairy!" Zichuan Bo's pupil contracted slightly.

The last time those people left, he wasn't sure, because the break-amulet also has such an effect, but the break-amulet that can be used in Xiangujie is rare, but this time he was sure that the other party was in control Fairy.

Zichuan Bo didn't say a word. The spiritual power erupted suddenly. In the shadows not far away, three giant birds flew up and flew towards the night sky spreading with golden lines.

He had expected that these people would have such a hand, and he was ready. As long as these giant birds exploded, it would not be a problem to kill several monks who had successfully completed the refining period.

Xu Ling Dan, he is bound to get it.

As a descendant of Zichuan Yi, he is the best one, but it is because of the lack of fire attributes that his spell cannot be accomplished. This time, he will get the Ethereal Pyramid anyway to get that last fire attribute.


After the golden veins tore open the space, a crack in the space suddenly opened, and the silver light slanted out. A figure was faintly visible. He was quickly passing through the passage, and behind him, dozens of figures followed closely. .

Just as Lin An stepped out of the passage, the three giant birds with wingspans of more than ten meters presented the shape of a character and flew straight to Lin An.

But Zichuan Bo didn't detonate these three giant birds in the first place. He wanted to kill them all with more people.

Just then, more than a dozen people in [Dawning] stepped out of the cracks in space and came to Lin An's side.

At this moment, Uncle Zichuan was not ready to wait any longer, and his hands immediately drew the trick.


However, the unexpected terrorist explosion did not occur because Lin An's eyes were staring at the three giant birds in front of him. A strange wave broke out from his eyes. Then, the giant bird was complicated. The incomparable two-color lines are instantly disordered, and then disappear directly.

At this moment, the giant bird turned into a clay sculpture and fell directly from the sky, without erupting the slightest power, and did not cause any fluctuations.

And all these reasons, just because Lin An glanced at them.

Just one glance.

"What !!!!" Uncle Zichuan's face changed instantly, looking at this scene in the sky with some incredulity.

Lin An's face was slightly pale, and the index finger and thumb habitually pinched the position of the bridge of the nose. She closed her eyes and did not speak, nor did she move further.

Hundreds of people who sat on their knees on the grass saw this scene. Some wonder why the giant birds didn't explode, but they didn't think about it. They just stood up in the air, facing the cracks in the space, as instructed by Uncle Zichuan. The people who came out killed the past.

"Yuehua cut!"

At this moment, Baili Chenle flew out instantly, and the bright light of the whole body was flourishing. UU read the book www. is integrated with the moonlight dripping in the sky, making the entire sky instantly bright, and the light falling in the next two rounds of the moon are all turned into sharp light blades, chopping heads and faces towards the hundreds of monks. Go on.

Uncle Zichuan also reacted at this time. Although he didn't know what he had experienced at that moment, time did not allow him to think again.

Numerous insects dormant all around the sky, went straight to the crack and killed the past.

Just now the three giant birds did not know what the reason was, the lines on it were destroyed instantly, but how many tens of millions of detonated clay insects launched an attack, how much can you destroy?

Yue Huazhe had already collided with the hundreds of monks at this moment. The terrible explosive power directly killed dozens of weak monks. Although others defended against the horrific outbreak of Baili Chenle, they also stopped. , Stopped.

And at this time, countless insects swept through and surrounded all the people coming out of the cracks in the space. The people at [Bawning] faced such a scene, their faces were all ugly, but Lin An still closed his eyes.

Just when they thought [Xiao] was about to betray, a figure stepped out of the stewardess's crack instantly, and a pair of lilac rippled eyes gently swept around, hands held up, and horrible pupils burst out instantly.

"Super God Luo Tianzheng!"


The repulsive force of terror, with Penn's heavenly path as the core, swung open in all directions. All the insects that came flying were blocked by this blow. The explosion exploded and the bombs flew. None of them could approach the space crack.

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