The white light erupted suddenly, and a strange jade pendant with nine faces rose up, exuding the immortality around the crowd, suppressing the spiritual power mobilized by Zichuan Bo.

At the same time, the black brilliance came out, and a ruler sprang out quickly, hovering quickly above Xiao's organization, and the black brilliance hung down, suppressing the power of Zichuan Bo.

The air-borne Chen sat cross-legged, with both hands spread out, the red cherry blossoms diffused out, quickly condensed into a quaint harp, the vicissitudes and warmth of the air permeated, a huge tree full of fire red cherry blossoms. Appearing behind Kong Chen, the cherry rain slowly fell, holding up a sky for everyone.

Shi Jin's eyebrows cracked, and the dark black furnace spun out, exuding rumors, suppressing the surrounding area.

As soon as the four immortals came out, [Xiao] the atmosphere around the organization was completely stable. The spiritual force previously mobilized by the field of Zichuan Bo calmed down instantly, and the detonation clay that had manifested was also reconstituted into aura and dissipated.

If the field of Bo Zichuan is likened to the sea, then Lin An, Mu Li, Feng Hua Xue Yue, Nan Dou Liu Xing, etc. are all using their strong repairs to form an air field, driving the surrounding sea water back, and Lin Chuan, on the other hand, used an immortal to build an aircraft carrier directly, letting you have soaring seas and turbulent waves, and I was standing still.

There is a fairy, wayward!


This is the normal reaction of a normal monk after seeing this scene.

Not only the crowds fighting at the scene, but also the tens of thousands of people in Dayinlou who were watching the screen in the distance, all stunned at this moment.

"Digging !!!! Five immortals! Five immortals!"

"Digging! Why are they like Chinese cabbage with them!"

"That jade pendant is the nine heavenly jade of the companion fairy of the floating spirit realm!"

"The ruler should be the measuring ruler of the Nanming continent!"

"The town boundary of Little Spirit Heaven!"

"Digging! Little half of the companions of the Seven Continents are in their hands!"

"And the Dan furnace and the piano, why do I feel dizzy!"

"Suddenly seeing so many fairy wares at once, I feel that my life has reached its peak!"

"No, it feels ... a little up!"


Not to mention ordinary monks, even the people in Dayinlou are not calm when they see this scene. Shui Wenjie's mouth is slightly open, completely stunned.

At the same time, those disciples who were inquiring about the side of Dayin Lou woke up after being shocked, and then began to spread the word.

Such explosive news, even if it has nothing to do with his family, must be passed to his own people as soon as possible.

At this point, the live broadcast of the three-eyed alliance war monks officially began.

In the battlefield, the corners of the people in [Break Dawn] and [Dawn] were pulled out a little.

Show off rich is not so showy!

It hurts self-esteem.

Uncle Zichuan was also taken aback by the sudden appearance of the five immortals. This may be the first time in his life that he has seen so many immortals at the same time.

After the field was previously displayed, the feeling of being in control of the entire tens of kilometers disappeared, and some areas were separated from his field, and could no longer be sensed and controlled.

But he did n’t turn his back on the bow, and Mr. Zichuan could n’t close it at the moment, and he did n’t plan to close it. Even if these people use various methods to create a vacuum zone in his field, he still has the confidence to make the field burst out. Some power.

And also during this time, countless detonating clays have emerged from the area enclosed by the realm in the surrounding space, which is truly surrounded by detonating clays.

Bang Bang Bang ...

The sound of the explosion started to sound, and once it started, he didn't know when it was stopped.

The three brothers Lin Chuan looked at each other. If they were thinking about how to grab the key before, then as soon as Zichuan Bo's field came out, all they could do was to kill this monk in the shortest period of time.

"Jiuchi Sword Formation!"

Lin An drank in a low voice. The next moment, Jiu Dao's magnificent Jianguang appeared beside him, emitting a sharp Jianmang, and the surrounding explosion was directly torn by these nine Jianguang Jianmangs.

Lin Chuan gave a surprised look. He also saw Jiujian Sword Formation on Lin Chen's body, but at this moment Lin An's Jiujian Sword Formation was very different from Lin Chen's.


Jian Guang spins and shoots out instantly, the sharp sword awns directly tear open the realm of Zichuan Bo and kill the past toward the deepest point.

After the first Jianguang flew out, the second one that followed also flew out, but the flight path was completely different from the previous one, and the third and fourth ... It is a different route, and even more amazing is that after each sword light flew out, Lin An's side will quickly gather a new sword light, endless, as if there is no end.

The power of that sword light is also very terrible.

Mu Li also shot at the same time, and the white howling wind was permeated, and he carried out countless explosions with his flesh hard, and killed the past toward Zichuan Bo.

Although Lin Chuan couldn't see what the sacred wind was, he could guess that this thing must be related to the Floating Truth. Mu Li obviously obtained the method of practicing and using the Floating Truth in Yuanzong. This was only in a short time. The strength has reached such a terrible level, just like the page of Capricorn paper that Lin Chuan obtained from the Zhang family before ~ ​​ ~ But Mu Li must be much stronger than that of Lin Chuan .


Lin Chuan's manipulation Susano Noh shot at the same time.

Hachiko resisted in front of him. This one has no physical shield. It can change its attributes according to the attributes of the attack and rebound the opponent's attack. At this moment, it is used to resist the outbreak of Zichuan Bo. Although it is relatively expensive, it makes Lin Chuan suffered minimal damage.

The other hand tightened with five fingers, and the liquor from the wine gourd sprayed out, and instantly formed into a ten-boxing sword. Lin Chuan thus manipulated Xu Zuo Nenghu and went straight to Zichuan Bo to kill the past.

The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly, and Zichuan Bo, who was still seriously injured before, at this moment, the real horror of the monk in the fit period erupted. Even if the three of Lin Chuan are the top Tianjiao in the entire world of cultivation, they can only use the Join forces to attack, otherwise there is no way.

In just a few dozen breaths, Lin An's Jiuyi Sword Formation has flew out dozens of sword lights. These sword lights frantically tear the field of Zichuan Bo and endure the explosion of detonating clay, but none of them Destroyed.

They were extremely fast. It didn't take long for them to cross countless obstacles and came to a place a few kilometers away from Zichuan Bo. At this distance, Lin An's eyes suddenly shrank, and the seal of his hands suddenly changed.

"Nine uncles return to one!"


The nine sword lights flying in the distance instantly became one, turned into a streamer, and shot directly at Uncle Shi Chuan at a speed like teleportation, and came to him in an instant.

Thank you Linqin for the reward of 100 books!

(End of this chapter)

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