The thick water of Wuxing Lake makes it difficult for everyone to move in, and it is even harder to get to the bottom of the lake.

So many people began to try to collect this strange lake water, but unfortunately, there are not many vessels that can hold this lake water, and once the lake water is collected, it will quickly become the five elements and escape, which is difficult to save. Come down, unless they also move the whole lake directly like Lin Chuan.

Everyone can clearly feel that there is a vortex in the lake, which was formed by being drawn by the lake. No need to ask, it must be Linchuan.

"Qinglong ... This is to remove the entire Wuxing Lake ..." Beidou said in a speechless way, this kind of thief's not emptying method really opened his eyes.

"Poverty keeps him home!" Nan Doo shrugged, taking it for granted.

"No, Bai Hu is the treasure of the Qingxianbu family, but that is the existence of a rich and powerful country. As the son-in-law of the Qingxian Chamber of Commerce, Qinglong is not bad money ..." Beidou said thoughtfully.

"You know ... People who are so used to seeing treasures look like this. Look at me, the heir of the Bright God Sect, who has seen countless treasures, so I do n’t have a sense of indifference to these things outside ..." Nandou Yundan Said lightly.

"Come on, I just saw you secretly put a coffin and five elements in the lake with Jiuxuan's coffin. If it wasn't big enough, you might be better than Qinglong ..." Beidou said with contempt.

"Ah ... that's for research, you know the fart!" Nan Dou became angry and slap, slap on the back of Bei Dou, turned and left.

"I ..." Beidou looked at Ling Hong who disappeared into the lake, with a grimace, who did I recruit to mess with!

Lin Chuan continues to collect the lake water, and everyone's exploration of the lake continues.

"Where did you just go? Why did you just come down now?" Shi Jin asked, looking at Xiaoheng who had just appeared next to him in doubt.

"There is something, I checked it!" Xiao Heng said softly.

"Did you find anything?" Shi Jin asked casually.

"No, but I took that boundary monument!" Xiaoheng said.

Shi Jin twitched at the corner of his mouth, turned and looked at Xiaoheng with affection.

"What?" Xiao Heng's face didn't change color and his heart didn't beat.

"You changed!" Shi Jin gently said.

"..." Xiaoheng.

"You were infected by Qinglong. You weren't like this before, why now you like to collect tattered everywhere ..." Shi Jin said silently.

Xiaoheng rolled his eyes and did not bother with the history of nerves.

On the other side, Lin An, who has not appeared for a long time, also returned to the side of the four envoys.

"Boss, that Qinglong is collecting the lake water here, would you like to try it?" Baili Chenle asked, a few of them have tried before, although they can collect a little, but not many, because the lake water is saved It's too much trouble.

"No, we didn't use the water of the Five Elements Lake. This thing is only good for the cultivation of the Five Elements!" Lin An shook his head calmly, he didn't look down on these things.

"Then we came here this time, didn't we all make wedding dresses for others? The Qinglong not only took the virtual spirits, but also emptied the lake here. We just picked some herbs. This is really ..." Feng Liu Chuanfeng couldn't swallow this breath.

Only others have ever made wedding dresses for them, and this time he changed roles, it was really difficult for him to accept.

"No way, he was originally a descendant of the Five Great Emperors. We fight with him in this place. It's no good. It's good to get those precious elixir. Otherwise, if I really want to compete, I won't Just send someone here! "Lin Anqing said, it seemed that he had already anticipated the situation in front of him, so he was not dissatisfied.

"Okay, let's look for it again. It happened that Qinglong emptied the lake. There may be good things here!" After Lin An's voice dropped, he turned and sank towards the lake below.

Fenghua Xueyue Fourth made their boss so calm, so they said nothing, and began to look for the treasures in Wuxing Lake again.

Needless to say, there are a lot of good things in it, but you can only luck if you can't find them.

"Son, aren't we really going to **** the Ethereal Pill?" Tianfu looked at the man in black in front of him. He felt that this operation was a loss for [Dawn], and he didn't get anything substantial.

[Dawn] was named after Nandou Liuxing. At the moment, the first place is Tianfu. The other five people are Tianliang, Tianji, Tiantong, Tianxiang, and Qishou. Among these six people, Only Tianfu came from Yuanzong like Mu Li, and the others were Tian Jiao who had been recruited on the mainland of Zhongchuan in recent years.

Therefore, Mu Li's relationship with Tianfu will be closer than others. After all, they all come from the same source. Some people dare not say something, but Tianfu can say it.

"It's been agreed before. Don't say that now!" Mu Liqing said.

"My son is reassuring, we all know that you are the same as your suzerain ’s son, but the virtual spirit is also very important for the son, so let it go, this ..." Tianfu was unwilling ~ ~ They [Dawn] planned for so long, but almost completely helped [Xiao], which made him worthless for Mu Li.

"Okay, if my father knew it, he would punish you. We can get to know [Xiao] and [Break of Dawn] this time and form a certain alliance with them. It's not nothing. Some things are not just You can see the gains and losses on the surface, and there are long-term benefits! "Mu Li said calmly.

"Yes, the son is right!" Tianfu knew that he could not be persuaded, and instead of continuing to oppose Mu Li, he sighed in his heart.

As the son of the Yuanzong suzerain, the son is under tremendous pressure. Outsiders can only see his superficial scenery, but who knows the crisis he is facing.

If this trip to the ancient world is not a good one, you will lose all.

However, Tianfu looked at the people around him. If [Xiao] and [Dawning] were willing to help the son, I am afraid that this crisis could be resolved, but everyone came together because of the interests, so it is not bad to turn against the enemy. Help ... I'm afraid it's whimsical ...

Sighing, Tianfu rejoined the treasure hunt.

Wuxing Lake is very large, and so many lakes have accumulated over the years. Even at the speed of Linchuan, it took half a day to completely evacuate Wuxing Lake.

At this time, there was only a huge pothole left on the ground, and the entire lake floor was completely in front of everyone's eyes.

And the things that were previously overlooked also surfaced at this moment.

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