The fourth layer of the ancient world.

It has been three days since Linchuan and others left Storm Canyon. Since these three days, Linchuan has been searching for a suitable retreat. Combining the information of Yunv and Xuanwu, he finally found an ideal one on this day. Place-Blue Sky Marsh!

This area is raining all year round. There are not many spiritual beasts and there is nothing attractive. It is an area where monks entering the ancient world rarely go. In addition, the environment is poor and the aura is barren. Even if there are monks careless By mistake, you will also choose to detour quickly, and these conditions are gathered together exactly what Lin Chuan needs.

"It is estimated that it will take a year and a half for my retreat to come out, and it will likely cause some chain reactions after the virtual spirit is served, so other than Muyu Village, you do n’t have to stay by my side. Look for your own opportunities during this time! "Lin Chuan told everyone.

Everyone in Xiangujie had his own goal. He couldn't let everyone turn around him, that was too selfish.

"Doesn't need to protect the law? In fact, I think we will act much easier after you break through!" Meng Jingxian laughed.

A monk who possesses five immortals and complete five elements will have a terrible combat effectiveness. Before the monks in the ensemble period appeared in large numbers, they could walk sideways in places other than the first three layers of the ancient immortal world.

"You can choose to first understand the situation in the ancient world and find your own opportunities. After I get out of the customs, we can push directly and we don't have to waste time looking for it!" Lin Chuan smiled.

"That's a good idea!" Everyone smiled.

During this time, they can explore more about the ancient world. After all, [Xiao] does not have as much background as those great forces, and many things must be seen by themselves. If you can handle it, then it is better. But if you are not sure, you can first Recording the place and waiting until the end of Linchuan retreat can save a lot of time.

The only problem was the security of Lin Chuan's retreat.

"You don't have to worry about the safety of my retreat. There is Muyu Village here, and most situations can be handled without any accidents!" Lin Chuan said.

One of the reasons for choosing Qingkong Marsh is that because it rains all year round, Muyu Village can use the rain tiger to freely control the situation of more than half of the swamp, not afraid that someone will suddenly appear.

After the retreat was settled, everyone no longer hesitated, and began to follow the clues they had collected before. After all, the opportunity was rare. I missed this time and I do n’t know when the next time the ancient world was opened.

Deep in the blue sky swamp, Lin Chuan hollowed out a small mountain peak surrounded by clouds and mists. He simply built a cave house, and after laying out some arrays around it, he entered directly and started the retreat. Outside, defending Lin Chuan.

Raindrops dripped from the sky, and the reincarnation of Muyu Village stared indifferently at everything in front of him. As far as he could see, all the raindrops contained his Chakra, and every movement of the entire Qingkong Marsh was under his control. under.

In the cave house.

Lin Chuan stared at Wulingdan, who was floating in front of him, emitting five-colored light, and his heartbeat accelerated a bit.

When this elixir is eaten, his strength will show explosive growth, and the existence of surpassing him in the entire cultivation world will become very small.

"Let's go!" Lin Chuan took a deep breath and said to himself.

Immediately, Xu Ling Dan was swallowed and turned into a group of five-colored spirits, which flowed directly into the meridians of Lin Chuan. In a short time, Lin Chuan was permeated with a strong and colorful light. .

Mu Yucun looked back behind him, and the five-colored light directly penetrated the mountain and diffused into the outside world, and even the sky was reflected like the aurora.

Mu Yucun frowned, and printed with one hand. For a while, the rain in the sky was getting heavier, and the fog began to thicken, quickly covering up the strange sight here.

"This knowledge is just beginning, the fluctuations are already so strong, then ..." Mu Yucun pursed his lips, stretched out his right hand, and a jade plate emitting golden light appeared in his palm.

"You have to block this area!" The voice dropped, and a large number of golden silk threads erupted on the town boundary plate, spreading towards the surrounding space, covering all the tens of kilometers directly, and then the golden light went out, all Everything has returned to the way it was before, except that the colorful light and the volatile atmosphere of the Five Elements can no longer be sensed.

In Linchuan's Dantian, Xuling Dan has turned into a ray of light, condensed next to the Eight Great Infants, its breath has slowly changed, and the elixir that had no attributes began to gradually become metallic. This is Lin Chuan's only missing five elements attribute.

The fruit of the sacred tree is in the center of Dantian, and the purple mist is slowly released, and the eight major infants also start to burst out of spiritual power, lingering beside the forming spiritual root.

Yuan Shui, the four major elements of Mu Shui Fire and Earth, has a line of spiritual power flowing to each other, and then it is connected to the metal spiritual root that is being formed, and the momentum begins to explode slowly.

Lin Chuan, who originally had only four attributes, could not reach a closed loop in the practice of the Five Elements ~ ~ But at this moment, the attributes of the Five Elements are mutually reinforcing, and they have become truly complete.

At the same time, the five elements of the five imperial immortals injected into the virtual Lingdan began to explode, accelerating the formation of metal spiritual roots, and continue to stimulate the other four elementary babies to begin to grow.

This is an all-round improvement. This breakthrough of Lin Chuan is by no means merely an attribute, but a level and even the enhancement of the essence of life.

Time passes slowly, everything is proceeding in an orderly way. Lin Chuan did not rush to form a metallic spiritual root directly, but slowed down the process. In the process of spiritual root formation, he continued to use the principle of the five elements to each other. The five elements of spiritual power are injected into the metallic spiritual roots. In this way, the metallic spiritual roots formed will be relatively high in quality at the beginning, and their strength will not be weak, although they will not directly reach the same period of refining as the other infants But it is still okay to reach the Yuanyuan period.

In the blink of an eye, half a year passed. On this day, Muyu Village, who was sitting cross-legged in Dongfu, suddenly opened his eyes.

A group of people appeared on the blue sky swamp in the rain curtain. They were dressed in clean white robes, and each person was carrying a sword. There were only seven people, but each was a great success in the refining period. .

In the past six months, there were not many people who broke into the blue sky swamp, but not none, but the people who came this time were the most powerful.

And it still seems to come from a martial art.

Thanks for the reward of 300 books for love and burning heart!

(End of this chapter)

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