In time and space, [Xiao] organizes people to face each other, and is a little speechless for a time.

Everyone was not injured, but they were all embarrassed. Everyone was stained with blood, and even broken flesh. It looked like they had just climbed out of the blood of the corpse mountain.

"In the ancient world of the immortal world, it is true that the practice of imagination is everywhere, and the fit is as much as a dog ..." Meng Jingxian said with a grin.

He had just made a breakthrough, and he was ready to show his skills. As a result, he encountered such a snake nest in the refining period. He almost did not consume it here, and the vitality of the ghost's hands could not make up for his consumption.

Lin Chuan also shook his head helplessly. Although the situation just now was not dangerous, it also made everyone out of breath. After all, there are too many pythons.

"I also felt a few pythons in the fit period before, but fortunately we walked fast!" Said the trainer with a lingering fear.

"Are these spirit beasts so deadly? How do they feel like they are all dead ..." Nandou said helplessly.

The situation this time is really a lesson for everyone.

Not that Lin Chuan had to go to the trouble of these spirit beasts, but the trouble that these spirit beasts rushed to find them, and after killing one, it was like a horse honeycomb. Endless pythons got out of the ground .

"Everyone practice and recover, we will go out after the pythons leave!" Lin Chuan said.

Lin Chuan may be a little better among the crowd. With the Wuling Yufan in his hand and the five elements of immortality, the strength he burst out in the recent battle is the strongest and relatively easy one.

After three hours, Lin Chuan felt that the spirit snake from the outside was slowly leaving, and then they released the crowd from time and space and ran away.

It's not that they can't fight it, but that they can't stand the wheel fight.

After two days, Lin Chuan and others finally approached the Capricorn ruins.

"According to the information given by Jin Chuan, Prince Gong's people should have discovered the special surrounding the Capricorn relics. There are many broken formations there. In order to explore deeply, Prince Gong sent hundreds of monks over and died. A lot! "Xiaoheng said.

"Someone is exploring the road for us, but if we go this way, it means that we have to directly collide with Prince Gong's people." Nan Dou's voice dropped and looked at Lin Chuan.

How to get there depends on what Lin Chuan means.

"We went the other way. Although we took the information of Jin Chuan, I didn't say I would help him to deal with Prince Gong now!" Lin Chuan said simply, distinguished the direction, and behind the paper of Zhang family. After comparing the maps, Lin Chuan determined that this is the ruins of the Capricorns, and then took everyone to the side to spare.

From the map, the front of the Capricorn remains is protected by a lot of formations. Although they have been in disrepair for many years, most of the formations have failed, but it is still not possible for anyone to break through. In case one of them is triggered With the formation of the Capricorns, it is difficult for any of them to survive.

Therefore, Lin Chuan was going to go around from the side. The matrix in that direction was slightly less. The more important ones were marked.

After an hour, everyone came to a jungle, and Linchuan's kaleidoscope writing wheel eye emerged, and the surrounding spiritual power began to gradually emerge, with strange symbols flashing in many places.

After entering the third world of ancient immortals, the crowds have rarely been flying in the air, because the sky targets are too large to be easily found and attacked. When they are near the Capricorn ruins, they are more cautious, except for a brief stay Except for the surroundings, they basically walked on the ground.

"There are many more formations in the sky than on the ground. We better go in!" Lin Chuan told everyone.

"Well, part of the formation here can only be vaguely perceived, and some formations should not be arranged with spiritual power, but with spiritual power, most likely for the soul!" Bu Lian Shi added Road.

I heard that it was aimed at the soul, and everyone's face changed, because the soul attack was too special and extremely difficult to defend. Once attacked, I was afraid that there would be no chance of recovery, and he would be killed instantly.

"Rest assured that the matter of soul defense is left to me!" Linchuan Qingdao said.

He has cultivated the Capricorn Bible, and devoured the three souls of the Enchanted Soul Charm. His cultivation of the soul is actually very strong, but this has always been used as a hole card, and Lin Chuan rarely uses it. But at this time, it was also the time for his shot.

Lin Chuan held hands with his hands, the Capricorn Bible turned, and the chanting of chanting and chanting came out from Lin Chuan, accompanied by black runes, dazzled around everyone.

At this moment, everyone felt the horror of Lin Chuan's soul. The coercion had surpassed the limit of the monk during the refining period and reached the level of the fit period. This is the strength of the original scripture, which directly surpassed the intensity of Lin Chuan ’s soul. A big order.

"Soul Soul Bell!"

With the slight change of Linchuan's handprints, the runes of the Capricorn Bible suddenly solidified, and the huge spiritual power quickly condensed into a black quaint bell suspended above everyone's heads. Everyone is protected below.

"No loss is the first three Scriptures!" Shi Jin admired ~ ~ Even as a former happy Dan Xian, seeing this scene is full of emotion.

With the protection of Linchuan Zhenlun Bell, everyone's hearts were relieved.

The magic weapon of the soul defense type is too rare. Even if there are a few pieces in the hands of [Xiao], it is impossible to protect everyone. Linchuan's trick to rehabilitate the soul clock can be considered to relieve everyone's worries.

"Let's go!"

Lin Chuan took the people towards the Capricorn ruins, and they moved very slowly. Jin Yao in time and space was also released. Her accomplishments in matrix formation were better than everyone on the scene, especially before After she arranged the evil spirit formation of the Five Spirits, Lin Chuan looked at the girl a lot, and even gave her the remnants of the formation law that she had snatched in the country of wood in the Nanming mainland.

I have to say that the formation method is really very talented. Xuan Wu has studied the formation method for so long, but it is still not as good as Jin Yao. Lin Chuan feels that Qin Lang has brought back a treasure girl, and he can dig up points if he is fine. Something comes.

After more than a few hours passed, everyone walked a few kilometers. Their advances were made based on the judgment of four people, one was Jin Yao ’s formation, the other was the absolute perception of the step trainer, and Lin Chuan was responsible for using the writing wheel. Looking at it, Xiaoheng was divining. Only when the four of them confirmed that there was no problem at the same time, the people would move forward.

"Someone!" Suddenly, the lingering master's absolute perception fluctuated, and her gaze suddenly looked in one direction. However, when she was about to investigate carefully with absolute perception, the person left quickly and fled straight away.

(End of this chapter)

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