A few tens of kilometers away from the battlefield, several monks hidden in the dark quietly emerged, staring at the outbreak of the battle sharply, recording the situation, and transmitting it by secret method. "→ お Reading Bookstore Free Serial Novel Reading Network ℃ www. K.A.N.S.H.U.G.E. Co

These are the ambush eyes of the major forces. They are not staring at Xiao organization, but have been staring at Prince Gong's palace. After all, they are one of the nine princes of Nakagawa. Their every move has a profound impact on the Nakagawa mainland. Many forces are paying attention to the situation here. The sudden outbreak of fighting at this moment made these eyeliners somewhat unprepared, but after the reaction came, they immediately began to spread the message.

The second layer of the ancient world.

Dozens of monks are besieging several powerful spirit beasts during the fit period. Behind this spirit beast, a glimmer of spring water faintly radiates and slowly flows out. It is very rare Taiyin true water. Plants can have a huge lifting effect. At the beginning, even the seven empty lights were coveted, and the gloomy water here was hundreds of times more than the original number.


Lin An's eyes fixed, a mysterious rune emerged from the amber-colored pupils, emitting a slight fluorescence, and a blue beam of light rushing towards the face shattered in response, and then a Koi-like spirit beast erupted in this attack. Scream.


A sword gas rushed out of Lin An's body instantly, and a bashful chopped off the koi carp in the fit period, and the light blue blood splattered out, so that the earth changed its color.

"This is too cloudy and I will get it, why should you stop it!" Lin An said softly, as he was preparing to continue to attack, a message came, Lin An frowned slightly, signalling that the wind should stand by him After the wind around him continued to attack, he turned away from the battle and examined the information carefully.

"The Xiao organization actually met the people of Prince Gong's Mansion. It was really interesting. Is the ruin really so attractive? Or has someone already formed an alliance with Xiao?" Lin An whispered softly and groaned for a moment. He came up with a magic weapon dedicated to the three-eye alliance.

"I heard that you are on the bar with Prince Gong's man?" Lin An's indifferent voice came, making Lin Chuan, who was just about to fight, temporarily stop his movements.

"Yes!" Lin Chuan simply replied. He did not expect Lin An to know the information here so soon.

"Need help?" Lin An asked.

One of the three-eye alliances is aimed at the Nakagawa Royal Family, but it is only as helpful as possible, and no one has the absolute obligation to do this.

"No!" Lin Chuan answered directly. If he couldn't even figure this out, how could he continue to mix.

"Okay, contact me if necessary!" Lin An chuckled, "Oh yes, it is said that a few people in Prince Gong's house are now going through the period of integration, and they are not beside Nakagawa Akira. You must pay attention and don't be attacked by others It's up! "

"Thanks for reminding me!" Lin Chuan's eyes narrowed slightly.

After severing the contact, Lin Chuan glanced at the battlefield, knowing that when the number of people was absolutely inferior, he basically blocked everyone's attacks, and this was still in the situation where everyone had a hole card, such as the tail beast. Zero funerals did not participate in the battle. After Lin Chuan fanned with a Wuling fan, he did not shoot again.

I have to say that everyone has grown too much in this year, and everyone has a bright feeling for Lin Chuan.

"The monk in the fit period has not yet appeared. I don't know if there is no breakthrough or something unexpected, but if this is Nakagawa's hole card, then he too underestimates us!" Lin Chuan narrowed his eyes and said.

Lin Chuan may still be afraid of the fit period when the five elements were not completed before, but now the five elements are complete and the Wuling feather fan is in hand. Even if one or two fit periods are reached, Lin Chuan can also guarantee that the organization of Xiao Xiao will retreat. That's the confidence.

At this time, Mu Li also contacted Lin Chuan. After rejecting his help, Lin Chuan focused on Ming Chuan, who was surrounded by everyone in the center.

There is no doubt that this talent is the root cause of this war.

However, he is also the safest one, because he has never shot, and there are always ten monks who have been consummated during the refining period. These people will stop all attacks for him.

"Capturing the thief first captures the king. In this case, I will kill you first!" Lin Chuan whispered to himself, the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye emerged, the **** eyes overflowed with murder.


Lin Chuan's figure rushed out and went straight to Nakagawa's killing.

"Protect His Royal Highness!"

Almost as soon as Lin Chuan rushed out, more than a dozen consummate monks who were staying beside Ming Nakagawa immediately responded.

They have a clear division of labor. Some people work together to support the enchantment and protect Nakagawa Akira at the center. The other part uses two hands to start the spell, and the order of casting is very particular. Precision, so that all spells can continuously attack Lin Chuan in a short period of time.

Faced with various oncoming spell attacks, the town boundary discontinued from the palm of Linchuan, and a large number of golden silk threads spread towards the surrounding space. The space originally suppressed by the monks during the refining period joined forces to repress at this moment. Back in Lin Chuan's control.


The kaleidoscope's pupil burst in the writing round eye, all the spells passed through Lin Chuan's body without causing any damage.

This unprepared scene made everyone around Prince Gong stunned, but the spell was invalid?

"That's not his body, it's just a projection!" One of the monks seemed to feel something, and immediately said to everyone.

However, what can I feel ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Lin Chuan controls the surrounding space with the town boundary, and they can't break the power of Lin Chuan at all.

Facing Lin Chuan's approaching figure, Nakagawa's face changed slightly, and he immediately ordered a retreat to temporarily avoid Lin Chuan's attack.

At this time, Payne, who had been on the edge of the battlefield, suddenly shot, and Samsara fell on Nakagawa's body, and his right hand extended.

"Vientiane Tianyin!"

The horrible gravitational force erupted instantly. Although this gravitational force was directed at Nakagawa, most of it was shared among the enchantments placed by the monks during the refining period, which directly allowed Nakagawa's figure to retreat into the air While resisting gravity, he watched Lin Chuan approach.

"Is there really no one at Prince Gong's Mansion?" Just as Lin Chuan was approaching, a cold voice came from Nakagawa Akira, and the repairs that belonged to the fit period erupted instantly.

Lin Chuan's face changed slightly, all the surrounding space was suppressed by the town boundary, he did not feel that someone was tearing the space, so where did the monk in the fit period come from?


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