Naruto’s God Tree’s Fruit in Other World

Chapter 1566: Black Shadow (Thank my sister for the supper for 10,000 coins)

Trial and error with your own life, this is Lin Chuan's decision.

But there is no way, because if he doesn't go, no one can go.

Moreover, here are the Capricorn relics. With the Capricorn Bible in hand, Lin Chuan would have a good chance of not going wrong if he went there, which is why Lin Chuan was so decisive.

Facing the Temple of Light in front of him, Lin Chuan did not use Huangquan Biranzaka anymore, and chose to go upstairs, stepping up toward the Temple of Light.

Standing at the door of the Temple of Light, Lin Chuan saw the fragmented plaque that he had seen before, and then he looked into the hall.

However, he couldn't see anything even standing outside, even if the kaleidoscope was writing round eyes.

"I can only go in!" Lin Chuan secretly said in his heart, and then Divine Power launched, completely blurring his body.

Although it is not known whether such a defensive method will play a role in the Temple of Light, but it is also possible to try.

[Xiao] Organize everyone to stare at Lin Chuan standing in front of the Temple of Light. Everyone's heart lifted, but they couldn't stop Lin Chuan. Even at this moment, the stepper who was very worried about Lin Chuan's safety did not say anything. Because she knew that this was Lin Chuan's own choice, and all she could do was support.

Lin Chuan stepped on his left foot, stepped into the Temple of Light, and disappeared into the darkness.

Everyone's eyes turned back at this moment, and they looked at Muyu Village, Taiqing, who was standing beside them.

They want to know if Lin Chuan has encountered an accident or has successfully entered the Temple of Light.

However, the funeral had a doubtful expression, and there was no other response.

"How? What happened?" The trainer asked a little tremblingly, and everyone else was sighing at the moment, waiting for Mu Yucun's answer.

"I lost my sense of Lin Chuan!" Zero Burial said.

In a short time, everyone's face became very pale, and the walker trembled slightly, because what it meant was self-evident. Even when Lin Chuan was in the floating spirit realm, Sanqing's avatar did not lose contact. How could such a close distance lose contact at this moment.

"But I can feel that Lin Chuan is not dead!"

"Digging !!! Could you finish it all at once!"

"Brother !!! You deliberately!"


The crowd roared unbearably, and it was a way of saying that they were suffocated by everyone.

"Relax, Lin Chuan is okay for now!"

The originally nervous people relaxed a lot because of the way they had just spoken.

After all, after experiencing the worst results, they are ready.

"What kind of environment will make Sanqing avatar lose contact?" Xiaoheng frowned, whispering to himself.

The barriers between the continents cannot cut off this connection. What kind of environment can do this? Perhaps the connection between the immortal world and the Nakagawa continent may be cut off because of this, but they have not tried it, so they are not sure.

But no matter what, if people are not dead, everything is easy to say. Even if people die, as long as the other two of Sanqing's clone are still there, Lin Chuan will not have any difficulty in resurrecting. kind of hard.

At this moment, Lin Chuan, who was standing in the hall of Zhou Guang, stood in the door in fear, looking at everything in front of him in disbelief.

I saw countless souls glowing with dim light in the dim hall, staring at Lin Chuan who entered the Temple of Light. Their eyebrows were imprinted with the unique marks of the Capricorns, each of them emitting terrifying soul waves, all They were all above the Mahayana period, and even a few even Lin Chuan could not determine to what extent his soul had reached.

Lin Chuan felt that his heartbeat had disappeared. He could not even feel that he was alive. Facing these souls that can only be described by terror, he had completely lost his ability to think.

He finally knew why the avatar lost contact after entering the Temple of Light, and this soul could kill the Tianjiao of the immortal world simply by going out.

Lin Chuan retreated quietly, he wanted to leave this place, but the door behind him had disappeared, and even all the fluctuations in the entire space had been cut off from Lin Chuan.

Huang Quan was no longer valid than Liang Saka, his power was no longer valid, and Sanqing's avatar was no longer able to contact him. He had no idea what kind of place he had come to.

"Finally ... there is a Capricorn ..."

Suddenly, a voice echoed, rippling through the dark hall, and all souls slowly retreated at this moment, dividing a road leading to the front.

Lin Chuan looked up and saw a black figure standing in that place, his face was blurred, and his whole body could not see the truth, but Lin Chuan could feel that the other party was looking at himself.

Lin Chuan forcibly suppressed the throbbing in his heart. At this time, he knew that he had no retreat, so he let go of the fear in his heart. The big deal was to abandon this avatar.

"You are ..." Lin Chuan asked tentatively.

Until now, he hadn't figured out what the black figure in front of him was. soul? Spirit body? Or is there any other special existence?

"I am your ancestor!" Said the black figure.

"..." Lin Chuan was a little speechless. It should be the soul of the Capricorns, who seemed to be his ancestors. There was no difference between what he said and what he said.

"It is also the last generation of Capricorn patriarchs!" The voice continued.

Lin Chuan Xindao finally said something useful.

"I thought I would never see the blood of the Capricorns again, but I didn't expect ... you actually came ..."

"..." Lin Chuan's mouth twitched, and you never felt that any Capricorn would survive.

"What time is it now?" The shadow asked.

Lin Chuan thought for a while and uttered the calendar of Nakagawa mainland.

"Nakagawa calendar? It seems that I haven't heard of it ..." said the black shadow.

Lin Chuan said, you do n’t know how many years ago you were, you can hear that there are ghosts, but I will explain things in Nakagawa mainland.

"Nakagawa mainland ... If you describe it, it should be called Taiyi mainland ..." said the man in black slowly ~ ~ Lin Chuan's pupils shrank slightly, and Capricorn's affairs on the mainland he It ’s known, if the Nakagawa continent is really a continent, then obviously there should be a floating slaughter continent, but now two of these three continents have completely disappeared, and the only remaining continent has been renamed Cheng Taiyi continent, so what happened in ancient times? All three protoss were destroyed!

"Do you want to know what happened in ancient times?" The man in black asked.

"Yes, I don't know if the ancestors could tell?" Lin Chuan said respectfully.

"Yes, come, come, let's sit down and talk slowly ..." said the shadow.


Lin Chuan suddenly had an ominous hunch.

Thanks to my sister for the reward of 10,000 books! Thank you for asking for 4196 books, books, and 100 books.

(End of this chapter)

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