[Xiao] The people in the organization didn't know Lin Chuan's conversation with the old man, so they only saw Lin Chuan with his eyes closed, standing in the center of the Temple of Light. The look on his face changed. Will be red ...

"What's wrong?" Beidou whispered.

"I don't know, but it looks like ... it should have been pitted ..." Nan Dou said carefully, for fear that Lin Chuan would hear.

"He looks like this ... it seems to be pitted lightly ... I remember he was pitted with white lotus several times during the Nanming continent, but I haven't seen him like this ..." Suzaku's voice had not fallen yet, a figure Suddenly appeared behind him.

"Qin Lang, don't think you are a body reincarnated from dirt, I can't kill you !!!" Lin Chuan's voice came, startling Qin Lang.

"Crouching ..." Qin Lang flashed a flash of light, and his figure instantly came to the corner of the Temple of Light, hiding there ... shivering ...

Lin Chuan glared at Qin Lang and did not chase him.

"Ah ... ah ha ha ha ... what ... what happened?" Nan Dou smiled awkwardly, trying to break the depressed atmosphere.

It's just that he should have mentioned the incident that Lin Chuan was just pitted.

For a moment, Lin Chuan's face was a lot more gloomy.

"Alas? Have you been pitted many times?" Shi Jin asked unknown.

"No one is dumb when you don't speak!" Lin Chuan said indignantly.

I think he has the famous name of Lin Chuan I, and he has always been the one who pits others, and it is his turn to pit others, but I have to say that there is something in this world that is Tian Ke. In the end, Lin Chuan still helped Bai Lotus to count the money. After that time, Lin Chuan vowed never to let others pit him.

However, he was pitted again today.

In the end, the trainer took Lin Chuan's hand and whispered inquiries, and everyone understood what had happened before. At the same time, he felt funny for Lin Chuan.

The captain of the Capricorn is too unreliable.

However, if you go back to trouble, you won't really take the previous thing seriously, and the time flow of Zhou Guangdian will slow down, and it won't be a big problem to delay for a moment.

In the end, Lin Chuan did not accept the old man's suggestion to continue to embed the immortal in the Temple of Light, but chose to fill all the remaining nine grooves with spirit stones.

Bu Yi gave Lin Chuan more than one billion spirit stones before, which happened to be useful at this time. Although it was too bad for him to do so, even the first chamber of commerce in the cultivation industry could not support it, but Xian The world in the ancient world is precious. It can improve its strength as much as possible before the last moment comes. Lin Chuan thinks that this one billion spirit stone is quite worthwhile.

After all, Lingshi can still make money after the flower has been spent, but the opportunity of the immortal world can be such a chance.

Moreover, Lin Chuan has a feeling that the real highlight of this trip to the ancient world has not yet begun, because the children of the ancient world have not appeared yet, and there is no news from the Prince's skeleton. This is definitely not a normal phenomenon.

It is very likely that these people are hiding behind the scenes to do big things. He must improve his strength as much as possible before these people are arranged, so that Xiao can have more voice and control in this storm. .

Time and money, Lin Chuan chose time.

The opening of the immortal world is in the hands of the sons of the immortal, but it is not so.

Every time the immortal world is opened, there will be an extremely powerful treasure. Its value is difficult to estimate with money, and it cannot be evaluated at the supply level, because this thing is related to the immortal!

After getting this thing, half-foot stepped into the sequence of ascension. It is conceivable how precious this is for everyone, and its value is definitely above the fairy.

Once the ancient world was opened, someone got a weird branch, someone got a stone, even a feather, etc ... These things are strange, but the only thing that is the same is that they are all related to ascension ...

As long as someone gets this thing, then the immortal world will be closed.

Now, while the treasure has not yet appeared, everyone is hurrying to find opportunities to improve their strength, and do everything possible to enrich themselves before the treasure appears.

Lin Chuan is actually not short of heritage and treasures. Whether it is a fairy or the fruit of a magic tree, it is worth his research and development. The only thing he lacks now is time.

That's why he didn't hesitate to put all 900 million spirit stones into the Temple of Light, to fight for fourteen times that time.

"Lin Chuan, the formation here has blocked my magic weapon for telephony. You can find a way to contact Mu Yuyi and ask him to contact Bu Yi, and Bu Yi will find a way to get some more spirits in!" Lin Chuan's hand said.

The current Temple of Light is simply a spirit stone crusher, and 900 million spirit stones are only consumed for one month. Lin Chuan ’s current spirit stones can take up to two months, which is converted into the time in the Temple of Light. It is more than two years, but this is not enough. They need more spirit stones to maintain the time difference of 14 times in the Temple of Light.

"Okay!" Lin Chuan did not quit, this time is not the time to be modest.

"We also have some spirit stones here, you can use them!" Xiao Heng and Shi Jin gathered together and took out 500 million spirit stones.

"I also have some here ..."

"me too……"

Everyone put all the spirit stones in their hands into Lin Chuan's hands. Although everyone didn't have many hands, no one was hiding at this time, because it was spent on themselves. Relatively speaking, everyone felt a little guilty because There aren't many spirit stones in their hands.

The spirit stone thing is not very useful in your hands. Many people will replace it with something ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This is more practical, such as elixir weapons, so everyone comes together, and there are more A billion spirit stones can sustain one more month.

"Well, I won't say thank you. You practice well, and the spirit stone matters will be handed to me. The wood feather clothing will also collect the spirit stones outside. I will try my best to keep the time difference of the Temple of Light at 14 times. "Lin Chuan solemnly said.

There are many ways he can obtain the spirit stone. You must know that the Nanming mainland and the floating spirit realm are both private gardens of Linchuan. If you can return to these two places, then it is easy to want the spirit stone. In the ancient world of the immortal world, Lin Chuan can try with Huangquan and Liangliangban to see if he can directly cross the two continents.

"Okay, now that everyone is deeply focused on practicing here, whether they can become the biggest winner in this ancient world, it depends on everyone's cultivation results!" Lin Chuan said loudly.

The next moment, he waved with his right hand, and the mixed Yuanzhu emitted a red light, hanging from the top of the Temple of Light, spreading his breath and covering everyone in an instant.

Time, the auxiliary cultivating fairy wares, the top resources in the realm of cultivating have already been matched, if this can not make a difference, then I am really sorry for these spirit stones and fairy wares.

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