Lin Chuan endured the pain of heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys, and looked at the method given by the old man.

There are ten grooves in the Temple of Light. Each groove can be filled with one hundred million spirit stones. Under normal circumstances, the spirit stone in this groove can provide one month of energy and double the time flow rate. That is ten times.

After being embedded in one of the grooves, Linchuan's Jiutian Xuanyu directly provided an infinite five-time slowdown. In addition to the other nine grooved spirit stones, the time flow rate is now 14 times slower than the outside world. .

However, this is the time difference reached under normal spirit stone consumption, and the old man's trick to Lin Chuan is to speed up the consumption of spirit stone in exchange for more time to slow it down, but the consumption of spirit stone is basically the same as before. Not a proportion. If you want to double the time to accelerate, you will consume more spirit stones than before.

Lin Chuan probably calculated that the two billion spirit stones plus nine days of black jade can make the time flow of the Temple of Light in 20 months slower than the outside world by one time, that is, compared with the present, it consumes 1.1 billion more spirit stones. In exchange for an additional six times the time difference, if you go up, the consumed stone will be very horrible, it is not proportional to the time difference in exchange, and it is not worth doing it again.

In this way, in fact, the time difference of six times is very uneconomical. Under normal circumstances, no one would do that. It is too costly. Even the imperial princes who are the richest people in the cultivation industry are afraid to do so.

But now is the critical moment of the opening of the ancient world. Lin Chuan urgently wants to improve the strength of [Xiao] to organize everyone. Although they can now follow the hardened monks in the fit period, they are all ordinary monks in the fit period. Such as Shang Lin'an, there is almost no chance of winning, and the greatest opportunity in the ancient world has not yet appeared. [Xiao] If the organization wants to compete, it must make a breakthrough during this time, preferably someone is really promoted to Fit period.

There is no shortage of resources for them. There is an elixir of history and a mixed celestial bead for auxiliary cultivation. The only thing they lack is time.

"Then ... burn the money ..." Lin Chuan gritted his teeth, feeling so heartbroken that he couldn't breathe.

One month of two billion spirit stones, Lin Chuan calculated that the 12 billion yuan of magic weapons sold could support six months. In addition to the 1 billion yuan of Zhongchuan Jin and the money of selling the five elements, they supported seven Eight months should be okay. If that doesn't work, the time difference will be reduced.

It seems that this time really has to hurry up and make money.

Thinking of this, Lin Chuan temporarily stopped practicing and awakened all the people who were practicing and called to his side.

Lin Chuan told everyone about the burning of the spirit stone. After all, this was not his own business, and everyone needed help.

Everyone also agreed to continue to burn the spirit stone, and once again started to turn the boxes over, and took out all the magic weapons in their storage rings.

The quality of these things they left were excellent. They were originally intended to be used later, but at this time [Xiao] urgently needed a lot of spirits, and they could not collect money by other means, only in this way Give Lin Chuan the greatest support.

This time everyone almost turned out all their homes. In this money-burning battle, they must persist to the end.

"Let's go ... I'm out of the way ... Anyway, my promotion didn't go through cultivation. During this time, Penn could collect some herbs. I came to refining the alchemy and you can sell it. You should be able to exchange a lot of spiritual stones ..." Shi Jin gritted his teeth.

As a reincarnated happy Danxian, although the medicine of Shi Jin refining looks like shit, the effect is still very good. Everyone says that it is really fragrant.

However, it may take a bit of effort to sell this thing. After all, it takes a lot of courage to eat **** for the first time.

At this time, no one laughed at Shi Jin ’s elixir, because he did it for everyone, and to say that the effect of Zhou Guangdian was actually not as helpful to Shi Jin as others.

"I do n’t practice anymore. Although I can learn about Lei Fa here and increase the power of Cang Huo Yang Lei, I ca n’t improve my cultivation. Instead of wasting time here, I ’d better go out and get some spiritual stones!" Qin Lang said Said.

He has no way to cultivate after being reincarnated from the dirt, and his role in the Temple of Light is really small.

The crowd was silent for a while, and they also wanted to organize a force for [Xiao], but if they all went out to make money, the time of Zhou Guangdian's time slowed down would be meaningless. This is a paradox, and they have to go out again To make money, and to maintain the largest number of people to practice in the Temple of Light, it is difficult to balance.

"Okay, Suzaku go outside, and by the way find out if there are other purple Xiao Shenlei in the ancient world, Shi Jin can also improve the strength of alchemy, then alchemy, as for the sale of elixir to Penn , Everyone else cultivates well! "Lin Chuan said solemnly.

Everyone nodded solemnly, no more time wasted, and began to practice separately.

Lin Chuan added 1.1 billion spirit stones to the Temple of Light. According to the method given by the old man, the time difference was extended to twenty times, which is the limit they can reach at this stage.

Watching the crazy burning of two billion spirit stones ~ ~ Lin Chuan felt heartache again.

The family just took out all the funeral homes and gave them to the funeral.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh there you have the last because of the poor ones already? Or have I left the fairy ..." The old man's voice reappeared in Lin Chuan's mind, and he was still intent.

"You should pay less attention to my fairy, otherwise I won't let you recover with peace of mind in my ocean of strength!" Lin Chuan said fiercely.

Although the immortal can replace the spirit stone, and once and for all, it cannot be taken out now when it is embedded in the Temple of Light. If a large-scale battle is encountered, the bonus of the immortal will be reduced, and Linchuan's strength will be greatly affected.

"Uh ..." The old man grouped himself into a group, quietly stopped talking.

Lin Chuan finally felt the power of money, looking at the spirit stone that was madly consumed in front of him, and the time difference between Zhouguangdian and the outside world.

People often say that money is not omnipotent, but from the perspective of Lin Chuan at this moment, money is omnipotent. In this Temple of Light, time can be adjusted with money.

Looking at the empty storage ring, Lin Chuan couldn't help sighing, and no more money.

Really, as the old man just said, the only thing left is the fairy.

Sighing and sighing, but he never thought of buying a fairy ware in exchange for money.

Turning around and entering his own secret room, Lin Chuan hurry to practice all the time.

Thank you Xue の Hong Yan Si Shui 100 books for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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