Payne didn't expect him to see such a magical scene.

Originally, after he found Lin Hao and his party, he was prepared to follow them to see how the five of them came over this time, but he did not expect to find that a man in black was also following Lin Hao and others after just a few steps. He followed the man without a look, and trailed all the way outside Fang City.

This should be the so-called praying mantis catching cicadas.

The man in black is a cultivation practice in the middle of refining virtual reality. His strength is not very strong, and he is likely to be better at perception, so he can always follow five people here.

But what puzzled Payne was that such a practice did not seem to be enough to pose a threat to Lin Hao's party. What was the purpose of his constant adventure tracking?

So Payne never planned to take a shot. He wanted to see what the problem was.

In the forest.

The man in black in the magic mirror ice crystals in the depths was controlled by Gao Ze's earth-based spells in mid-air. At the same time, Lin Hao shot directly, and her figure appeared in countless ice crystals.

Uh ...

These figures were shot at the same time, with thousands of swords in their hands, and they went straight to the black people.

"Damn !!!"

When the man in black found himself in an ambush, his face suddenly changed.

He is very good at perception, but before Lin Hao's five hands, he didn't feel anything strange, which is why he would come here.

But it was this mistake that put him in a fatal danger instantly.

Hum! A circle of water-blue ripples spread out, and the monk in black immediately shot to prepare for defense, but his water waves did not spread far enough, and were frozen by the extreme icy breath, and then countless thousands of icy books passed through Dozens of blood caves were hit directly on the man in black.

The current Lin Hao's use of ice magpies is already in full swing, and the cooperation with Gao Ze is seamless. The power of ice magpies held by the immortal Chakraga, even if it is one or two higher, she can prevail in the battle .

The man in black did not expect that his defense would be directly restrained, and there was no chance to fight back.

"Go to death!" The man in black felt that his chance was running out, and a bloodthirsty madness broke out in his eyes, crushing a silver stone in his hand.


In time, the silver light flooded the surrounding world, and drastic spatial fluctuations permeated it, making everyone have the illusion of being in a storm.

Among the silver light, several very powerful breaths burst out, making Lin Hao's face change instantly.


She had sensed the breath of the people and knew that this time she was afraid of encountering a major crisis.

At the moment, the other four people noticed that they were wrong. At the same time, their faces changed, and they immediately fled towards the distant forest, because they knew that if they didn't leave, there would be no chance.

"Huh! I see where you are fleeing this time !!!" A cold hum came from the silvery light, which was the great consummation of the refining period.

"A few hairy boys, who dared to provoke our Five Cities Alliance, are really impatient!" Said an old voice.

"It's really a group of slippery children. Wanting to catch them has wasted a hole card of our Five Cities Alliance. If you can't find it back on them, you're a big loser!" Come.

As time goes by, the powerful breath is constantly revealed in the silver light. The silver stone just crushed and crushed by the man in black is a space node of the teleportation array. As long as it is broken, the stones can be connected. The monks in the teleportation team teleported here, which is why the man in black dared to follow him alone.

He never thought of fighting Lin Hao and his party. He only needed to crush the stones after approaching the five, but the vigilance of the five was beyond his expectation and was almost killed by others.

Lin Hao ran away and glanced back. There were already nearly a hundred figures in the white light, of which five had great success in the refining period, and it was the five heads of the five-city alliance.

These people Lin Hao are no strangers, and can even be said to be very familiar, because they have hunted them all the way from the Fifth Heavy Immortal Ancient World until now.

The cause of the matter could not be simpler, because Lin Hao and others discovered a panacea and were cleared by the Five Cities Alliance when they were ready to pick, asking five people to leave.

In that case, the individual could not bear it, and the battle began.

There were not many people present at the Five Cities Alliance at the time, and they did not expect that the strength of Lin Hao's five people would be so horrible. Therefore, Lin Hao directly killed 10 people and left with all the herbs.

The hatred between the two sides ended at that time.

This five-city alliance is an alliance of the five major families in the mainland of China. The strength is by no means high, but the union of the five families cannot be underestimated.

And after they suffered a loss in the five members of Lin Hao, they were more careful when sending people later. Even if they were much higher than Lin Hao, they would still maintain the absolute advantage of the number.

This time, too, in order to kill five people, they used this teleportation hole card and teleported all the top players in the five families at once.

"What to do?" Takazawa asked pale.

This is no longer a problem that can be solved by running away. There are too many monks who have a great success in the refining period, and their strength is far more than them. The number is also dozens of times ~ ~ Once the two sides are short-handed, Lin Hao may be here. No one can run away.

"Bottom !!!! How could this be ... Not supposed to be !!! Not supposed to be !!! I didn't figure out that we would be in danger of life this time ..." Wei Wu was also so scared at this moment that he could even lose his color with flowers. To describe.

In fact, Wei Wu is also proficient in deducing divination, but it is not as terrible as Xiao Heng, but it is no problem to predict a good or bad.

Even if he hadn't been tracked before this time, there was no danger, but the sudden flip made him completely aggressive.

"Let me contact Qinglong!" Lin Hao knew that there was no other way. Seeing that more than a hundred people were about to rush out, if she did not contact Lin Chuan for help, I would never have a chance.

But along the way, she has not resorted to the power of Lin Chuan, she just wanted to prove herself, but in the end, she could only resort to Lin Chuan, which made Lin Hao's heart somewhat hesitant.

But at this time there is no other way, she can not let everyone lose their lives for this.

However, just when Lin Hao was about to contact Lin Chuan, a huge black hole suddenly appeared in the sky above the Five Cities Alliance.

"Are they going to fight? We will do it too !!! Hehehehe!"

At the moment when this cheap voice came, everyone was holding back.

Only Lin Hao's eyes widened at the same time.

The sound ... seems to be caused by the Big Dipper ...

"Ah ... you can take a coffin board again ... so cool ..."

Then came the voice ... wasn't that made by Nandou God ...

(End of this chapter)

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