, The fastest update of the latest chapter of the fruit of the Naruto **** tree in the other world!

The chaos in Qingbo City is gradually subsiding. At this time, the situation about the **** tragedy at the previous auction began to spread.

The speculation about Xian is not only [Xiao]. Several other major forces have also guessed something, so they have started to arrange nervously. The worry and nervousness can be seen everywhere, because if it is really Xian, then No one can escape his palm.

But everyone obviously won't just sit and wait for death. They can do what they can do, but what the final result is, they can only be left to fate.

As for the chaos in Qingbo City, it has gradually surfaced at this moment. It is the ghost of the people in [Heaven] who killed them during the second dark fall of the auction, which triggered the whole city. The unrest caused thousands of monks to be killed directly, and the war that triggered them indirectly led to the casualties of more than 30,000 monks.

And also when the major forces tried their best to rid the [Heaven] hidden in the dark, the Three Eyes Alliance had left Qingbo City by virtue of the town boundary because they knew that [Heaven] dared to start, Certainly not let the major forces seize it. Instead of wasting time there, think about what to do next.

The idea of ​​Xiao is simpler, because they are waiting for Lin Chuan's breakthrough.

In addition to Xuan Wu's departure to inquire about the information, others found a place with [Dawn] and [Break of Dawn], waiting for the progress of the matter.

The Xiangu auction was so noisy, obviously there is no way to continue, but the previous lot cannot be counted like this, everyone can only use their own contacts to exchange as much as possible for what they want, but the difficulty The greatness also made everyone lamentable.

Xuanwu's departure this time, in addition to inquiring about the information of [Heaven], also has a very important task, that is, to find the jade pendant about Zixiao Shenlei.

The assassination occurred at the time of auctioning this piece of jade, so that the auction could not go on. Although the Qin family took something, no one knew whether it was taken away in the end, and Bu Xie did not get reliable information from the inside. , But that piece of jade is no longer in the hands of the auction, so it is necessary to investigate it carefully.

Just as everyone was experiencing thrilling things, Lin Chuan broke through in his space quietly.

At this time, he has reached the key point of breakthrough. It is estimated that it won't be long before he can be promoted to the great consummation of the refining period, which means that Linchuan's Sanqing avatar can also achieve the repair in the later period of refining.

But this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that Lin Chuan's control of the space law of the realm of cultivation has once again reached a level of shock, reaching a shocking level.

This can be seen from the space where Lin Chuan is at this moment, because here is not the endless barrenness, but a variety of mountains and rivers Heze has appeared, although there is still no creatures, but it has already been with the so-called Xianfu outside. It's almost the same. What's more important is that Lin Chuan has absolute control over this space. He is the master here.

As Lin Chuan approached the edge of the breakthrough, his sea of ​​spirits began to surge wildly, as if to break through at any time.

"Is this going to break through?" The old Capricorn man appeared in the spiritual ocean of Lin Chuan, gazing at the endless spiritual ocean.

"Are there any breakthrough skills to teach me?"

Suddenly, a figure rose in the sea of ​​spirits, and it was Lin Chuan.

The old man was shocked when he saw Lin Chuan's figure, and then he smiled and said, "Stunning, amazing. The young people of today can do one thing at a time, and chat with my old man when he breaks through. It's up! "

Breakthrough is the most important time for a monk. Generally at this time, he will be fully absorbed, and there is no way to be distracted. However, at this time Lin Chuan broke up a consciousness to communicate with the old man. No wonder he would be surprised.

"I have nothing to give you. Your path is doomed, you just have to go down!" The old man said after a moment of groaning.

"Your memory is restored?" Lin Chuan asked, surprised when he saw the old man.

"No, just a few splinters!" The old man said.

Lin Chuan didn't ask again, instead he was devoted to the comprehension of the law of cultivation.

During this time, he not only cultivated, but hesitated the influence of Yuanjicao on the fruit of the **** tree, which made Lin Chuan have a comprehensive understanding of the operation of the cultivation world, which may help him now. Not big, but it will be a great help when he realizes the world in the future.

It's a pity that Lin Chuan is now in the ancient world. Although it has been assimilated by the cultivation world, the laws of many places have been blurred, which makes Lin Chuan unable to understand carefully. If he is in the cultivation world, he can There will be more to gain than now.

With the continuous understanding of Lin Chuan, he reflected the world of the ancient immortal in his own spiritual world, and slowly built a huge ancient immortal world with his spiritual power. He is like a supreme immortal. Looking down at everything in the ancient world.

The old man didn't fall asleep anymore, but stared at Lin Xianchuan's immortal world with his mental strength, his brows frowned slightly, and he seemed to be remembering something.

With the deepening of Lin Chuan's consciousness, the immortal ancient world of the spiritual world has become more and more perfect, and it is almost perfectly imprinted.

However, this does not include the first ancient world of immortality, because even the origin of the true world cannot be approached there, as if something is blocking everything there, making it impossible to spy on.

Lin Chuan originally wanted to simulate the atmosphere there, but in the end he was unsuccessful and had to stop.

"Where is this?" The old man looked at the ancient fairyland condensed by Lin Chuan ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, as if talking to himself and asking Lin Chuan.

"This is the immortal world!" Lin Chuan said.

"Xiangujie ... Xiangujie ..." The old man frowned, muttering constantly.

Lin Chuan ignored the old man who was nervous and continued to perceive the changes in the realm of cultivation.

"Immortal world ... that immortal? That ancient?" The old man suddenly turned and asked, as if he had grasped something critical.

"Of course it's a fairy, ancient and ancient, what's wrong?" Lin Chuan looked at the old man in doubt, did something go wrong there?

"No !!!! No! It's not immortal world ... this isn't immortal world ..." The old man suddenly started shaking his head madly, then squatted down holding his head, his body trembling constantly.

"No ... it's not the ancient world ... it's the ancient world ..."

"Yes, it is the ancient world ... not the ancient world ..."

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