Naruto’s God Tree’s Fruit in Other World

Chapter 1663: Beidou's misjudgment

"Brother, did these fierce beasts know your ability in the previous battles?" Lin Chuan groaned for a moment, and no longer cares about the situation of Baili Chenle, but directly sent a voice to ask Mu Li.

"I don't know, even if I used the tricks many times in the ancient world, they don't know!" Mu Li said.

"I see!" Lin Chuan said, his face a lot of dignity.

Maybe ordinary monks do n’t pay much attention to such information, and may even be pleasantly surprised, because the beasts do not understand their tricks, which means that they have a greater chance of winning unexpectedly, just like the dragon cricket just now. Knowing the characteristics of the skylight was directly hit by Lin Chuan.

However, such a situation is revealing a dangerous signal to Lin Chuan, that Prince Skull has no energy to control these fierce beasts, and all his attention is likely to be focused on the refining of fairy bones, which also means I am afraid that the whole process has reached a critical period.

"It must be decided quickly!" Lin Chuan made up his mind, and at the same time immediately spread the word, allowing everyone to speed up the process of fighting.

After receiving the notification from Lin Chuan, [Xiao] the pace of organizing the attack of the people has accelerated a lot. Except for some hole cards such as the tail beast, other powerful methods have been used.

As a yin and yang teacher, Xiao Heng did not directly participate in the battle, but he used the Yang Run to enhance the strength of the gods, and at the same time weakened the tail beast during the fit period with the Yin Run. The ability on the rune has also been strengthened a lot. It can improve the strength of everyone by about 30% in a short time, and there are no side effects, which is comparable to magic skills.

However, although the yin and yang charms are powerful, Xiao Heng has a limited number of exhibits and can't help too many people. In this case, he must give priority to those who promote [Xiao]. As for the other monks, it is to pick a few strong ones. To reinforce, ordinary people do not enjoy his assistance at all.

Shi Jin was not idle there. As an alchemist, he did n’t have many attacking methods, but he could n’t ignore it. After all, it was the old happy Danxian passed down, and there were still two brushes. He refined it and turned it into hundreds of gray-black pills. It has strong toxicity and corrosive power, which is very useful to deal with some injured beasts.

In the air, Beidou's figure slowly showed, his eyes exudes a faint red light, and the bone dagger on his right hand is permeating with the dark and dark red light, which makes him emit a fierce whole. Killing breath.

"The power of the ghost hand is getting stronger and stronger. Hunting these beasts of the fit period can **** more pure vitality than ordinary battle!" Beidou said to himself, breathing a bit thick, his breath has been constantly at this moment The fluctuations are as if some destructive power is being nurtured in them.

Faint red eyes swept across the surrounding battlefield, and Beidou was looking for his next target.

Although it is still difficult for him to want to single out a beast with a fit, but in the case of a sneak attack, joining other monks can still pose a great threat to the beast. As long as he appears, the battlefield is very fast. Will determine the outcome, which is his decisive role.

Soon, Beidou locked his target on a fierce beast like a giant rat. Under the dark black hair, countless scarlet eyes spread on it, which looked very strange and terrible.

The black breath flowed out of Beidou's body, his body quickly disappeared into the shadow and disappeared.

The fierce beast is called the Thousand-Eyed Rat. Although its strength is not particularly strong among the fierce beasts, it is very cunning. Even if there are three monks in the fit period, it cannot gain an advantage in a short time, and it is still being suppressed.

After Beidou's breath disappeared, he kept approaching the thousand-eyed rat.

His assassination will not notify others, even the friendly forces, which is why he often cooperates with Nan Dou. The two of them have already been very acquainted. In most cases, they do not need to communicate to know what the other party is going to do next.

Now, in this kind of battle, in the face of unfamiliar people, Beidou will not explain his tactics or communicate with them. He is treating himself as a lonely killer hidden in the darkness. In this way, he will fully exert his assassination means, instead of giving his life to strangers.


The black cold light passed through the void, and Beidou's right hand struck lightningly. A dark red light spread from the ghost-handed dagger, and it was wiped straight toward the back of the mouse.

Although the weapon is one inch long and one inch strong, the power of the ghost hand is definitely not comparable to that of an ordinary dagger. Even if it cannot hit the key of a fierce beast, its ability to devour vitality can also wreak havoc on the opponent ~ ~ More Coupled with the strong erosive and erosive powers of the Beidou Dark Spirit, the strength of the beast is often reduced by 20% to 30%. If it hits the key, it is also possible to hit the soul.

Han Guang passed through the back of the thousand-eyed mouse without any accident, but at the last moment, the thousand-eyed mouse seemed to have found something, and a sharp roar, the body immediately flung forward.


Blood splattered, and the sharp ghost hand directly broke through the powerful defense of the thousand-eyed mouse, but because the thousand-eyed mouse responded too quickly, the Beidou attack only scratched the fur and did not cause much damage to it. The dark power spread only a small piece and was locked by the power of the thousand-eyed rat.

"Dammit!" Beidou cursed, his breath leaked a little when he finally attacked, and was felt by the sly thousand-eyed rat, otherwise the blow was definitely not as simple as a skin trauma.

At this time, in accordance with the truth, Beidou was shot down, and it should be directly retreated regardless of the result. This is a necessary quality of the killer. One shot is retreat. That thirst for blood directly affected Beidou's judgment, causing him to chase and kill the thousand-eye mouse in the next moment, the ghost hand waved, and went straight to the key of the thousand-eye mouse.

At this moment, Beidou had only a thousand eyes in his eyes. He just wanted to insert the dagger in his hand into this ferocious beast, and devoured its pure vitality.

But at the moment when Beidou was approaching, thousands of eyes on the thousand-eyed mouse showed a fiery light at the same time, and all the eyes dim instantly, then the dark black hair on their back suddenly moved, and a strange eye suddenly opened. On, the black light burst out from it, and went straight to the chest of Beidou, which was close by.

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