"It looks like a floral fragrance!" Tang Cheng also smelled the fragrance and frowned slightly. How could there be a floral fragrance in such a fierce battlefield.

"Beware of poison!" Bai Ming's face changed immediately, quickly closing his breath.

In this kind of battlefield, special flavors are basically poisonous. Otherwise, who would be fine with spices, even a monk would not have the mood to do such things at this time.

"No, this is the scent of cherry blossoms!"

Suddenly, Fang Han's face suddenly changed, and toward the [Xiao] enveloped by dense fog in the distance, everyone was seen, and I saw the empty red body that was trapped in the illusion exudes a fiery red light, and a lot of cherry blossom petals Flying from its body, floating in all directions, the fragrance of cherry blossoms is emitted from these petals.

"Is Kong Chen out of the illusion?" Bai Ming asked, frowning slightly.

Earlier, there was a lesson learned from Suzaku. At this moment, Nuo Chen burst out with a lot of cherry blossom petals, which seemed to indicate that Nuo Chen was about to break away from Fang Han's fantasy control.

"But ... in my perception, he is still clearly in my illusion ..." Fang Han said uncertainly.

"What to do?" Tang Cheng asked.

Suzaku has brought a lot of shock to them after waking up. Seeing that the formation of [Xiao] was suppressed by the help of Feng Yuan's formation method, if things were awake, things would not be easy.

You know, Kong Chen is one of the top ten sons.

In previous encounters, Kong Chen's strength does not seem to be inconspicuous. It has been hidden under the light of Lin Chuan, and it is easy for people to ignore his existence.

But as the person selected by Xiangu, does he really have only those strengths?

"What do you think it is?" Bai Ming's pupils suddenly narrowed, his eyes staring at Kong Chen's direction.

Different from before, the color of the cherry blossoms flying from the air at this moment became deeper, showing a dark red color. After appearing, these cherry blossoms did not float like the previous cherry blossoms but gathered in Empty Chen's side, soared up, slowly condensed into a big tree.

This tree doesn't look tall, compared to the building wood, or the feeling of covering the sky with the ancient tree of Wudao, it is only tens of meters in height, just propped up above the empty Chen's head, like A cherry blossom paper umbrella was propped up for him, quiet and beautiful, and the dark red cherry blossoms slowly fell from the tree, scattered around the empty Chen, and spread into a carpet formed by cherry blossoms.

This scene saw the monks who were around, and even everyone in [Xiao] organization was a little stunned.

Because the airlessness at this moment seems to be isolated from space, everyone's breath can't be sensed. If it's not for the first time, this scene in front of you is like another world.

Sakura rain falls slowly, continually swirling around Kong Chen, like this, like reluctant lovers, entangled with each other, three lives three ...

"What's happening?" Prayer Master said pale.

In the previous moment, she felt a kind of indecent assimilation on Kong Chen's body. If it was before, the step trainer might not know what it meant, but at the moment in the tomb of Xuanxian, next to the immortal bone, this This feeling is too good to contrast, this is clearly the breath of immortality.

"What's going on? How could there be a fairy breath on Kuo Chen's body?"

Compared with the perception of Bu Lian Shi, there is a person in the field who is more familiar with Xian, that is, Shi Jin. At this moment, he is also wide-eyed and looks incredibly like an empty space isolated in another space.

"It's the cherry blossoms on him!" Nandou said solemnly.

"Where did the cherry blossoms on him come from?" Shi Jin asked quickly.

He and Xiao Heng joined the [Xiao] organization last. They did n’t know much about the Nanming continent before, so they did n’t know much about the empty Chen.

"The empty name is Zhou Yu. He is a prince of the kingdom of fire in the Nanming continent. In order not to join in the battle for conquest, he has not cultivated. He left the palace at a very young age. The ground encountered a tree cherry blossom, and associated with it. When Kong Chen was chased and killed, the tree cherry shot angrily and rescued Kong Chen, but also leaked his own breath and had to leave, but the tree cherry tree was unwilling Abandoning the empty Chen, he chose to sacrifice himself and merged himself into the empty Chen. This is the current empty Chen. "Nandou told Shi Jin everything he knew.

"Sakura tree ..." Shi Jin's face was cloudy and uncertain, as if trying to remember something.

"Before the sacrifice, the cherry tree was left with empty words. Rather, it would be a prosperous summer in the world instead of blooming in the fairyland!" Bu Lian Shi said immediately.

"Immortal world !!! That cherry blossom is a thing of immortal world, the red cherry blossoms are the scattered red cherry blossoms!" Shi Jin's face changed suddenly ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ What happened? "The trainer's intuition was wrong, and he immediately asked.


"Quick, let's get out of here!"

Shi Jin's face was full of anxiety and panic, as if he had encountered a great danger.

"What's wrong?" Everyone didn't understand what was happening.

"Don't ask, with Qinglong and Xiaoheng, we're leaving the empty Chen's neighborhood!" Shi Jin's tone was very quick, even with obvious fear and trembling.

[Xiao] Everyone in the organization has changed his face at the moment. No matter what, they are the first time to see Shi Jin reveal such a panic look. He is a happy reincarnation and can scare a fairy into this. Others Can anyone be alright.

They were not allowed to hesitate, and they immediately lifted Lin Chuan and Xiao Heng into spells and fled away.

At this moment, everyone couldn't control the fog or fog, all of them plunged into Feng Yuan's formation, and Suzaku sent out a large amount of golden lightning, constantly tearing the surrounding fog.

However, they soon noticed that the thick fog around them started to thin out automatically. At this moment, they discovered that the petals of the cherry blossoms that had spread out had begun to burn these fogs, but strangely, the cherry blossoms had a little flame. None of them, no temperature at all.

Seeing this scene, Shi Jin's face turned whiter.

"Hurry up! Hurry up! It's too late!"

Shi Jin shouted to urge everyone, as if there was a big terror behind him.

Around Chen Chen, the cherry blossom trees still stood there, and a large number of dark red cherry petals fell like blood and tears, entwined around Chen Chen's whole body, sobbing like a cry, as if saying goodbye to his lover ...

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