"That woman ... is it scattered?"

At this moment, everyone in the organization [Xiao] saw the red woman cuddling next to Kong Chen. Unlike other people, they were able to see clearly the beautiful appearance.

This is a character that has always existed and is legendary. Everything about her comes from empty narratives, but oral and personal experience are totally two different concepts.

The noble and elegant temperament, the serenity revealed in a smile, can not be described in words.

"Every life around has disappeared, even Reiki!" Said the trainer with a solemn look.

Within the range of the sound of the piano, the cherry blossoms spin down like a drizzle. The petals of these cherry blossoms do not have a little firework atmosphere, nor any temperature, but it is these cherry blossoms that burned all the nearby life and aura, creating a piece The only realm of purity.

"Fortunately, fortunately, she hasn't completely died, otherwise no one can survive in the area where the cherry blossoms drift!" Shi Jin squeezed a cold sweat.

On the battlefield, everyone's eyes gathered in this place, especially the scattered figures.

"How could it be her? She has fallen to the immortal world ..." Prince Zilu finally recognized the figure at this moment, and his face became very ugly.


The black light was suppressed from the bones of Xuanxian, and the Prince Prince's skeleton, who was in a state of fluctuation, was pressed down to the ground, and it seemed that he wanted to take the opportunity to regain control of the initiative.

"Huh! You only have a bone frame, what wave do you want to turn up, how scary is the scattered red cherry in the fairy world, or is it in the present scene? Do you think you can surpass her?"

The prince skeletally said sharply, the golden light gushing out of the body, and once again started a tug-of-war with the fairy bones.

Although Xianguo can suppress Prince Ziku in a short time, but over time, Xiangu has no subsequent energy support. It is a matter of time before it is refined. Prince Ziku is not in a hurry. His only fear is what happened on the battlefield.

"I didn't expect someone in [Xiao] to get the scattered red cherry, but unfortunately, she is not the same as she was, otherwise, who else can do anything in this field ..." Prince Zilu finally glanced away. The woman in red immediately put her eyes away and concentrated on fighting against the fairy bones.

Qin Yin gradually became thinner, and the red woman snuggling on Kong Chen also became thinner. The cherry trees behind them gradually withered, and all the petals fell and fell ...

"The time is still so short, but unfortunately I can't play for you anymore ..." Ling Luo said in his ears.

Tears slipped from Kong Chen's tightly closed eyes, and fell on scattered clothes.

"Actually you don't have to be sad, because I have been with you!" The sloppy figure has been illusory, and murmured softly in the ears of Kongchen.

After the words fell, she looked at [Xiao] in the distance before organizing the crowd before disappearing.

"You don't have to work hard to resurrect me. Your strength is still far behind. Tell Zhou Yu that I don't want him to go to the fairyland, but if this is his wish, I will follow all the way!"

After speaking sporadically, the figure turned into a streamer and disappeared into the falling cherry long piano. The strings trembled and emitted a slight buzzing. It seemed very reluctant, but was unable to stop all this.

Everyone looked at this scene silently, and the cherry blossoms beside Kong Chen left an indelible image for everyone present.

"Immortal is poisonous ..." Shi Jin echoed these three words in his heart, and his eyes were so deep that he felt scared.

The fragmentation disappeared, and the falling cherry long humming into the empty Chen body, and then, a terrible breath swept out of the empty Chen body, originally only the empty Chen Chen period of the refining period began to grow crazy, attracting the world Because of this color change, it takes only tens of breaths, and the repair of the empty Chen directly exploded to the early stage of the fit ...

"Empty Chen ..."

[Xiao] The people in the organization immediately rushed to the other side. They were not sure what the state of the air was at this time, but in any case, there was nothing wrong with protecting him.

"I'm okay, let's continue fighting!" Kuri-chan slowly stood up. When the crowd came to him, he had completed all the breakthroughs, and he would be stabilized in the early stage of the fit, which made everyone on the scene startled.

However, this vacancy skipped the refining period from the late refining period, and reached the early stage of integration. The breakthrough speed was completed in a few breaths, and it did not absorb any aura from the outside world.

Not to mention ordinary monks, even the arrogant monks are dazzling. They have seen fast cultivation, but they have not seen it so fast.

Many people are aware that this is related to the woman in red just now, but even so, they are very horrified. Who is this person that can actually allow a monk in the later period of refining to be promoted to the fit period in ten breaths.

[Xiao] People are relatively calm, but it is not surprising to say that it is false.

The improvement of the empty Chen Xiuwei has always been different from ordinary people. When Lin Chuan first encountered the empty Chen, he often jumped to improve the cultivation, but this state is rarely seen after the cultivation is high ~ www. wuxiaspot.com ~ I didn't expect to appear again at this time.

"Just ..." The lingering teacher stopped talking.

"I know that Qinglong hasn't woke up yet, so let me take the lead in this battle!" Kong Chen remains indifferent, without any changes.

Hearing this, other people are not good at saying anything, maybe only fighting can dilute the feelings, or vent their feelings.

Gong Chen's eyes glanced past, and the scattered outbreak killed a lot of beasts and monks around him. Yuan Cheng's Tang Cheng was slowed down a bit and was turned into nothing in the realm of purity, and Feng Yuan arranged All the matrix formations of Qi were cleared at the moment, and there were only three people in Yuanzong, Fang Han, Bai Ming and Feng Yuan.

These three people saw the situation was not good, they have fled to other battlefields, and dare not organize confrontation with [Xiao] in this state.

"Fang Han! What the **** did you do! Instead of causing casualties to [Xiao] 's people, your illusions have skyrocketed. Instead, they jumped two stages to reach the stage of integration. Fearful, we have several of them as his opponents! "Bai Ming said pale.

"I ... I don't know ..."

Fang Han's face was also pale because of the blood sacrifice, and his eyes were filled with incredibleness.

Although Suzaku ’s cultivation has not been improved after waking up, his strength has increased a lot. The empty Chen has been directly promoted to the fit period. If it is not seen by his own eyes, Fang Hanzhen does not know that his illusions have been improved for others. Ability.

"Fortunately, Qinglong has no problems ..." Fang Han murmured.

However, her voice had just fallen, and there had been a sudden violent spiritual fluctuation in Qinglong who had not been moving. The breath began to rise rapidly ...

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