The hall is very wide, and it can accommodate thousands of people at the same time, but the light inside is very dim. There is no other window except a little light coming in through the door.

Tong Nandou lifted his right hand, and a ball of pure white light burst out. After rising, it hung under the dome, making the whole hall light up instantly.

"This seems to be a training room ..." Bu Lian Shi looked at the scene in front of him, guessing.

Many sapphire futons are fixed on the ground of the main hall. The arrangement is very neat. The walls around the hall are engraved with mysterious patterns and spread on the dome. They are different from the previous main hall formations.

In the direction facing the doorway, the huge walls were carved with exquisite patterns, which were completely different to go around.


Zhe Linchuan jumped over a distance of hundreds of meters directly to the mural, followed by others.

"This ... this is a map ..." Everyone was shocked to find that the carvings on the walls were not decorations, nor ordinary mountains and rivers, but a huge map.

"Where is the place depicted on this map? It doesn't seem to be Nakagawa continent or the immortal world ..." Suzaku looked at the map and said.

"Look there ..." Lin Chuan pointed his right hand at an area in the map. That place was a mountain range. On the highest peak, there was a mark unique to the Capricorns, which was invisible to others. It can only be seen by Lin Chuan, and beside the mark, the words Zhouguang were written.

"There is also the word" Zhouguang "..."

"That too ..."

Everyone couldn't see the unique mark of the Capricorns, but they could see the two words of Zhouguang. There were twenty-three places marked with the two words of Zhouguang on the entire map. The only difference was that Lin Chuan first pointed out That mark is red.

"Is this Temple of Light should have been on that mountain peak, but it was later moved over?" Beidou said in surprise.

"It's very possible, there are a total of seven temple halls here. They should all be moved from the area marked on this map!" Nandou nodded.

"If you want to confirm it, just go and see a few other Temple Halls of Light!" Xiao Heng said.

Lin Chuan started Huangquan Biliangban and took the people to shuttle among the six destroyed temple halls. After all six temple halls walked through, they determined that these temple halls were indeed marked from that map. The location moved here is only 16 fewer than the 23 Temple Halls on the map.

"What the **** is this place, and why are there so many temples of Zhouguang ..."

"This should be the legendary Capricorn continent!" Lin Chuan said suddenly.

"Capricorn?" Everyone's face changed.

似乎 It seems that there is no such continent among the known continents, and none of the seven continents is similar to this map, which means that it is not as simple as changing the name of a continent.

"Capricorn mainland ... should be sinking ..." Shi Jin said suddenly.

"Do you know Capricorn?" Lin Chuan asked in surprise.

He heard the name because his physical mother had mentioned it to him. She was from Capricorn. At that time, Lin Chuan thought that her mother had misremembered it until he awakened the Capricorn Bible. Lin Chuan only linked the two.

"The name Capricorn is actually very old. In my memory, there is no record of this continent. Only some ancient ruins can find some clues. As for why Capricorn continent was destroyed, I do n’t know why. It is a taboo existence ... "Shi Jin worked hard to remember everything about Capricorn in his memory, but he found that he was also vague about the name.

也就是说 "In other words, before the Capricorn continent collapsed, some people moved some of the Capricorn buildings to the ancient world of immortals, especially these temples of light." Xiao Heng said.

"It should be like this, otherwise it is difficult to explain why the Capricorn ruins appear here!" Shi Jin said.

Tong Linchuan's brows grew deeper and deeper.

The Capricorn continent has been destroyed. This is an established fact, but why would anyone move the relics of the Capricorn to the ancient world?

If it is for inheritance, why not choose the Central Sichuan Continent, but choose the immortal world. Is it because of something on the Central Sichuan Continent that caused the destruction of the Capricorns and even the entire continent?

"Is there any record of the Capricorns over there?" Lin Chuan asked the ink cicada.

"No, or I don't have enough permissions to view this part of the content!" Shui Chan Chan shook his head.

In fact, the ink cicada's authority in Dayinlou is already very high. If she can't even watch it, it is likely that Dayinlou has no records about the Capricorn and even the Capricorn continent.

"Capricorn ..." Lin Chuan murmured softly.

As his strength improves, he increasingly feels that there are extremely deep secrets hidden behind these two.

At the end of the Battle of the Puppet Temple, Gongzi Skeleton mentioned the three major races that overwhelmed all beings in the ancient times, namely the Capricorn, the Tai, and the Tutu. These three races controlled the three verses. It is the indisputable three giants in the entire field of cultivation, but then it seems that something happened, which led to the annihilation of the three major races and the loss of the three original verses.

"Let's go out!"

Zhe Linchuan led the crowd out of the Temple of Light and returned to the starting position.

From the results of the recent investigation, only one of the seven Zhouguang Halls here is intact, that is, the one where Lin Chuan's shadow avatar was killed instantly. All other things were destroyed, but even if they were destroyed These temples of Zhouguang have also been moved from the Capricorn continent thousands of miles away, showing how important this thing is.

Zhe Linchuan speculated that the remaining sixteen Zhouguang Temples might have been completely destroyed ~ ~ Otherwise, they would not move.

The problem now is that the only intact Zhou Guangdian seems to be very dangerous, even if one is bad, it will die or die, but if you do n’t go in, I'm afraid I can never find out what kind of secret is hidden in it.

Everyone is lost in thought, which is a very difficult problem.

"You are waiting for me here, I will go into the Temple of Light to see it alone!"

After a long time, Lin Chuan said to the crowd.

"But ..." Everyone wanted to dissuade, but was stopped by Lin Chuan's hand.

"It's just a Sanqing avatar. I can still reunite when I die, but the secret here, I have to explore it, and only I can explore it! Because I am a Capricorn!" Lin Chuan's voice fell and turned. Walked step by step towards the Temple of Light.

(End of this chapter)

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