In the Banyan Tea Room, all nine people were seated. The empty tree house seemed extraordinarily quiet. The sun radiated a little light through the green leaves of the Banyan tree and fell on everyone, like a starlight.

The owner of the tea room stood tremblingly at the counter, but he did not dare to leave because the nine people sitting in the tea room at the moment were all real gangsters, and he had n’t had enough repairs during a refining period. Look.

"Boss, bring the best tea you have here, and then you can go!" Baili Chenle said to the boss.

"Okay!" The scars on the middle-aged boss's face trembled, and the original vicious look even felt a little joyous at this moment.

After the tea was well served, the boss left his tea room without looking back. The air pressure here was too low for him to be able to stay at this level.

Lin Chuan glanced at Lin An and Mu Li, but they haven't seen each other for a year. Both of them have now broken through to the fit period. The repair is a rapid progress, and judging from their breath, the repair is now completely stable Down, it should be adapted to the increase in strength brought about by the fit period, but so far, he doesn't know what the field capabilities of the two are, and it is said that no one can push them into the field of display.

"The Zero Burial God made us all come this time, I don't know what to discuss?" Lin An asked while sipping tea.

聚会 This party is the head of the organization [Xiao], and naturally, it is necessary to start with zero funerals.

Tochigi Li did not speak, but her eyes fell on [Xiao].

This time [Xiao] there were three people in total, Penn Tiandao, Lin Chuan, and Practitioner. With this configuration, in fact, Lin Qing, the blue dragon god, was still able to speak.

"That's it. Before the funeral, I got an information from a [Heavenly] killer. They seem to be doing something in the first heavy ancient world. I wonder if you two heard about it?" Lin Chuan said directly. .

"The first ancient world of immortals?" Lin An's eyes narrowed for a moment, and she exchanged a look with Baili Chenle.

Tochigi also seemed somewhat surprised at Lin Chuan's mention of the first heavy ancient world, apparently knowing something.

"Is there any specific information?" Lin An asked.

"The memory of that killer was sealed by a powerful secret method, and I was forced to break the meeting to directly destroy myself. Therefore, I can only read the unsealed information. From this information, [Heaven] has been issued to all the killers. One command is to drag the major forces in the ancient world of the ancient world to the outside world as much as possible, not to let people approach the first ancient world of the ancient world, so I suspect they should have done something in the first ancient world of the ancient world. And it is something that must not be known to the outside world! "Payne explained.

Zhe Lin'an frowned slightly, and the tea cup was placed near her mouth, but she did not drink, but sniffed the fragrance of the tea, as if she was thinking about something.

He Ermu was quietly transmitting a message with the members of Dawn next to him, discussing something.

Zhe Linchuan did not disturb them and chose to wait patiently.

All he can say has been said out. Now it is time to see what these two have in mind. After all, the Three Eyes Alliance is not a close cooperation alliance, it is more because of the binding of interests.

"Since the Zero Burial God said so, let me also talk about the intelligence on our side!" Mu Li took the lead in speaking, with a somewhat solemn tone.

"Before we tried to go to the first heavy immortal world, but in the second heavy immortal world, we met a powerful ferocious beast. With our strength, we couldn't fight hard, we could only return, and during this time, I I have collected some information that is extremely important to me. This information can allow me to improve my strength as much as possible, and the strength of the entire organization ... "Mu Li said slowly, seemingly considering the sentence.

"You mean, you're caught in something, right?" Lin An asked directly.

"You can understand that!" Mu Li nodded.

During this time, he found a lot of needed information. With this information, his strength has grown rapidly throughout the [Dawn], making him have no time to worry about the weirdness of the first world of ancient immortals.

There was nothing at all, but when Lin Chuan mentioned that the order from [Heaven] was to drag all the major forces away from letting them approach the first world of ancient immortality, Mu Li felt that there was nothing wrong.

Why did it happen at this time that they collected intelligence, and where did this intelligence come from? Will it be related to [Heaven]?

"Let ’s say this. The situation of [Break of Dawn] is the same as that of [Dawn]. We have also collected a lot of information in the recent period of time. These information can help our [Break of Dawn] 's rapid growth in strength. I will not hide you. Huashi has used this information to break through the period of integration, and Xueshi and Yueshi have also obtained the relevant information to break through the period of integration. They will retreat and break through the period of integration in the near future. No time to take care of the first immortal ancient world! "

Zhe Lin'an said solemnly.

I heard here, Lin Chuan's face has also changed.

He recently received information about Zixiao Shenlei. This is an important opportunity for Qin Lang's resurrection and himself to break through the thunder law and obtain the evil evil Shenlei.

And if you push forward, you will enter the Capricorn ruins, and also use the collected information. The existence of the Zhouguang Temple allows them to greatly improve their strength in a short time ~ ~ This makes them ] The organization was completely dragged into the third largest ancient world, let alone to explore the first heavy ancient world, Lin Chuan did not even think about going to the first heavy ancient world.

Originally, these things didn't seem to be related to each other, but this time, through the communication with Lin An and Mu Li, Lin Chuan found that he had been dragged on unconsciously.

This is no longer a conspiracy, this is a conspiracy! !! !!

Give you an opportunity to increase your strength, do you want it or not?

If you want to, then you have to pay the price of time to search, digestion, and even fight with each other. If you do n’t, how much strength do you have to enter the first ancient world?

The horrified expression appeared on the faces of the crowd at the same time. They were all smart people. As soon as the information of each other was exchanged, they immediately discovered the strangeness in it.

所有人 All of them have been unknowingly unknowingly.

"I think of a possibility ... this information ... not everyone can get ... that is, the person standing behind [Heaven] ..." Lin An's breathing was a little sharp, and her eyes were sharp.

"Son of Xiangu!" Lin Chuan spit out these four words.

Thank you for your reward of 5880 books!

(End of this chapter)

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