Naruto’s God Tree’s Fruit in Other World

Chapter 1610: Crazy Spirit Stone

The Qin family is waiting for the increase in the price of the private room on the 13th. There is no left and no right.

Uh ...

包 The whole private room quickly became silent, needles were audible, everyone's face became ugly, and Lengheng slowly leaked from their foreheads.

I said a good price increase! !! !!

Why stopped at this time!

You have a price increase!

However, this time they did not wait for Lin Chuan to increase the price. What they waited for was Mu Lan's congratulations to the thirteenth private room to take a thunder ball. The transaction price was 6.5 billion spirit stones!

Qin Ming was a little embarrassed. He couldn't understand why he was defeated in this contest and was directly pitted with 1.5 billion spirit stones. Although he got the thunder bead, his distressed feeling made him almost can not breath.

晓 [Xiao] It's not happy to organize here. After learning that Lin Chuan Yin overwhelmed Qin Ming, everyone felt very deflated.

In the next auction, as long as the Qin family's lot was sold, Lin Chuan basically inserted a hand, making the Qin family completely passive, and there was a rebirth eye. Every move of the Qin family was in Lin Chuan Under the watchful eyes, they have no way to counter Linchuan.

In addition to the Qin family, Lin's family in the private room on the 11th day was also overcast by Lin Chuan several times. Anyway, he had no resentment against Lin Chuan anyway.

However, Lin Chuan noticed that although Lin An was sitting in the Lin family, [Dawning], like [Xiao], also occupied a private room in the ground-shaped private room. They had a mysterious avatar operation. It is not surprising that for [Break of Dawn], Lin Chuan did not choose to take a shot. After all, everyone is still in the same alliance now, and it is not necessary to tear his face for the time being.

黎明 And [Dawn] is the same, but Mu Li has no avatar, his true body can only be in the Zongzi private room in Yuanzong, and only the core members in the private room.

In addition, with more and more people seeing reincarnation, Lin Chuan also found a lot of familiar faces among these monks, such as Huang Ling of the floating spirit realm, and the Lord of Youhua County, etc. These people are basically Shangdu plays an important role in their respective forces. If necessary, Lin Chuan can use the power of these people.

However, Lin Chuan paid special attention to it, but did not see Lin Chen's figure in the auction venue. I don't know what this person is doing now.

The auction for a long time came to an end. Lin Chuan also took some good things, but was also blocked by the Qin family and others. After all, he had done the same thing to others before, and it was inevitable that others would respect him.

Therefore, after discovering such a situation, Lin Chuan calculated his plan and chose frequent shots. Regardless of what he was, he would intervene. Because of the relationship of reincarnation eyes, he could clearly see the discussion of these people, so Can stop at critical moments and let those treasures fall into the hands of these people.

After two visits, the Qin family and the Lin family also ate a meal and learned a lot. They did not dare to shoot at Linchuan casually. The entire auction was only half a day, giving these two families a feeling of vomiting blood.

He is so disgusting.

Qin Ming forgot about it. In this half-day, he was pitted by the people next door to nearly 10 billion spirit stones, part of which he wanted, and the other party coaxed the price, causing himself to spend more than the price of the stone purchase. He wanted to block, but after a few biddings, he stopped and fell in his hands. The whole process made Qin Lang feel as if he had encountered his greatest enemy in life, Tian Ke.

The Lin family is not much better. Their enemies are many. It is not only [Xiao] that wants to stop them, but there are many other forces, so they do not know who is making trouble.

After the first half of the auction, there will be a rest period, so that everyone can sort out the previous auction and see what they have earned. For the forces of the four private rooms in Tiandirenfan, the morning auction is just an appetizer. The big head is still the second half.

后 After the auction began, the number of auctions in private rooms increased significantly, and the quality of treasures became higher and higher, gradually stimulating the atmosphere of the auction.

Lin Chuan still maintains his previous shooting style, both wanted and unwanted shots, so that others can not understand his mind, many people became cautious after seeing the means of the private room No. 13 A lot, some dispensable treasures. If Lin Chuan wants, many forces will choose to let go. They are really afraid of Lin Chuan's revenge.

Soon, the finale auction began, but unfortunately, the jade pendant of Zixiao Shenlei was not in today's lot, but Linchuan's five elements Pei Yuan Dan Danfang was listed.

Zhe Linchuan handed over three dan fangs to Bulu. These three dan fangs will not be auctioned together, but will be auctioned separately, and only one will be auctioned today.

Lin Chuan wants to see the situation first. If the price is satisfactory, he may put a few more Danfang on it. Anyway, Shi Jin's secret method is added to this thing. Each Danfang can only learn by one alchemist, and he is not afraid. The secrets will spread.

"I believe everyone has heard of it. This time we are going to auction a Danfang called Wuxing Pei Yuan Dan. Its effect has been verified by our special alchemist, and it does have the ability to improve the spiritual roots. Effective, and the lower the original talent ~ ~ the better the improvement, do you have any heart? "

Xi Mulan's silver bell-like voice with its unique charm echoed throughout the auction floor, making all monks' breathing quicker.

Especially in the quadruple private rooms of heaven and earth, many people who had closed their eyes and opened their eyes all opened their eyes.

From the beginning, the five elements of Peiyuan Dan's Dan Fang is the target that many forces want to snatch. It is actually that the effect of this Dan Fang is against the sky. It can completely control the rise and fall of a large force. This effect may not be visible in a short time What, but over time, it is very scary for the promotion of a power.

"Well, I believe everyone has been looking forward to it for a long time, and I wo n’t say much, but if the jade box is in my hand, the auction will now start with a starting price of 3 billion spirits, and each increase must not be less than 100 million spirits. Stone! "The moment Mu Lan's voice fell, the walls of the heavenly and earthly quadruple box began to beat various figures, which can be described by madness.

Lin Chuan originally thought about making a few shots to help Dan Fang raise the price. Now it seems unnecessary, because the rate of price increase has exceeded his expectations, even in just ten breathless Time directly surpassed his estimated transaction price of 5 billion spirits.

"Is this ... so crazy?"

晓 [Xiao] The others in the organization were stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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