Naruto’s God Tree’s Fruit in Other World

Chapter 1630: Reborn (thanks to the giant panda xl ten thousand book coins)

Three hundred kilometers away from the Qin family, a golden silk thread diffused in the air, and the cracks in the space opened. [Xiao] Organized everyone to step out of it and land on the ground steadily.

Liaobu Trainer's body exudes a weird wave, completely shielding the surrounding perception to prevent it from being perceived by the monks of the Qin family.

"According to Bai Jue, it is difficult for us to fight against the Qin family this time!" Nandou said.

The number of monks from the Qin family ’s own family, plus the casual repairs they have recruited, are close to a thousand, and there are still many monks in the fit period. [Xiao] Although they can cope with the monks in the fit period, they are small in number. In the case of them, there is no way they can do more. Besides, there are hundreds of monks in the refining period, and they cannot ignore them.

"The Qin family prepared well. It should have been prepared for this moment. From this point, we can also see that they attach great importance to this piece of jade. Now from our learned information, whether it is Dayinlou Bian, or Bai Jue, did not find in the hands of that piece of jade, which is the most difficult. "Bu Lian Shi said solemnly.

[Xiao] The goal this time is to **** that piece of jade, not to destroy the Qin family. Besides, from the current situation, if you want to kill the Qin family, it is estimated that it would be impossible to complete the battle without zero funerals and Qinglong, after all Lin Chuan had the most immortals in his hands. Without his participation in the war, many of their powerful methods could not be used.

This forced [Xiao] to figure out who Yupei was in beforehand, and then targeted the attack. After grabbing Yupei, he relied on the town boundary to quickly evacuate, not to fight a protracted battle.

The problem now is that in the entire Qin family, I am afraid that only Qin Ming and other senior executives know who Jade is in. Others do n’t know at all. If they want to inquire about intelligence, they ca n’t get information unless they go directly to Qingming. .

"I miss Lin Chuan a bit!" Meng Jingxian said helplessly.

Whether it is Payne ’s human world or Lin Chuan ’s other gods, it is easy to get information and even Yu Pei, but this matter is put in their hands, and the difficulty is raised by several grades in an instant.

While everyone was thinking about the countermeasures, the walker's look moved slightly, turned out to be the voice of Mu Li.

"I know you want the piece of jade in Qin's hands, but this thing is not simple. I have some information here and should be able to help you. In addition, if you need it, we can do it at dawn You repaid me last time! "Mu Li said sincerely.

The trainer did not tell Mu Li and Lin An what they were going to do when they separated before, but apparently they had long guessed.

"Are you also interested in that piece of jade?" Bu Lian Shi asked.

"I want to use Zixiao Shenlei to refine the body. If I can, I want to enter that world with you, of course, if it is not convenient, then forget it!" Mu Li said.

Like Lin Chuan, he awakened the True Sutra Sutra. This original scripture of the physical body can make them easily become powerful practice monks, and Mu Li goes deeper on this road and studies more thoroughly. Already considered a complete practice monk.

After the information about Zixiao Shenlei was made public this time, Mu Li had the idea to use Zixiao Shenlei to refine his body, but Yuanzong's affairs distracted him a lot, and he never had a good chance to achieve this. Now, if he can join hands with [Xiao] organization, he is certainly a hundred willing. After all, their goals are different and they do not affect each other.

Liaobu trainer pondered for a moment, and finally said, "Yes, you can give me a coordinate, I will pick you up with the town boundary plate!"

The decision made by Step Trainer was not blindly trying to use the power of Mu Li, but because she knew that if Lin Chuan was making the decision at this time, then Lin Chuan would certainly agree, so she would not have to Then consider other things. After all, this is Lin Chuan's elder brother. It is a matter of time to recognize each other. Before the relationship is handled well, it will be a less burden for Lin Chuan.

Soon, [Dawn] came to [Xiao] through the space channel opened by the town boundary disk.

"Here are some of the information I collected, please take a look!" Mu Li handed a jade tube to the step-trainer.

Wu Lingzhi swiped, and the walker quickly glanced at the contents.

也就是说 "That is to say, the opening of that place does not happen at any time, but only the person holding the piece of jade pendant knows when he can enter that piece of purple Xiaoshenlei space, right?" Asked Lian Shi.

"Yes, this is why the Qin family is waiting again. The person holding the jade pendant should already have information about when they entered that space, so we must get that jade pendant before they enter!" Mu Li Said.

Everyone's brows were frowned, because it meant that the Qin family could enter that world at any time, so that the world left to everyone would be very small.

"Do you have any suggestions?" Asked the trainer.

"You should have a way to penetrate the Qin family?" Mu Li asked.

"Yes!" Buddhism nodded, there is nothing to hide ~ ~ Xuanwu, Beidou, can quietly enter the Qin family, even the monks during the integration period can hardly find their existence.

"Okay, I need you to help me pay attention to every move of the Qin family. No matter when they enter that space, they will always make preparations in advance. As for who is in the hands of Yu Pei, let us [Dawn] to investigate! "Mu Li said.

"How confident are you?" The stepper asked.

"Eight or ninety percent, if you have a better way, I am willing to cooperate with you!" Mu Li said.

Liaobu trainer groaned for a moment, asked other people's opinions, and finally agreed.

"Boss, wouldn't it be too risky to do this?" Tianfu frowned and said to Mu Li.

"Reluctant that the child can't bear the wolf, we always have to take a little risk!" Mu Liqing said.

"What are you going to do?" Buerling asked in wonder.

"I will personally enter the Qin family to inquire about the news!" Mu Li's voice fell, and a pale white light permeated from his whole body. After a while, his body shape began to change drastically, his height was raised a lot, and his body shape There is a lot of harmony, and the whole person seems to be reborn in an instant.

By the time Mu Li finally took off the mask on his face, he had completely changed into another person.

"This is ... the nine elders of the Qin family ..." The pupils of the crowd suddenly shrank, recognizing this strange middle-aged man.

"Yes!" Mu left the mouth, his voice was completely different from before.

This is the ability given to him by the Floating Mantra. No one can see his true face, because he is no longer in disguise.

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