"Yuyi, my ability is more suitable for the frontal battlefield. I will try my best to ensure that the frontal battlefield does not collapse. If you find an opportunity to enter the Xuanxian Mausoleum directly, don't waste the opportunity to stay here!" , Mu Li's voice echoed in Lin Chuan's ear.

Although it is clear that Mu Yuyi is only one of Linchuan Sanqing's avatars, Mu Li still used to call Lin Chuan as Yu Yi, which is a habit he has maintained since his memory was restored.

"It's not a big chance, Prince Skull will not leave such a big flaw for me. I just tried it with Huangquan Birangsaka. I can't approach the immortal bone by space ability!" Lin Chuan said, "but the fierceness of the fit period The beast will be left to you, and my goal will be mainly on those monks! "

The son of the top ten immortal bones has immortal bone jade pendants, which will have a great weakening effect on the beast, so their best choice is to deal with the beast during the fit period, but for Lin Chuan, he is dealing with monks during the refining period. In fact, he has greater control, so he does not plan to take any action at the moment.

"Okay, give it to us here, you should pay attention to your own safety." Mu Li said, although Lin Chuan is powerful, but after all, it is only the refining period. There are too many dangers that can threaten him. If it is not the case, Allowed, Mu Li will probably stay at Lin Chuan's side, and finally find his younger brother, he doesn't want to lose it again.

"It's you who need to pay attention to safety. Have you forgotten my Sanqing avatar? I'm afraid I have the most life-saving means!" Lin Chuan said with a smile.

"Anyway, after the war, I want to see you intact!" Mu Li said without a doubt.

"Okay! You too!" Lin Chuan solemnly said.

The conversation between the two brothers is now over, because the beast rushing ahead is almost in sight.

Zhe Linchuan's gaze directly passed these beasts, and the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye emerged. Nine hooks turned rapidly in it, and looked at the monks who came from behind the beasts.

Among these monks, Lin Chuan does not know much about them, that is, some of the famous names during the fit period. As for most of the other monks, they are casual practitioners. Taking refuge in the Prince's Skeleton is just a bet on the future. But Lin Chuan planned to get rid of it from the beginning.

缘 Feng Yuan is the first one.

Lin Chu was still in retreat when Mu Li was besieged by Feng Yuan last time. He did not remove this person. This time, Lin Chuan did not plan to let this person leave this immortal realm.

In addition to that, the three disciples of Yuanzong, if not [Xiao] timely support, Mu Li is likely to die in the hands of these four people, how could Lin Chuan let these three people live, and these three people He was also very ignorant of the current affairs and followed Feng Yuan to take refuge in the Prince's Skeleton, and Lin Chuan had no reason to stay.

"Everyone cooperate with me, kill Yuan Feng of Yuanzong first!" Linchuan's kaleidoscope writing wheel eye quickly locked a few people who were flying fast, and directly transmitted the message to [Xiao] behind them.

"Okay!" Everyone replied at the same time.

Yuan Yuan, after Lin Chuan and others focused their attention on Feng Yuan, as a monk during the fit period, Feng Yuan soon noticed Lin Chuan. After all, Lin Chuan did not hide his murderous power against Feng Yuan.

"Blue Dragon!"

The moment I saw Lin Chuan, Feng Yuan's face suddenly became frightened. Ten years ago, it was this man who struck him hard and forced him to flee the Nanming continent. Now the enemies meet, it is very jealous.

"Bai Ming, Fang Han, Tang Cheng, gathered all the monks of the Yuanzong, we will destroy the [Xiao] organization first!" Feng Yuan said in a murderous manner.

At this moment, Yuan Zong's three self-disciplined disciples also saw [Xiao] the organization of the people, and the black robe with red clouds on the black background was so eye-catching among all monks.

"If it weren't for them last time, how could we have fallen into the present end, this time we must make them all here!" Tang Cheng said with gritted teeth.

If it was not [Xiao] blocked their plan to assassinate Mu Li, how could they, as the disciples of the Yuanzong suzerain, fall to the point of taking refuge in the Prince's skeleton.

It can be said that it was wrong step by step. When they tried to assassinate Mu Li without success, they had lost all retreats.

Han Fanghan and Bai Ming were also full of resentment when they looked at [Xiao], and they were forced by this organization to this no return path.

Soon, more than twenty people who had followed them in the Prince's Skeleton had gathered, led by Feng Yuan and went straight to [Xiao] to kill the past.

There were not many monks in Yuanzong, and there were only a few of them following Fang Han. Compared to other forces, they were few, but each of the monks in Yuanzong was very strong. [Xiao] The same elite line.

As a killer, Beidou fell into the shadow as soon as the target was determined, and disappeared into the field of vision of everyone. Even his perception could hardly perceive his trace. All the breath converged. This made Yuan The monks of Zong's refining period created great pressure. There was such a killer ring waiting around, and they couldn't concentrate fully even in the battle.

The distance was drawn closer, Lin Kao's kaleidoscope writing eye was a little froze, and the pupil strength suddenly burst.


The black flames burned silently, and the area where Lin Chuan's focus was located immediately ignited melanitis. Several monks escaped, and Tianzhao melanitis burned directly on their bodies.

"Ah ..."

The screams erupted immediately ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The characteristics of the non-flammable nature of Tian Zhao Hei Yan made these monks' attempts to extinguish the flames with water spells fail, and Lin Chuan's Tian Zhao devoured Yuan Ji Cao in the fruit of the **** tree Later, the burning speed accelerated a lot, just a few breaths, and one of the monks during the refining period was burnt directly into fly ash.

"Be careful of Qinglong's writing wheel eye, as long as he avoids the intersection of his eyes, the flame will not burn to you. If he is unfortunately burned, immediately cut off the burned area!" Feng Yuan's voice echoed immediately. It is clear that Lin Chuan's ability is clear.

At this moment, Fang Han, who had been in Fang Ju before, suddenly shot. The environment around Lin Chuan changed suddenly, the original battlefield disappeared, replaced by high-rise buildings and many hurrying passersby.

This is Hangcheng, a city where Linchuan once lived. However, this memory, which belongs to Linchuan I, actually appeared in front of Linchuan at this moment, like God had a joke with Linchuan. Life Going back and forth, at this moment back to the origin.

"Lin Chuan, why are you waiting for English class to be late!" A passing student patted Lin Chuan's shoulder and pushed Lin Chuan towards the teaching building in front.

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