After finishing the affairs of Jin Chuan, Lin Chuan did not give the 13th prince any more help. For him, all this was done smoothly. It was up to him to decide which step Nakagawa Jin could take. He is completely in a stocking state for this person. He can succeed the best, and it is harmless if he is unsuccessful. After all, Xiao's goal is not to dominate the Nakagawa continent, but to immortal.

In the distance, the ambassador of [Xiao] has joined the battle, and has begun to counter the assassination of [Heaven]. Lin Chuan glanced around, and the preparation and step trainer also joined the operation.

However, at this moment, Lin Chuan suddenly noticed that something not far away seemed wrong.

"what is that?"

数十 A few tens of meters away from Linchuan, there is a faint gap, as if someone had scratched the black gauze in front of them.

这 Under this absolute darkness, the world seen by Kaleidoscope's writing wheel eye has a large number of black silk threads, blocking their vision, and in that place, all of these silk threads broke neatly.

"The killer's body is also there, that is to say ..." The gait master's eyes fell on a corpse on the ground, which was the [King Ting] early killer who was just killed by Lin Chuanyi sword.

"Under the moon!" Lin Chuan took a breath.

白色 The white crack was cut out with his sword.

After killing the killer before, their attention was focused on Nakagawa Chen, so they didn't notice the crack. At this moment, they saw that they were both shocked.

If Lin Chuan's guess is correct, this black silk thread is the power of Xuanxian's law. There was no power to destroy it before, even the immortals could not do it, but what they didn't expect was that the sword was cut off under the moon. Thanks to the power of Xuanxian's law, although these black silk threads show signs of re-adhesion, it is obviously impossible to return to the original in a short time.

Lin Linchuan knew that the beauty of the moon was mysterious and powerful, but did not expect that it could even cut off the power of the law of immortals, but this sword did not have the coercion unique to the immortals.

"What the **** is this month ..." Lin Chuan was filled with shock and doubt at this moment.

Before I killed the killer, he just felt that the moon was silent, and no one could see that it could achieve the effect of sealing the throat with a sword, but he did not expect such a situation.

In the first battle with Prince Edward, Prince Edward once said that if this sword was known to outsiders, Lin Chuan would be hunted on a large scale. This incident has made Lin Chuan remember so far, so he is very The sword is used less and the characteristics of the sword are rarely studied, but the situation now gives Lin Chuan a deeper understanding of the sword.

This sword is still useful to immortals.

"It's best not to use this sword lightly! Let's go!" Lin Chuan's voice dropped and he put away the corpse of the "Heaven" killer and destroyed the trace, and then started Huang Quan and Liang Liang Saka directly with the step trainer and left.

Soon after, dozens of black figures came one after another to the cracks, and constantly explored the surroundings.

"The skeleton said that the darkness here was broken, and it really is ..."

One of the killers stood in front of the crack and said softly.

He could not see anything around him, but standing here, he could see a ray of light, because the dark law of this area was broken.

"Who made it? It can break the darkness of Xuanxian!" Another asked in shock.

"It seems to be a son of a fairy bone. I remember I felt two people here before, but the distance is relatively long, I'm not sure!" A husky voice said that when he assassinated Nakagawa Chen, he was not far from here.

"Be careful whoever you are, there must be a special treasure in this man's hand!" Another voice appeared.

A total of eight killers were present, half of them were terrible in the mid-fit.

"Let's go, time is still left for San Xiangxiang. During this San Xiangxiang time, we must kill a few more sons of fairy bones, otherwise the fighting pressure will be great in the future!"

"I understand!"

At this point, the conversation ended, all eight disappeared and sneaked into the distant battlefield.

"These eight people should be the strongest fighting power of [Heaven]!" Lin Chuan muttered to himself.

猜 He guessed that Prince Zishou would send someone to investigate after the darkness was broken, so he left the place quickly, but let the reincarnation eyes of Mu Yuyi keep watching the area, and he saw eight killers.

"They said that there is still time for Misuga and the darkness will end, so we have time to Misaka to assassinate them!"

Kill and kill, who is the real prey.

"Go!" Lin Chuan led the step trainer and went straight to the direction of the killer leaving in the early stage of the fit and followed.

In the vision of Reincarnation Eyes, it is still possible to lock in the early killers of the fit, but those in the middle of the fit are a bit difficult. Even the wooden feathers will soon lose their tracks. Lin Chuan can only remind others to add more. Be careful.

On the other side, with the reincarnation eye and perception contribution, Beidou finally tried to kill [Heaven's Court] on a large scale after several attempts.

北 The Beidou in the dark is like a **** of death. With the ultimate stealth ability, he is constantly approaching a killer who is waiting for opportunity not far away.

This environment is not so much helping [Heaven] as helping Beidou.


The black cold light suddenly flashed, and the ghost's hand swept across the sky like lightning, and wiped directly from its throat when the killer had not yet responded.

Huh! The blood spewed out instantly, the killer's eyes were wide, but he couldn't say anything when he wanted to speak. His vitality was quickly pulled away, the black lines spread rapidly under the skin, and he spread all over his body in the blink of an eye until he died He didn't know why anyone would find him.

"the seventh!"

Bei Dou skimmed his mouth ~ ~ After feeling that the power of the ghost hand in his hand had strengthened again, the purple reincarnation flashed the cold killing intention.

Huh! At this moment, a dark shadow rushed to the back of Beidou, but Beidou didn't seem to find it, and still stood there.

The black dagger was lifted high and inserted directly into the back of Beidou. If this hit, Beidou may not have any chance of surviving.

"Shen Luo Tian Zheng!"

At that moment, with the Beidou as the center, the repulsion suddenly broke out.


There was a squeak, and the power of the dagger was completely stopped by Shen Luotian. Then Beidou turned around and drawn a perfect arc with his right hand, and the ghost hand passed directly over the killer's neck.

Alas, blood splattered and instantly killed.

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