Naruto’s God Tree’s Fruit in Other World

Chapter 1715: Presbyterian Church

Over the tomb of Xuanxian, the prince skeleton squinted his eyes, his eyes flickered slightly.

"It turned out to be brothers, this Lin family ... what do you want ..."

Looking at the scene in the distance, Prince Ziskou thoughtfully. Although Xuan Huangjian did not kill the three dragons, he let him know the true colors of Qinglong, and it was not too bad.

He was just killed and wounded by the beasts and monks in the whole battlefield at this moment. There were not many people who could use the prince skeleton, which caused him a headache.

"Son, what do you do next?"

[Tianting] The killer asked, Xuanhuang Sword did not achieve the expected effect. It is difficult to stop the sons of the Ten Immortal Bones, and when the killing method is used, everyone else is prepared for Xuanhuang Sword. They will use it later. In that case, the effect is not as good as it was just now.

"Retreat into the tomb of Xuanxian!" Prince Ziku said briefly.

杀 [Killer] is not good at frontal battles. At this time, it makes little sense for the people in [Heaven] to make a shot. It is better to let them enter the tomb of Xuanxian to temporarily save their power.

"There are not many people who can enter the tomb of Xuanxian. You only need to solve the people who entered the tomb!" After the words of the prince skeleton fell, he closed his eyes and re-entered the refinement of the fairy bone.

the other side.

After Lin Chuan's mask was broken, he simply showed people the true face without wearing a mask. At this moment, the crowd was surrounded. Many people's eyes were still hovering between Lin Chuan and Lin An. It seemed that they wanted to find a difference between the two. .

The domain of Mu Li's domineering body and the domain of Lin An's ten thousand law have already converged at this moment. Although the field consumes little monks, their fields are beyond the scope of the general field. This lasted a long time for their Consumption is also huge.

"The battlefield over there is left to you!" Lin An said to the other sons of fairy bones.

行 "Okay, take a rest!"

The leaders of the major forces nodded.

After the baptism of the two major fields and the celestial celestial celestial body, only about 20% of the soldiers and horses in the hands of the prince are left. Although the strength is the strongest, there are many serious injuries. At this moment, the remaining fighting forces have already been Enough to cope.

"What are you going to do next?" Lin Chen asked.

After handing those beasts and monks to the major forces, the sons of the Ten Immortals can finally free their hands to deal with real rivals, but the prince's skeleton is now in the tomb of Xuanxian. If he wants to enter the tomb of Xuanxian, the period of integration is great The basalt tortoise can't get around. With their current strength, it is still difficult to deal with this fierce beast. After all, this basalt tortoise can't do anything else, but the defensive force is probably the Mahayana monk who has to frown. .

"You must find a way to bypass the basalt turtle and enter the tomb of Xuanxian as soon as possible. I have a feeling that it should not take much time for the Prince's skeleton to refine the immortal bone!" Lin An said softly.

Although it was only speculation, this speculation was spoken from Lin An's mouth, and everyone could not believe it.

And Lin An's meaning is very clear, it is too difficult to break the turtle shell of that basal tortoise.

"Prince Skull has many means, and we must stop him as soon as possible, otherwise the longer the delay, the worse it will be for us!" Lin Chuan also said.

At this time, there is no need to oppose Lin An. In terms of refining fairy bones, Lin Chuan's inference is consistent with Lin An.

"The basal tortoise was handed to us by [Xiao], but we have to wait for a while, and everyone will take this opportunity to rest first!" Lin Chuan said immediately.

The crowd immediately looked at [Xiao] to organize everyone. The basaltic turtle was not only a successful monk in the fit period, but also had a bit of basaltic blood. The defense was terrible. [Xiao] could really get the turtle ?

However, since Lin Chuan said so, everyone is not questioning. After all, from the previous battles, Lin Chuan is still quite reliable.

After all the people had rested, Lin Chen quietly came to Lin Chuan.

"Your identity is exposed, be careful of the Presbyterians in the Lin family!" Lin Chen said.

Tong Linchuan frowned. "What kind of existence does the Elders in the Lin family have? Why do I need to be careful about them?"

"The Lin family is divided into two factions, one is the owner, and the other is the Presbyterian Church. The Lin family we usually see is the faction of the family, the Lin family on the bright side, and the Presbyterian Church is hidden from the dark side of the Lin family. The things that come out to solve are all that this elder will do. They can do it for the family, without any means, such as killing your beloved one, just because this person blocks your progress ... they often do this kind of thing ... "

When Lin Linchen spoke, an unconscious sigh of anger was sent between the eyebrows, so that people could clearly feel that kind of sharp killing intention.

"You shot the Lin family because of this Presbyterian?" Lin Chuan moved slightly.

"The Lin family may be able to keep it, but this Presbyterian Church, I will definitely get rid of it!" Lin Chen said coldly, "Don't think that I'm drawing you. It won't be long before they can know your identity, The next result can only be two results ~ ~ one, you return to the Lin family and enjoy the glory and wealth of the first-class cultivation forces, one, you refuse to return, they get rid of you, it's that simple! "

"Want to get rid of me? Just the Presbyterian Church of the Lin family?" Lin Chuan hummed.

"Maybe not in the fairy bone world. When out of the fairy bone world, the Lin parents will send three or four Mahayana monks to chase you and kill you!" Lin Chen said lightly.

Zhe Linchuan's gaze was slightly fixed, and three or four Mahayana monks hunted down. Will the elders of the Lin family be so horrible?

"In short, you remember one sentence, the Presbyterian Church of the Lin Family, for the Lin Family, everything can be done, that is a group of lunatics! Especially the leader of the Presbyterian Lin Huan, the strength is very close to the robbery period, the entire Lin family has a dark face All the forces are under his control, and even the owner of the Lin family may not have his power! "Lin Chen said, after the words fell, he turned away.

Some things are clear. As for what Lin Chuan will choose, Lin Chen already knew.

"Parent Lin's old meeting! Hehe, it is a bit like the roots of Muye. I was dug out of my eyes and thrown to the Nanming mainland. Was this the presbyterian's plan? Transfer the eyes of a cultivation waste to the cultivation genius It ’s really for the sake of the Lin family !!! ”

Lin Chuan ’s eye for writing has suddenly become extremely cold. He once promised to avenge 'Lin Chuan'. This has never changed, but he wants to kill more than Lin An who passively accepts his eyes. People are those who dominate all these tragedies behind the scenes.

His father is one, I am afraid this Presbyterian Church is also one.

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