The people went all the way to the depths of the forest. The more and more vines they encountered, the attack power became more and more terrible, and soon there were casualties. There were too many vines, and the ghosts appeared, even the son of the fairy bones. But come.

The only thing that can be easily dealt with is Xiao, because under the protection of White Tiger, they have not been attacked by vines at all, which has made other people more attacked.

"It won't work like this, many people will probably die here, Nan Dou, Yu Nu, you go to help!" Lin Chuan frowned.

The two immediately broke away from the protection of White Tiger and began to protect everyone.

After all, everyone is still a team, and they still need to help each other. Otherwise, seeing [Xiao] is so easy to organize, others will not say it, and they will be unhappy. Lin Chuan sent two people to help out. .

However, Lin Chuan didn't let the empty Chen shot, because the next few shots of the empty Chen must take shots, it is important to always maintain the peak status.

"found it!"

After about half a column of incense, the figure of the trainer stopped and looked forward.

That place was still far away from everyone, but the absolute perception of the martial artist had captured the situation there, and she was shocked that it was not a fine tree inferred by Bai Jue, but There are nine!

In the perception of the step trainer, the nine trees over there showed a ring shape, entangled with each other, each tree is different, but the root system of each other is magically linked, like a symbiotic system , Covering the entire Sixth Major Hall, the insignificant surroundings began to be cleared from the mind of the stepper, and what remained was the huge network composed of countless root systems.

What's even more incredible is that these nine trees are different, and they show completely different properties from the trees.

"The wood property is near us, while the trees in other directions are gold, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder ... This white and black ... is it a rare yin and yang property ..." Has been completely stuck in place, these nine attributes are exactly the same as those of Lin Chuan.

"Nine types of trees are exactly the same as mys?" Lin Chuan was shocked and speechless when he heard the scene described by Lv Bu.

"This forest has nothing to do with you, right?" Shi Jin asked dumbly.

"How could it have something to do with me? I was here for the first time, and Xuanxian was a character from many years ago. How could he have expected me to appear here!" Lin Chuan shook his head and frowned, though He also knows that this is a bit coincidental, but it really has to do with him. It's too far behind.

The step trainer did not reserve, and told everyone what he felt. After all, everyone had to face the nine trees together without having to hide anything.

"Nine attributes?"

Hearing this description, most people looked at Qinglong for the first time, because many people knew that Qinglong was the only nine-attribute monk. He first exposed eight attributes in Wujiedong Mansion in Xiangu crack, and later Qinglong Get the virtual spirit, complete the last kind of metal, but also achieved the supreme Jiuzhuandan, the strength burst.

It's just that everyone doesn't know whether Qinglong has gained any special ability after the 9th turn to split Dan, because he has never used it, but since then, the five elements of Qinglong have been completed successfully. Almost invincible, such achievements are rare in history.

"Interesting, the attributes of these nine trees seem to be exactly the same as those of the Qinglong God!" Lin An said with a smile.

"Then this heavy burden should be entrusted to the Qinglong **** envoy, why is it Lin Chen?" Mu Bai wondered.

"Maybe it's because of Jiuyi Sword Formation!" Lin Chen himself said.

He didn't know why this heavy puppet needed him to break it, but when the step trainer felt that there were nine symbiotic trees, the only thing he could think of was his acrobatic nine-pronged sword formation!

"Anyway, let's go over and look at it first!" Said the hoarse voice.

After a few adjustments, everyone quickly started on the road. With a clear goal, the speed of the people accelerated a lot. After spending half an hour, they finally came to the edge of the nine symbiotic trees.

From a distance, everyone could not see a single tree at all. It was completely a forest. A forest composed of nine trees. Numerous vine branches filled the area, but they showed different dim lights. Close to everyone. The edge is green, and you can see gold, blue, purple, and so on next to it ... The color permeated by the entire forest is more gorgeous than the rainbow. If these trees are not dangerous, it is definitely a rare beauty.

"Let's try it out first," Lin Chen said.

His fairy bone and jade pendant has a great bonus to him, which can enable him to face these nine trees that are in the perfect period of integration, and the words of others are afraid to get too close.

After the words fell, Lin Chen drew out the sword on his back and killed the nine big trees.

The nine peaceful trees that had been calmly erupted immediately after feeling Lin Chen's approach. The nine colors of light rose into the sky, the gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind and thunder yin and yang, and the nine attributes were mixed together into a hundreds of meters Palm, straight down to Lin Chen.

"Not good!" Lin Chen's gaze suddenly glazed, and he dared not approach again. The sword in his hand was stroked, and the sword was cut off, directly on the nine-colored giant hand.

Lin Chen's sword is different from Mu Bai's. There is no endless oppression, only the most violent blow will kill ~ ~ The power of each sword is very terrible.


A fierce roar resounded, and the nine-colored giant hand was chopped by Lin Chen's sword, but at the same time, the giant hand turned into a light again and merged into the nine trees. When Lin Chen was ready to shoot again, That light has swept over again.

Lin Chuan stared at the distant battle, his brows froze.

After he approached here, the nine big babies in the body even trembled slightly, it seemed to want to break out of the body. Obviously, the nine trees here seemed to have a great relationship with his nine-turned Dandan. The Wu Jue Emperor has been to the Immortal Bone Realm more than once, and everything here seems even more confusing.

"Let's try it out!" The emerald green light erupted on the trainer's body, spreading along the ground toward the nine large trees in the distance. The power of the wooden spirit is the purest of the wooden powers. Powerful, her shot may help Lin Chen break the deadlock.

At the same time, the jade girl also began to perform the destiny. She felt that the nine trees here might be able to make her cultivation a real breakthrough.

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