Naruto’s God Tree’s Fruit in Other World

Chapter 1784: The Secret of the Soul

The trainer frowned, but Lin Chuan's words did not respond.

Seeing the puzzled look of the trainer, Lin Chuan explained, "I have asked the people who have entered the relics of the Capricorn Soul Sect. There is no soul in the gate, but the soul is cultivated and refined. The secret method of the soul sect, at the same time, the soul is very high, and even has sporadic runes of the Capricorn Bible. If such a character is not among the existing characters of the soul cult, then guess who he may be? "

After Lin Chuan's reminder, Bu Lian Shi suddenly lighted up, "Do you mean, he is a character from the soul refiner long ago?"

"Yes, even I suspect that he is the founding ancestor of the Soul Refining Sect!" Lin Chuan said solemnly.

"How is this possible?" Bu Lian Shi showed a shocked look, his eyes were full of incredible.

"Nothing is impossible. According to rumors from the outside world, the soul-cultivation of the ancestors of the Sect of Soul Refining has reached the level of immortality, but he has n’t achieved it. How could such a terrible existence in the cultivation of souls be easily conceived? Think of Shi Jin, as a happy Dan Xian, he can be reincarnated, why can't the soul? "Lin Chuan said softly.

"Even I suspect that this soul should also know some of the secrets of the immortal world. This secret led him to give up his ascension, and choose to reincarnate like Shi Jin, and continue to mingle in the world of cultivation!" Lin Chuan said with a somber expression.

Having said that, the words echoed in his mind, immortal, poisonous!

Judging from the current situation of Lin Chuan, whether it is Shi Jin or Soul, they may have voluntarily given up the ascension after knowing something, and the reason for them to give up the ascension is probably because the fairy is poisonous!

"In addition, it is not difficult for soul refiners to change their bodies, especially when the soul has been cultivated to the extent of the soul. His body is just a skin that can be discarded at any time, as long as the soul does not Off, he is an immortal existence! "Lin Chuan continued.

A large part of these things are his speculations, but they are all reasonably inferred from the facts and should be inseparable.

"That is to say, when the soul got the fairy bone jade pendant, it attracted the attention of the entire fairy bone community. Therefore, in order to escape the crowd, he killed himself directly, changed his body, and hid again until he had to show up later. At that time, the vision of the crowd that he only appeared, and now after the end of the matter, he again uses the same method to get rid of the shell, and disappears into the vision of everyone! "The step trainer also quickly figured out the key among them. Said in shock.

I have to admit that this operation of the soul can be described as a miracle-like existence. I am afraid that no one can find this person's existence in the ancient world, because in theory, he may be any person now.

"Let's go! He doesn't want us to find him, and we can't find him, this person is hidden deep!" Lin Chuan said softly.

After glancing at Soul's body, the two turned and left.

The next time, Lin Chuan came into contact with some forces and families that had a good relationship with [Xiao]. After all, those who can win still need to win. As for those who are completely unfamiliar, Lin Chuan is too lazy to bother.

After finishing these things, Lin Chuan took out all the five elements of the Lingshi accumulated recently, sold them to Dan Yingge, changed a lot of Lingshi, enough to support the time spent in the Temple of Light.

Just when everyone thought that [Xiao] was going to make a big move in the last time, [Xiao] disappeared completely, and the whole ancient and ancient world had no news of them, even Dayinlou. I don't know where they went, as if the world had evaporated.

"With his space ability, if you don't want to be found, there is really no way!" Lin An said quietly, watching the information recently returned.

"You said, how are they going to resist the hunting and killing at the exit of the immortal world? Now it is determined that there are a lot of forces in the shot. I guess the Nakagawa royal family will also take the shot. By then, the Mahayana period, even the monks who have crossed the robbery period, , They have almost no way to resist, I'm afraid they will be killed in no time! "Bai Lichenle said with a calm face.

After all, he and Lin Chuan had some friendship. Although Lin Chuan and Lin An had grievances, but that was the matter of the two of them. It had no effect on him. Lin An was not angry because of his relationship with Lin Chuan. Anyway, this kind of personal relationship is completely a personal matter. If one day Lin Chuan and Lin An really have a war, he will most likely not help anyone.

"Don't underestimate the [Xiao] organization. As long as they can escape from the exit of the immortal world, the world is too big, there are too many places they can go. With the space ability of Qinglong, I suspect that the Mahayana period will not be chased. Now, as for the robbery period, after all, the outside world still doesn't know what's going on next month, and the probability of a monk in the robbery period is very low! "Lin An said softly ~ ~ Then ... Is the old assembly shot? "Bai Chenchen asked carefully.

"Shoot Lin Chuan, or help him escape?" Lin An asked directly.

"This problem depends on what you think of the boss!" Baili Chenle's helplessness spread his hands.

Lin An shook her head without speaking.

Time passes quickly, and the major forces take advantage of the last time to look for opportunities in the ancient world of Xian, but after the bones of Xuanxian were divided up by everyone, the coercion of Xuanxian's tomb decreased a lot. This was a good thing for everyone. It is convenient for them to explore, but the problem soon came. A large number of fierce beasts appeared in the first ancient immortal world and began to run rampant.

The Xuanxian skeletons were pressed before, and they did not dare to presumptuously, but now they are the most terrible force in the ancient world of immortality, because of these Mahayana period, there is a Mahayana period.

Not long after, the major forces were forced to withdraw from the first immortal ancient world, and even the second immortal ancient world is no longer a place where everyone can stay. Only the forces that have been allocated the mysterious skeletons in their hands can borrow The coercion of the bones barely stayed in the second-largest ancient world, and everyone else had to retreat quickly.

In the first ancient world of immortality abandoned by everyone, Xuanwu quickly shuttled underground, relying on the Xuanxian skull in his hand and the seal of the fairy animal beast to find a suitable hunting target.

He doesn't need to attack these beasts. He only needs to find the beasts Lin Chuan wants, and leave a mark on them. When the accumulation reaches a certain level, Lin Chuan will take the shots himself and collect them. beast.

This is Xuanwu's recent mission, while others are all retreating in the Temple of Light, relying on a thirty-fold time difference and the assistance of Zhuan Yuanzhu, all of them are growing rapidly.

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